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Figure 2. Clinical image of patient 4: a region 21 before implant placement. b, c Implant placement using the GBR procedure with a synthetic bone substitute material composed of HA + β-TCP

Figure 2. Clinical image of patient 4

author: Jonas Lorenz,Henriette Lerner, Robert A Sader, Shahram Ghanaati | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID


Figure 2. Clinical image of patient 4: a region 21 before implant placement. b, c Implant placement using the GBR procedure with a synthetic bone substitute material composed of HA + β-TCP
Figure 2. Clinical image of patient 4: a region 21 before implant placement. b, c Implant placement using the GBR procedure with a synthetic bone substitute material composed of HA + β-TCP

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