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Author information : A novel non-surgical method for mild peri-implantitis- a multicenter consecutive case series [2]

Author information : A novel non-surgical method for mild peri-implantitis- a multicenter consecutive case series [2]

author: J C Wohlfahrt, B J Evensen, B Zeza, H Jansson, A Pilloni, A M Roos-Jansker, G L Di Tanna, A M Aass, M Klepp, O C Koldsland | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

JCW, BJE, BZ, HJ, AP, AMR-J, AMA, MK and OCK participated in the design and undertaking of the study as well as drafting of the manuscript. GLDT carried out the statistics section and drafting of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Correspondence to J. C. Wohlfahrt.

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