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Review : Postgraduate education in dental implantology in the United Kingdom: a review [3]

Review : Postgraduate education in dental implantology in the United Kingdom: a review [3]

author: Na Yeoun Kim, Sami Stagnell | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

All the academic courses identified from this process were included in this study, and a total of 18 courses were included in the study. The list of ten dental institutions offering postgraduate academic courses in Dental Implantology is shown in Table 2.

There were eight master level courses with three full-time options and five part-time options, and the mean duration of the courses was 2.50 years. The type of the qualification varied between Master of Science (MSc), Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent), and Master of Medical Science (MMedSci). The mean tuition fee was £23,635.50 per course. This figure refers to the tuition fee itself only and does not include any additional bench fees; the actual cost that incurs until completion of the course may therefore be greater than the figures provided.

In addition, postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate qualifications were also available in Dental Implantology. There were eight postgraduate diploma part-time courses with the mean duration of 2.00 years, and the mean tuition fee was £20,177.43 per course. The mean duration for two postgraduate certificate part-time courses was 1.00 year with the mean tuition fee of £9441.50. However, there were no full-time study options for these courses (Table 3).

The entry requirement for all postgraduate academic courses identified was also explored. All institutions required a primary qualification in dentistry and full registration with GDC. However, the minimum number of years of post-qualification clinical experience varied between institutions; six out of ten institutions required a minimum of 2 years post-qualification clinical experience, two institutions required 1-year experience, one institution did not require any, and one institution did not state whether they require any post-qualification clinical experience.

Detailed review of the core modules of identified academic courses was impossible based on the information that was available online. However, all courses stated that they were compliant with the FGDP (UK) TSID 2016 guideline and GDC requirements.

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