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Background : The effect of membrane exposure on lateral ridge augmentation: a case-controlled study [2]

Background : The effect of membrane exposure on lateral ridge augmentation: a case-controlled study [2]

author: Mehmet A Eskan, Marie-Eve Girouard, Dean Morton, Henry Greenwell | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Various resorbable membranes exist in the market composing of dura mater, poly-lactic acid, polyglycolic acid, polyurethane, or mostly collagen. Still, even resorbable membranes show frequent events of membrane exposures after GBR procedures. For example, between 22 and 32% of early membrane exposure have been reported for collagen membrane by several authors [15,16,17,18]. A major drawback of collagen membrane might be that lose their integrity in 1 week [18] when exposed to the proteolytic environment of the oral cavity that leaves the graft material unprotected and can lead to graft loss.

Alloplastic barriers have been proposed as dental membranes for regenerative dentistry that show slower degradation but still good biocompatibility [19,20,21]. Among those, bioresorbable matrix barrier has been developed for periodontal regeneration and showed effectiveness to reduce epithelial down-growth while promoting the formation of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone in various clinical studies [19, 22,23,24,25]. However, the documentation of the performance of bioesorbable matrix barrier in GBR procedures is spares [26,27,28,29] and their performance in the case of matrix exposure remains elusive.

Therefore, this case-controlled study aims to investigate the effectiveness of GUIDOR bioresorbable matrix barrier for lateral bone augmentation procedures and the effect of exposures on its performance.

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