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Methods : Current status of implant prosthetics in Japan: a survey among certified dental lab technicians

Methods : Current status of implant prosthetics in Japan: a survey among certified dental lab technicians

author: Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, Tatsuya Narita, Yohei Shioda, Keisuke Iwasaki, Takayuki Ikeda, Shunsuke Namaki, Thomas J Salinas | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

This cross-sectional questionnaire survey was performed among the certified dental technicians of JSOI from September to December in 2011. Selected were 120 out of 285 certified dental technicians of JSOI using a random number table and mailing each questionnaire directly to the participant. To facilitate coverage of a broad range of topics, the survey classified content into the following four categories and included detailed questions for each: (1) the conditions under which implant technicians work (questions 1 and 2); (2) implant fixed prostheses (methods of retention, abutment, and prosthesis types; questions 3–6); (3) implant overdentures (questions 7 and 8); and (4) prosthetic complications (complication types, methods of treatment and prevention; questions 9–14). Details of the questions and results are provided in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. Given that no previous survey regarding implant dental technician data had been developed, an original form for this purpose was constructed following suggested guidelines [33,34]. Important to the construction validity, both the questionnaire authors and their audience were clinical specialists and were aware of the topic content. The content sought in the questionnaire was a measure of responder demographics, clinical experiences, and subjective perceptions. Additionally, interpretation errors were minimized because of content familiarity and standardization, which improved reliability, and no pretest measures were obtained given the mail-based assessment method.

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