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Background : A prospective study of the relationship between patient character and blood pressure in dental implant surgery

Background : A prospective study of the relationship between patient character and blood pressure in dental implant surgery

author: Masahiro Wada, Syunta Miwa, Tomoaki Mameno, Tohru Suganami, Kazunori Ikebe, Yoshinobu Maeda | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Implant prosthesis has already become one of the treatment options for missing teeth. In addition, under the appropriate maintenance therapy, its longevity is equal or higher compared to the other prosthetic treatments. On the other hand, patients who want to receive the implant treatment cannot avoid the insertion surgery. In addition, if there are hard or soft tissue defects at the planned site, even an additional surgery is necessary [1, 2]. Therefore, patients who want to receive implant prosthesis often suffer from mental and physical stress in the surgical phase.

In many cases, we can reduce physical stress under the appropriate anesthesia and monitor general conditions during or just before implant surgery [3]. Mental stress, such as uneasiness or fear, sometimes caused blood pressure elevation. However, this symptom gradually decreases just only by the rest at the place and does not become the problem for implant surgery in most cases. In fact, Schwarz-Arad et al. reported that there is a strong correlation between uneasiness for treatment and the experience of pain at the operation that patients received in the past [4]. They also mentioned that the degree of uneasiness became highest just before the surgery and gradually decreased at the end of the surgery. Morino et al. reported that one of the stress markers, chromogranin A level of salivary, was high before implant surgery [5].

However, in some patient cases, many dentists experienced the uncontrolled patients even if they provided enough informed consent and appropriately managed the general condition at the surgery; as a result, they had to stop or cancel the implant surgery. One of these reasons is thought to be the influence of the patient’s character. Pavek et al. concluded that mean levels of blood pressure of 85 men during a whole day are slightly affected by particular personality traits [6]. Pilqrim et al. also mentioned that acute anxiety or uneasiness can lead to a transient rise in blood pressure [7]. However, there are few reports about these relationships in dental treatment, especially in implant treatment. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between patient character and blood pressure in dental implant surgery.

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