Figure 9. Q14. Do you have any requests for dentists who practice implant treatment?
Figure 9. Q14. Do you have any requests for dentists who practice implant treatment?
Figure 8. Q13. What are the frequently received repair requests for IODs?
Figure 8. Q13. What are the frequently received repair requests for IODs?
Figure 7. Q12. What kind of creative steps do you take in order to prevent veneer fracture and chipping in the molar region?
Figure 7. Q12. What kind of creative steps do you take in order to prevent veneer fracture and chipping in the molar region?
Figure 6. Q11. What are the frequently received repair requests involving implant fixed prostheses?
Figure 6. Q11. What are the frequently received repair requests involving implant fixed prostheses?
Figure 5. Q10. What are the main fabrication challenges faced?
Figure 5. Q10. What are the main fabrication challenges faced?
Figure 4. Q8. What are the proportions of attachment types used with IODs?
Figure 4. Q8. What are the proportions of attachment types used with IODs?
Figure 3. Q6. What types of implant fixed prostheses are used in the posterior region?
Figure 3. Q6. What types of implant fixed prostheses are used in the posterior region?
Figure 2. Q5. What types of materials (i.e. veneer, coping) are used to make implant prostheses in the anterior region?
Figure 2. Q5. What types of materials (i.e. veneer, coping) are used to make implant prostheses in the anterior region?
Figure 1. Q4. What are the proportions of abutments used with cement-retained prostheses?
Figure 1. Q4. What are the proportions of abutments used with cement-retained prostheses?
Q9. What are the main issues generally encountered?
Compatibility precision issues
Aesthetic issues
Q7. The design of the implant overdenture:
Decision made according to instructions of dentist
Work is left to technicians
Q3. The percentages of implant fixed prostheses:
Q1. The years of experience working as a dental technician, and the number of dentists from whom job orders are received.
Mean (SD)
17.0 (6.8) years
Hagiwara, Y., Narita, T., Shioda, Y. et al. Current status of implant prosthetics in Japan: a survey among certified dental lab technicians. Int J Implant Dent 1, 4 (2015).
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Received: 13 October 2014
Accepted: 22 January 2015
Published: 17 February 2015
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits use, duplication, adaptation, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and in...
The authors have declare that they have no competing interests.
TN, YS, KI, TI and SN were compiled and aggregate of the questionnaire. YH and TS conceived of the study and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Implant Dentistry, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Dental Hospital, 1-8-13 Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8310, Japan
Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, Tatsuya Narita, Yohei Shioda, Keisuke Iwasaki, Takayuki Ikeda & Shunsuke Namaki
Department of Dental Specialties, Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MINN, 55905, USA
Thomas J Salinas
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This paper was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No. 24592935) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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This survey served to clarify the current status of implant prosthodontics, issues, and considerations in their fabrication, and the status of prosthetic complications and preventive initiatives, all from a laboratory perspective.
Concerning implant treatment, it was concluded that dentists either play the leading role or work in collaboration with technicians, including in the formulation of tre...
Finally, technicians gave voice to the several requests for dentists, who are their customers, as a result of their daily experiences accomplishing implant laboratory procedures (Q14) (Figure 9). These included asking dentists to use suitable implant location and orientation (31.8%), to allow technicians to participate and consult with technicians from the treatment planning stage (28.3%), to imp...
The questionnaire revealed several creative steps, based on laboratory considerations, being taken to prevent veneer chipping and fractures, a frequent and problematic prosthetic complication (Q12) (Figure 7). Technicians were taking into account metal (including zirconia) coping designs (36.3%), covering only the distal-most part of the molar region with metal (24%), using veneering composite re...
Looking at repair requests (i.e., complications) involving the superstructures of fixed implant prostheses (Q11) (Figure 6), facing damage and chipping accounted for more than half of all requests (54.5%). Generally speaking, there are many reports that indicate a high incidence of complications related to fixed prostheses involving abutment screw loosening, detachment of cement-retained crowns, ...
Bar and clip attachments were most commonly used for IODs, followed by magnet, ball, and socket, and Locator attachments (Q8) (Figure 4). It is noteworthy among the questionnaire results that magnetic attachment use is highest in Asian countries, including Japan [43]. Additionally, it is thought that the low use of Locators (5.2%) is strongly influenced by Japan’s strict pharmaceutical regulati...
