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Maxilla, Complication, Implant

Fig. 6. Right sinus balloon dilation procedure. This photographic series shows the surgical procedure that augmented bone and allowed implant placement at the no. 3 site. a Preoperative view after infiltration anesthesia. b Full-thickness midcrestal incision. c Osteotomy preparation with implant drills and osteotomes. d, e The dilating balloon, which is inflated using saline pressure from a syringe. f Insertion of uninflated balloon into osteotomy. g Gentle inflation of balloon by 1 ml. h Preparation of allograft and collagen tape. i Collagen tape is visible at bottom of osteotomy after filling expanded Schneiderian membrane with bone graft and covering graft with collagen tape. j Implant placement. k Suturing with a continuous suture. l Postoperative radiograph showing implant and halo of allograft surrounding apex of implant after surgery : Case report on managing incomplete bone formation

author: Tobias K Boehm | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Fig. 6. Right sinus balloon dilation procedure. This photographic series shows the surgical procedure that augmented bone and allowed implant placement at the no. 3 site. a Preoperative view after infiltration anesthesia. b Full-thickness midcrestal incision. c Osteotomy preparation with implant drills and osteotomes. d, e The dilating balloon, which is inflated using saline pressure from a syringe. f Insertion of uninflated balloon into osteotomy. g Gentle inflation of balloon by 1 ml. h Preparation of allograft and collagen tape. i Collagen tape is visible at bottom of osteotomy after filling expanded Schneiderian membrane with bone graft and covering graft with collagen tape. j Implant placement. k Suturing with a continuous suture. l Postoperative radiograph showing implant and halo of allograft surrounding apex of implant after surgery
Fig. 6. Right sinus balloon dilation procedure. This photographic series shows the surgical procedure that augmented bone and allowed implant placement at the no. 3 site. a Preoperative view after infiltration anesthesia. b Full-thickness midcrestal incision. c Osteotomy preparation with implant drills and osteotomes. d, e The dilating balloon, which is inflated using saline pressure from a syringe. f Insertion of uninflated balloon into osteotomy. g Gentle inflation of balloon by 1 ml. h Preparation of allograft and collagen tape. i Collagen tape is visible at bottom of osteotomy after filling expanded Schneiderian membrane with bone graft and covering graft with collagen tape. j Implant placement. k Suturing with a continuous suture. l Postoperative radiograph showing implant and halo of allograft surrounding apex of implant after surgery

Fig. 6. Right sinus balloon dilation procedure. This photographic series shows the surgical procedure that augmented bone and allowed implant placement at the no. 3 site. a Preoperative view after infiltration anesthesia. b Full-thickness midcrestal incision. c Osteotomy preparation with implant drills and osteotomes. d, e The dilating balloon, which is inflated using saline pressure from a syringe. f Insertion of uninflated balloon into osteotomy. g Gentle inflation of balloon by 1 ml. h Preparation of allograft and collagen tape. i Collagen tape is visible at bottom of osteotomy after filling expanded Schneiderian membrane with bone graft and covering graft with collagen tape. j Implant placement. k Suturing with a continuous suture. l Postoperative radiograph showing implant and halo of allograft surrounding apex of implant after surgery

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