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Results : Performance of the counter-torque technique in the explantation of nonmobile dental implants [2]

Results : Performance of the counter-torque technique in the explantation of nonmobile dental implants [2]

author: Eduardo Anitua, Sofia Fernandez-de-Retana, Mohammad H Alkhraisat | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Table 1 shows the relevant available information regarding the fractured dental implants. Ten dental implant fractures were observed in 7 patients. There were no differences regarding the location of the fractured implants, as 40% were located in the maxilla and 60% were located in posterior areas (Table 1). Postoperative recovery of the patients was uneventful and pain was successfully managed by oral analgesics. Figures 3 and 4 show one clinical case that was treated with the counter-torque technique to remove failed dental implants.

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