Concerning the types of prostheses used in the posterior region (Q6) (Figure 3), PFM design accounts for about 40% of the total, although the questionnaire also revealed a trend (in 9.1% of all cases) toward metal occlusal designs to avoid fracture and chipping of the veneer material. The same trend is evident in indirect composite facing crowns, where metal occlusal designs are used in about 35%...
Next, concerning the types of abutments used with cement-retained prostheses (Q4) (Figure 1), CAD/CAM abutments accounted for about one third of the total (titanium, 19.7%; zirconia, 12.1%), and custom UCLA-type abutments made from cast gold alloy accounted for about the same proportion. It is likely that this breakdown is because, in many cases, implant systems using fabricated crowns are not su...
Dentists play a leading role in 39.3% of the time in implant treatment planning and prosthetic design, and dental technicians are consulted concerning cases and part usage 34.7% of the time, suggesting the approach to implants is driven by prosthetic considerations (by dentists) to some degree. However, because dental technicians indicated that they take the initiative 15% of the time, it is impos...
Out of 120 surveys sent, 74 technicians responded, resulting in a response rate of 61.6%. A summary of the responses is provided in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Because implant treatment (implant prostheses) requires a significant amount of specialized, high-precision laboratory procedures, this area of dental care exhibits slightly different trends than pros...
This cross-sectional questionnaire survey was performed among the certified dental technicians of JSOI from September to December in 2011. Selected were 120 out of 285 certified dental technicians of JSOI using a random number table and mailing each questionnaire directly to the participant. To facilitate coverage of a broad range of topics, the survey classified content into the following four ca...
This survey consists of a questionnaire targeting the certified dental technicians of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology (JSOI) [32] who are primarily involved in fabricating dental implant restorations. It was formulated to clarify the current status of implant prostheses from a prosthetic and technician-oriented standpoint through questions addressing current trends among dental implant t...
Currently, dental implant treatment is evaluated on the basis not only of restoring masticatory function, but also a variety of other factors, including the implant and superstructure survival rate and psychological impacts [1-3]. Numerous factors must be taken into account, to offer highly predictable implant treatment, and there is no doubt that prosthetic-related factors such as the type and co...
There are many implant cases in which dental technicians take initiative with regard to the design of implant prostheses, and to a certain extent, this area of care is one in which dentists do not necessarily play the leading role. Moreover, inadequate communication between dental technicians and dentists and insufficient instructions for technicians has been highlighted as issues in the past. The...
Figure 9. Do you have any requests for dentists who practice implant treatment?
Figure 8. What are the frequently received repair requests for IODs?
Figure 7. Creative steps to prevent veneer fracture and chipping in the molar region
Figure 6. the frequently received repair requests involving implant fixed prostheses
Figure 5. The main fabrication challenges faced
Figure 4. The proportions of attachment types used with IODs
Figure 3. Types of implant fixed prostheses are used in the posterior region
Figure 2. Types of materials used to make implant prostheses in the anterior region
Figure 1. The proportions of abutments used with cement-retained prostheses
This survey served to clarify the current status of implant prosthodontics, issues, and considerations in their fabrication, and the status of prosthetic complications and preventive initiatives, all from a laboratory perspective.
Concerning implant treatment, it was concluded that dentists either play the leading role or work in collaboration with technicians, inc...
While the literature includes reports of frequent IOD-related prosthetic complications such as attachment-related compromised retention, detachment or fracturing of denture teeth, relining, and attachment damage, this survey showed a somewhat different trend. It can be inferred that these results differ from actual complication trends because they constitute responses to cases sent to ...
The questionnaire revealed several creative steps, based on laboratory considerations, being taken to prevent veneer chipping and fractures, a frequent and problematic prosthetic complication (Q12) (Figure 7). Technicians were taking into account metal (including zirconia) coping designs (36.3%), covering only the distal-most part of the molar region with metal (24%), using veneering composi...
Looking at repair requests (i.e., complications) involving the superstructures of fixed implant prostheses (Q11) (Figure 6), facing damage and chipping accounted for more than half of all requests (54.5%). Generally speaking, there are many reports that indicate a high incidence of complications related to fixed prostheses involving abutment screw loosening, detachment of cement-retained cro...
