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Vestibular bone thickness of the mandible in relation to the mandibular canal—a retrospective CBCT-based study

Fig. 4. Left (l) and right (r) mandibular bone thickness (bt) in the four age groups (group 1,

author: Silvio Valdec, Jan M Borm, Stephanie Casparis, Georg Damerau, Michael Locher, Bernd Stadlinger | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Fig. 4. Left (l) and right (r) mandibular bone thickness (bt) in the four age groups (group 1, 0–20 years old; group 2, 21–40 years old; group 3, 41–60 years old; group 4, 61 and older) in men (0) and women [1]
Fig. 4. Left (l) and right (r) mandibular bone thickness (bt) in the four age groups (group 1, 0–20 years old; group 2, 21–40 years old; group 3, 41–60 years old; group 4, 61 and older) in men (0) and women [1]

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