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Figure 2. Three implants were embedded in an artif...

  Figure 2. Three implants were embedded in an artificial mandible    

Figure 1. Breakdown of respondents. The retrieval ...

  Figure 1. Breakdown of respondents. The retrieval rate was approximately 40% in each of the three societies

Table 8 Survey of dentists who offer implant treat...

Table 8 Survey of dentists who offer implant treatment (671 dentists). “Do you use the implant card?”     The number of respondents The card developed by the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology 54 (8%) The pocket notebook developed by the Japanese Academy of Maxillofacial Implants 11 (2%) Implant card developed by manufacturers 133 (20%) Unique...

Table 6 Methods to identify the presence of implan...

Table 6 Methods to identify the presence of implants in patients receiving home-visit dental care     The number of respondents Visual inspection 153 (53%) Radiography 49 (17%) Information provided by patients or their families 88 (30%) Ask patients’ dentists 10 (3%) Implant card 5 (2%) Dental records of implant surgeries that I perform...

Table 5 Number, implants, and oral self-care of pa...

Table 5 Number, implants (whether placed by the visiting dentist), and oral self-care of patients receiving home-visit dental care seen by dentists who provided home-visit dental care over the past 12 months (291 dentists, 4,569 institutions)     Total number of patients Patients with implants Patients with implants placed by the visiting dentist Total number of pat...

Table 3 Have you been consulted by your implant pa...

Table 3 Have you been consulted by your implant patients or their families about oral health management when the patients were admitted to the hospital or became bedridden?     The number of respondents Yes, I have 150 (22%) No, have not 513 (76%) No answer 8 (1%)

Table 4 If you are informed by one of your implant...

Table 4 If you are informed by one of your implant patients that s/he cannot visit your clinic due to becoming bedridden, how do you address this?     The number of respondents I’ll do nothing 34 (5%) I’ll ask another dentist to provide the patient with home-visit dental care 217 (32%) I’ll advice the patient to perform oral self-care only 111 (17%)...

Table 2 Among the patients who received implant tr...

Table 2 Among the patients who received implant treatment at your clinic, are there any patients who were admitted to the hospital or became bedridden at home?     The number of respondents Yes, there is 204 (30%) No, there isn’t 182 (27%) I don’t know 278 (41%) No answer 7 (1%)

Table 1 Survey questions

Table 1 Survey questions 1. Do you offer implant treatment? 2. Do you give a “card/pocket notebook” to patients for whom implant treatment has been completed? 3. Among the patients who received implant treatment at your clinic, are there any patients who were admitted to the hospital or became bedridden at home? 4. Have you been consulted by your implant patient...

References : A preliminary report on dental implan...

References Statistic Bureau of Japan, Population Estimates (December 2016), Accessed 3 Mar 2018. Outline of the Status of Insured Long-Term Care Service, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Preliminary version April 2016), Accessed 3 Mar 2018. Survey of Denta...

Discussion : A preliminary report on dental implan...

Discussion Questionnaire survey by post mail had been said to be low retrieval rate, but it was considered to be suitable for information response of many clinics and hospitals. In this research, a questionnaire survey was conducted for representative members or dental specialists of three academic societies who are likely to understand the significance of the research and are thought to be...

Results : A preliminary report on dental implant c...

Results Of the 924 dentists participating in the survey, 465 respondents (50%) offer implant treatment only and 85 respondents (9%) provide home-visit dental care only. Two hundred and six respondents (22%) provide both implant treatment and home-visit dental care (Fig. 2). The number of dentists who provide home-visit dental care was significantly lower among those who offer implant treatment (p...

Methods : A preliminary report on dental implant c...

Methods The survey was conducted during 3 months from August to October 2015 by non-anonymous questionnaire (four pages on A4 paper) including questions developed by the authors of the present study (Table 1). The survey sheets were sent and collected by post mail. The target population of the survey was 2339 representative members or dental specialists belonging to any of the following three or...

Review : A preliminary report on dental implant co...

Review Background In September 2016, Japan’s graying population reached a level where 27.3% (34.61 million) of the total population was 65 years or older, as announced by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Of the older adults, over 6 million people or approximately 20% require long-term care. These elderly people have difficulty attending clinics, w...

A preliminary report on dental implant condition

A preliminary report on dental implant condition among dependent elderly based on the survey among Japanese dental practitioners Abstract Background The objective of this study was to ascertain the situation relevant to implants, the status of oral self-care, the status of aftercare provided by the dentist who placed the implant, and the usage status of the implant card, in homebound or insti...