Open hour: senin - sabtu 09:00:00 - 20:00:00; minggu & tanggal merah tutup
Funding : Accuracy of static computer-assisted implant placement in anterior and posterior sites by clinicians new to implant dentistry: in vitro comparison of fully guided, pilot-guided, and freehand protocols

Funding : Accuracy of static computer-assisted implant placement in anterior and posterior sites by clinicians new to implant dentistry: in vitro comparison of fully guided, pilot-guided, and

author: Jaafar Abduo, Douglas Lau | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

The implants, surgical kits, and guide sleeves were provided by Straumann Australia. This study has been funded by the Kernot Early Career Researcher Award. No financial income for conducting the study was received by the authors.

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