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Table 2 Demography of study population : Clinical and patient-reported outcome of implant restorations with internal conical connection in daily dental practices: prospective observational multicenter trial with up to 7-year follow-up

Table 2 Demography of study population : Clinical and patient-reported outcome of implant restorations with internal conical connection in daily dental practices: prospective observational

author: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Thomas Barth, Claudio Cacaci, Steffen Kistler, Markus Schlee, Michael Stiller | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Total patients/implantsn94/130
Center 19/17
Center 218/26
Center 320/26
Center 414/16
Center 518/26
Center 615/19
Gender, n (%)Male30 (31.9)
Female64 (68.1)
Age at surgery, yearsMean ± SD50.4 ± 13.7
Range (min/max)19.1-75.6
Age range distribution, n (%)< 30 years8 (8.5)
30-45 years22 (23.4)
45-60 years38 (40.4)
60-75 years25 (26.6)
> 75 years1 (1.1)
Tobacco use, n (%)Non-smoker*80 (85.1)
Mild smoker (≤ 10/d)14 (14.9)
General health status, n (%)ASA P186 (91.5)
ASA P28 (8.5)
Number of implants placed per patient, n (%)1 implant62 (66.0)
2 implants28 (29.8)
3 implants4 (4.3)
Distribution of implants in jaws, n (%)Maxilla59 (45.4)
Mandible71 (54.6)

Table 2 Demography of study population

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