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Table 1 Demographic data of patients, implants position, and type of implant : Clinical and radiographics results at 3 years of RCT with split-mouth design of submerged vs. nonsubmerged single laser-microgrooved implants in posterior areas

Table 1 Demographic data of patients, implants position, and type of implant : Clinical and radiographics results at 3 years of RCT with split-mouth design of submerged vs. nonsubmerged single

author: Renzo Guarnieri, Dario Di Nardo, Gianni Di Giorgio, Gabriele Miccoli, Luca Testarelli | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
No. of patients/age (years)/sexPositionSubmergedNonsubmergedLength/diameter (mm)
1/44y/M14X 10.5 × 3.8
26 X9 × 3.8
2/51y/M36X 9 × 4.6
44 X9 × 3.8
3/59y/F35 X10.5 × 3.8
46X 10.5 × 4.6
4/38y/F47X 9 × 4.6
36 X9 × 4.6
5/57y/M24 X12 × 3.8
15X 12 × 3.8
6/44y/F16 X9 × 4.6
24X 12 × 3.8
7/60y/M36X 10.5 × 4.6
46 X10.5 × 4.6
8/49y/F15 X12 × 3.8
24X 10.5 × 3.8
9/46y/M37X 9 × 4.6
45 X9 × 3.8
10/63y/M25X 12 × 3.8
16 X9 × 4.6
11/55y/M15X 10.5 × 3.8
24 X10.5 × 3.8
12/45y/F44 X9 × 3.8
36X 9 × 3.8
13/37y/M25 X10.5 × 3.8
16X 9 × 4.6
14/53y/F47X 9 × 4.6
37 X9 × 4.6
15/48y/F25X 10.5 × 3.8
14 X10.5 × 3.8
16/50y/M26X 9 × 3.8
15 X10.5 × 3.8
17/34y/M46X 9 × 4.6
36 X9 × 4.6
18/44y/M15 X12 × 3.8
26X 9 × 3.8
19/40y/M34 X10.5 × 4.6
46X 10.5 × 4.6
20/46/F25X 10.5 × 3.8
16 X9 × 3.8

Table 1 Demographic data of patients, implants position, and type of implant

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