This number was lower than in any of the other nine countries, and future changes in IOD use in Japan are a topic that remains interesting.
4. Prosthetic complications (Table 4)
According to Papaspyridakos et al., indicators such as implant level (the relationship between the implant and bone) and the state of soft tissue around the implant are the most frequently used indices of implant s...
There is also a greater possibility of direct (in-mouth) repair of failed veneering materials and greater shock-absorbing potential relative to occlusal force in comparison with porcelain. The trend to adhere resin materials instead of porcelain, from Brånemark and colleagues’ recommendations for acrylic resin as an occlusal surface material in the early 1980s, also cannot be ignored. All...
There is a low risk of facing damage and chipping for prostheses in the anterior region. Nonetheless, the questionnaire revealed the unexpected result that indirect composite facing crowns accounted for 21.3% of the total. This may be because there are many indirect composite resins (Estenia, Ceramage, etc.) available in Japan, and crowns and bridges in the anterior region (natural abutment ...
Our questionnaire indicated a distribution of 61.4% cement-retained versus 38.6% screw-retained prostheses (Q3), suggesting that cement retention is used more frequently in Japan. Unfortunately, the fabrication-oriented focus of this survey prevented clarification of the types of cement used for cement retention and the breakdown between provisional and definitive cement.
Next, ...
Dentists play a leading role in 39.3% of the time in implant treatment planning and prosthetic design, and dental technicians are consulted concerning cases and part usage 34.7% of the time, suggesting the approach to implants is driven by prosthetic considerations (by dentists) to some degree. However, because dental technicians indicated that they take the initiative 15% of the time, it is...
Results and discussion
Out of 120 surveys sent, 74 technicians responded, resulting in a response rate of 61.6%. A summary of the responses is provided in Tables 1, 2, 3, dan 4 dan Gambar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9.
Because implant treatment (implant prostheses) requires a significant amount of specialized, high-precision laboratory procedures, this area of dental care exhibits slight...
Q9. What are the main issues generally encountered?
Compatibility precision issues
Aesthetic issues
Occlusal issues
Q10. What are the main fabrication challenges faced?
Poor implant location and orientation
Inadequate consideration of occlusion
Defects and inaccuracies in impression and bite registrat...
Q7. The design of the implant overdenture:
Decision made according to instructions of dentist
Work is left to technicians
Decided upon through consultation with each other
Q8. What are the proportions of attachment types used with IODs?
Bar and clip
Ball and socket
Q3. The percentages of implant fixed prostheses:
Q4. What are the proportions of abutments used with cement-retained prostheses?
CAD/CAM (titanium)
CAD/CAM (zirconia)
Custom abutments (UCLA-type abutment + gold alloy)
Two-piece-type titanium (prepable type)
Q1. The years of experience working as a dental technician, and the number of dentists from whom job orders are received.
Mean (SD)
17.0 (6.8) years
Q2. Who takes the leading role in treatment planning and prosthetic design (initiative with regard to prostheses)?
Dentists mainly exercise initiative
Technicians mai...
This cross-sectional questionnaire survey was performed among the certified dental technicians of JSOI from September to December in 2011. Selected were 120 out of 285 certified dental technicians of JSOI using a random number table and mailing each questionnaire directly to the participant. To facilitate coverage of a broad range of topics, the survey classified content into the follow...
However, because understanding the status of these complications is based on the results of surveys targeting dentists, information is needed on the situation as seen from the standpoint of implant technicians, to clarify the causes of these complications and the techniques for dealing with them. Issues including inadequate communication between dental technicians and dentists and insufficient ins...
Currently, dental implant treatment is evaluated on the basis not only of restoring masticatory function, but also a variety of other factors, including the implant and superstructure survival rate and psychological impacts. Numerous factors must be taken into account, to offer highly predictable implant treatment, and there is no doubt that prosthetic-related factors such as the typ...
There are many implant cases in which dental technicians take initiative with regard to the design of implant prostheses, and to a certain extent, this area of care is one in which dentists do not necessarily play the leading role. Moreover, inadequate communication between dental technicians and dentists and insufficient instructions for technicians has been highlighte...