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Titanium is known to yield fewer allergic reactions than other metals such as nickel and palladium.

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (4)

author: Kyeong Tae Kim,Mi Young Eo,Truc Thi Hoang Nguyen, Soung Min Kim | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Titanium is known to yield fewer allergic reactions than other metals such as nickel and palladium. However, as mentioned in the "Results" section, titanium allergy symptoms have been reported in some cases. These symptoms can occur systemically with inflammation of the mouth, erythema, etc. Therefore, any history or suspicion of a titanium allergy would be considered prior to dental implant installation. As patients with titanium allergies are allergic to other metals, confirmation of a metal allergic response through a verification of medical history is important; these patients could be required to undergo patch testing prior to dental implant procedures. Patch testing is primarily used to test for allergic reactions to titanium and other metals. In the case of a titanium allergy, there are cases in which detection is not available in blood testing and there are cases in which patients may experience different reactions.

Yellow nail syndrome is another important aspect as shown in the "Results" section. In 2011, Berglund and Carlmark reported the first association of titanium with nail accumulation in the nails of patients with yellow nail syndrome. According to several similar reports, patients with titanium dental implants were prevented from developing galvanic interactions with other metal restorations and were reported to have been recovered from their symptoms. There was also a recent prophylactic fluoride treatment among the patients with installed implants. This was due to the corrosion of titanium, which we have seen above, and it was related to yellow nail syndrome in that symptoms recovered when exposure was removed. Additionally, patients with yellow nail syndrome with titanium implants were reported and demonstrated the possibility of relevance. This demonstrated the possibility of systemic disease due to titanium implants and a source of implant failure. 


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