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Two broad categories of AGMP have been documented in the literature: those that induce the patient to express the contents of the lower respiratory tract by stimulating cough reflex (sputum induction), and those that mechanically disrupt the contents of the respiratory tract.

Aerosol generating medical and dental procedures (AGMP & AGDP)

author: Purnima S Kumar, Kumar Subramanian | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

The SARS‐1, 2009 H1N1 MERS, Ebola and Zika outbreaks were instrumental in drawing attention to medical aerosols as sources of infection to health‐care personnel. Two broad categories of AGMP have been documented in the literature: those that induce the patient to express the contents of the lower respiratory tract by stimulating cough reflex (sputum induction), and those that mechanically disrupt the contents of the respiratory tract. The latter procedures typically include intubation/extubation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bronchoscopy, noninvasive ventilation, tracheotomy, airway suctioning, manual ventilation, and administering oxygen or nebulized medication. All these procedures are conducted on patients who are typically experiencing active disease, and therefore, the aerosols and droplets generated from sites with active pathogen colonization could potentially contain high numbers of respiratory pathogens. However, even though MAGP have been the subject of at least 400 different studies, questions still remain regarding the amount of aerosols generated, the size and concentration of medically aerosolized particles, and whether such aerosols could transmit viable pathogens to HCP or to other patients. For instance, the review by Davies et al. and by O'Neil et al. suggests that although the potential for aerosol production exists with AGMP, there is little evidence that these procedures actually do create aerosols.

During dental procedures, the “wet environment” created by saliva and water coolant combined with high‐speed instrumentation generates a large spray which disperses in many forms as dictated by the physics of aerosol creation (see section on characteristics of aerosols, above). Thus, the spray can initially take the form of spatter, droplets, droplet‐nuclei, a true aerosol, or some combination thereof; and continue to evolve based on room temperature, humidity, airflow dynamics, electrostatic forces etc. The term “dental aerosol”, therefore, is somewhat of a misnomer, because it does not encompass the various airborne particles that can be created during an AGDP. To avoid confusion, we will use the word spray unless the study specifically measured aerosols.

There are four main sources of dental sprays: air‐water syringes, ultrasonic instruments, high‐speed turbines, and lasers. There is no literature on sprays from air‐water syringes, so we will examine the evidence from the rest of instruments below.

7.1 Ultrasonic instrumentation

The quantity of sprays, spatter, or aerosol generated by ultrasonics, the distance travelled by the aerosolized particles and their composition have been studied using air samplers, bacterial growth medium placed at strategic locations, filter paper strips (with and without dye) on the patient and operator, and heme‐detectors. Sprays are generated during all types of procedures using ultrasonic instruments, whether it be supragingival scaling, subgingival scaling of periodontally diseased teeth or endodontic instrumentation. The amount of spatter and aerosol generated by sonic, ultrasonic or piezoelectric devices and distance travelled by airborne particles from these devices is similar or comparable. These sprays expose the inhabitants of the operatory to 1.86 × 105 particles per cubic meter of space, and the contaminants settle to a great extent on the dominant arm of the operator, and eyewear and chest of the patient and to a lesser extent on the non‐dominant arm and chest of the operator and assistant. They can also be detected as far away as 2 to 11 m from the treatment site. However, in the absence of a coolant, the aerosol is limited to an 18 inch radius. The levels of aerosolized particles return to pre‐operative levels within 30 minutes to 2 hours. In summary, there is unequivocal evidence that some of the spray from all types of ultrasonic devices is converted to aerosol, and while the spatter settles on the person of the operator, assistant and patient, the aerosolized particles can travel much larger distances and settle up to 2 hours after creation.

7.2 High‐speed handpiece

High speed handpieces can generate spatter containing blood and other components, and the amount of microbial bioload varies with the tooth being treated, as well as the caries level of the patient. It has been reported that microbial fallout from restorative procedures can extend up to 1.5 to 2 m, however, this study did not report the type of evacuators that were used during the procedures.

7.3 Laser instrumentation

When a laser is used to cauterize blood vessels and incise tissue by vaporization, it generates a gaseous material known as surgical smoke plume, which is composed of 95% water. The remaining 5% has been reported to contain blood, particulate and microbial matter. The particle size generated by lasers ranges from 0.1 to 2 μm. All Class IV lasers (surgical lasers) carry the risk of plume hazard. Although there is no evidence on lasers used in dental operatories, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, human papillomavirus, human immunodeficiency virus, and hepatitis B virus have been detected in surgical laser plumes used in dermatology and otolaryngology.


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