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References : Clinical and patient-reported outcome of implant restorations with internal conical connection in daily dental practices: prospective observational multicenter trial with up to 7-year follow-up [1]

References : Clinical and patient-reported outcome of implant restorations with internal conical connection in daily dental practices: prospective observational multicenter trial with up to 7-year follow-up [1]

author: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Thomas Barth, Claudio Cacaci, Steffen Kistler, Markus Schlee, Michael Stiller | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

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Beschnidt SM, Cacaci C, Dedeoglu K, Hildebrand D, Hulla H, Iglhaut G, et al. Implant success and survival rates in daily dental practice: 5-year results of a non-interventional study using CAMLOG SCREW-LINE implants with or without platform-switching abutments. Int J Implant Dent. 2018;4(1):33.

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