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Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap: a new technique for combined surgical reconstruction and rapid fixed dental rehabilitation following low-level maxillectomy [6]

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap: a new technique for combined surgical reconstruction and rapid fixed dental rehabilitation following low-level maxillectomy [6]

author: C J Butterworth, S N Rogers | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Whilst technically, it would be possible to construct and fit the prosthesis on the same day or even a week later, the need for microvascular flap monitoring in the immediate post-operative period, together with the significant recovery period required by the patient following surgery has lead the authors to delay the fitting of the prosthesis at the 4 to 6-week period post-operatively. In terms of ongoing clinical implant follow-up, no attempt was made at peri-implant probing for the oncology zygomatic implants perforating the soft-tissue flap as it was deemed important not to disturb the soft tissue seal of the skin flap around the implant abutments. No discharge or suppuration was noted during follow-up in this case. Periodontal probing around the conventionally placed zygomatic implants was undertaken periodically during follow up and remained within normal limits.

The use of a soft tissue rather than composite reconstruction may also facilitate a shorter hospital stay and allow adjuvant radiotherapy to be delivered in a more rapid timescale with possible impact on overall cure rates of this very debilitating tumour. The initial experiences with this procedure in over ten cases have been extremely positive with excellent appreciation by patients who value being provided with a fixed dental prosthesis so quickly after major surgery.

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