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Submerged two-stage, Nonsubmerged one-stage, Dental implants, Marginal bone loss

Fig. 2. Example of the location of a submerged implant, bone, and adjacent tooth : Clinical and radiographics results at 3 years of RCT with split-mouth design of submerged vs. nonsubmerged single laser-microgrooved implant

author: Renzo Guarnieri, Dario Di Nardo, Gianni Di Giorgio, Gabriele Miccoli, Luca Testarelli | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Fig. 2. Example of the location of a submerged implant, bone, and adjacent tooth
Fig. 2. Example of the location of a submerged implant, bone, and adjacent tooth

Fig. 2. Example of the location of a submerged implant, bone, and adjacent tooth

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