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Figure 1. Sample image for calculating IoU (MK III implant). The light gray square indicates the ground-truth bounding box, and the dark gray square indicates the predicted bounding box. IoU value was calculated that the overlapped area of light gray and dark gray squares was divided by the united area of light gray and dark gray squares.

Figure 1: Sample image for calculating IoU (MK III implant)

author: Toshihito Takahashi,Kazunori Nozaki,Tomoya Gonda,Tomoaki Mameno, Masahiro Wada, Kazunori Ikebe | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID


Figure 1. Sample image for calculating IoU (MK III implant). The light gray square indicates the ground-truth bounding box, and the dark gray square indicates the predicted bounding box. IoU value was calculated that the overlapped area of light gray and dark gray squares was divided by the united area of light gray and dark gray squares.
Figure 1. Sample image for calculating IoU (MK III implant). The light gray square indicates the ground-truth bounding box, and the dark gray square indicates the predicted bounding box. IoU value was calculated that the overlapped area of light gray and dark gray squares was divided by the united area of light gray and dark gray squares.

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