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Discussion : Accuracy of static computer-assisted implant placement in anterior and posterior sites by clinicians new to implant dentistry: in vitro comparison of fully guided, pilot-guided, and freehand protocols [1]

Discussion : Accuracy of static computer-assisted implant placement in anterior and posterior sites by clinicians new to implant dentistry: in vitro comparison of fully guided, pilot-guided, and freehand protocols [1]

author: Jaafar Abduo, Douglas Lau | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

The overall outcome of this study indicates the superiority of the FG protocol in comparison to PG and FH protocols for placing single implants. With the exception of vertical deviation, this was obvious for horizontal neck, horizontal apex, and angle deviations that were closer to the planned implant for the FG protocol than the other protocols. In addition, this superiority was shown for anterior and posterior implants. Such observations confirm the advantage of the FG protocol in controlling all the steps of osteotomy and implant placement [7, 9, 15, 16]. On the contrary, the inaccuracies of the PG and FH protocols were generally similar and tended to be approximately double the inaccuracies of the FG protocol. Thus, the hypothesis that the accuracies of all the protocols were similar was rejected. In the present study, different software programs were needed to design guides for the FG and PG protocols. While this may have influenced the outcome, the differences between the FG and PG protocols seem to be related to the variations in drilling and implant placement. In addition, since the anterior and posterior implants of the FG protocol had similar accuracy, the hypothesis that there is no influence of the location of the implant on the accuracy of implant placement was accepted. However, this hypothesis cannot be accepted for the PG and FH protocols as the anterior implants were generally more accurate than the posterior implants. Therefore, as per earlier studies, inexperienced clinicians may benefit from FG implant placement [12,13,14]. For example, Rungcharassaeng et al. found that the FG protocol reduced differences between experienced and inexperienced operators for placing single posterior implants [12]. Likewise, Park et al. and Marheineke et al. found no difference between experienced and inexperienced operators when FG protocol guides were used, while the differences became obvious when implants were placed without surgical guides [13, 14]. According to Schulz et al., in the hand of final-year dental students, FG implant placement was more accurate than PG implant placement [15].

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