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Fig. 5. Bone resorption in the follow-up of the co...

Fig. 5. Bone resorption in the follow-up of the control group and the perforation group Fig. 5. Bone resorption in the follow-up of the control group and the perforation group

Fig. 4. The initial bone level of the control grou...

Fig. 4. The initial bone level of the control group and the perforation group Fig. 4. The initial bone level of the control group and the perforation group

Fig. 3. Reasons for perforations : Impact of surgi...

Fig. 3. Reasons for perforations Fig. 3. Reasons for perforations

Fig. 2. Overview of the perforation treatment in t...

Fig. 2. Overview of the perforation treatment in the study group Fig. 2. Overview of the perforation treatment in the study group

Fig. 1. Bone levels after sinus floor elevation : ...

Fig. 1. Bone levels after sinus floor elevation Fig. 1. Bone levels after sinus floor elevation

Table 6 Fisher’s exact test: incidence of peri-i...

  Peri-implantitis No peri-implantitis Perforation group 12 80 Control group ...

Table 5 Fisher’s exact test: surgical strategy d...

  One-stage procedure Two-stage procedure Perforation group 11 81 Control group ...

Table 4 Multiple comparisons of subgroups: postope...

Adjusted p values multiple comparison Control group bone level  4 mm 0.0453 Control group bone level > ...

Table 3 Data summary of bone level development : I...

  Bone level preoperatively Bone level postoperatively Bone level follow-up Bone resorption Perforation group ...

Table 2 Origin of bone graft : Impact of surgical ...

Origin of bone graft No bone graft Linea obliqua Iliac crest Scapula flap Perforation...

Table 1 Distribution of implant positions : Impact...

Implant position 3 4 5 6 7 8...

About this article : Impact of surgical management...

Beck-Broichsitter, B.E., Westhoff, D., Behrens, E. et al. Impact of surgical management in cases of intraoperative membrane perforation during a sinus lift procedure: a follow-up on bone graft stability and implant success. Int J Implant Dent 4, 6 (2018). Download citation Received: 03 October 2017 Accepted: 03 January 2018 Publish...

Rights and permissions : Impact of surgical manage...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Ethics declarations : Impact of surgical managemen...

The authors Benedicta Beck-Broichsitter, Dorothea Westhoff, Eleonore Behrens, Jörg Wiltfang, and Stephan T. Becker declare that there are no existing competing interests concerning this collaborative work. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : Impact of surgical management...

Correspondence to Benedicta E. Beck-Broichsitter.

Author information : Impact of surgical management...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Charité–University Medical Center Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353, Berlin, Germany Benedicta E. Beck-Broichsitter Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital, Arnold-Heller-Straße 3, Haus 26, 24105, Kiel, Germany Dorothea Westhoff, Eleonore Behrens, Jörg Wiltfang & Stephan T. Becker You can al...

Funding : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

This study was not funded.

References : Impact of surgical management in case...

Shlomi B, Horowitz I, Kahn A, Dobriyan A, Chaushu G. The effect of sinus membrane perforation and repair with Lambone on the outcome of maxillary sinus floor augmentation: a radiographic assessment. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19(4):559–62. Moreno Vazquez JC, Gonzalez de Rivera AS, Gil HS, Mifsut RS. Complication rate in 200 consecutive sinus lift procedures: guidelines for prevention ...

References : Impact of surgical management in case...

Sakkas A, Konstantinidis I, Winter K, Schramm A, Wilde F. Effect of Schneiderian membrane perforation on sinus lift graft outcome using two different donor sites: a retrospective study of 105 maxillary sinus elevation procedures. GMS Interdiscip Plast Reconstr Surg DGPW. 2016;5:Doc11. Springer IN, Terheyden H, Geiss S, Harle F, Hedderich J, Acil Y. Particulated bone grafts—effectiveness of bone...

References : Impact of surgical management in case...

Wiltfang J, Schultze-Mosgau S, Nkenke E, Thorwarth M, Neukam FW, Schlegel KA. Onlay augmentation versus sinuslift procedure in the treatment of the severely resorbed maxilla: a 5-year comparative longitudinal study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;34(8):885–9. Pikos MA. Maxillary sinus membrane repair: report of a technique for large perforations. Implant Dent. 1999;8(1):29–34. Cha HS, Kim ...

Conclusions : Impact of surgical management in cas...

In conclusion, and within the limits of its retrospective nature, our study implies that in cases of intraoperative perforation of the Schneiderian membrane, a consequent surgical assessment and treatment might avoid complications regarding graft stability and implant survival. Two-stage procedures might be appropriate if primary stability does not seem to be achievable. Augmentation of the sinus ...

Discussion : Impact of surgical management in case...

The surgical management in cases of a membrane perforation might also influence the overall postoperative outcome and complications. Although the sinus lifting procedure has been established for many years now, there are no evidence-based guidelines for perforation closure or indications to interrupt the procedure. To date, most existing studies recommend sealing smaller sizes of perforations with...

Discussion : Impact of surgical management in case...

One implant was lost in the perforation group due to early-onset peri-implantitis, whereas all implants in the control group were still in place. As we had previously prospectively reported on the first 6 months after dental implantation in this cohort [11], there was no further impact of membrane perforation on implant loss for at least 12 to 24 months in this retrospective evaluation. The appe...

Discussion : Impact of surgical management in case...

The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to evaluate the impact of intraoperative perforations of the Schneiderian membrane during sinus floor elevation on the stability of the augmented area and its influence on osseointegration after implant insertion. Therefore, we could re-assess a patient cohort of originally 34 patients with 41 perforations and compare their outcome with a control grou...

Results : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

The initial bone level differed significantly (p = 0.05) between both groups with a median value of 5.69 mm in the study group and 3.87 mm in the control group (Fig. 4). A Mann-Whitney-U-Wilcoxon test revealed no significant difference between bone level postoperatively (p = 0.7851; median value control group 17.40 mm; median value perforation group 16.91 mm), in follow-up (p = 0....

Results : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

The mean control interval was 2.69 (± 2.03) years. At the time of the follow-up examination, the average age was 59.95 (± 11.82) years. In the remaining collective of 31 patients (96.97%; 12 males (37.54%) and 19 females (59.43%)), a total of 92 implants were inserted. The overview of perforation treatment in the study group is given in Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 depicts the reasons for perforati...

Methods : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

One independent oral and maxillofacial surgeon performed the clinical follow-up examinations according to a standardized protocol. A peri-implant probing including probing pocket depths and recessions on four sites of each implant was assessed as was bleeding on probing (BOP) to determine the status of oral hygiene objectively. Signs of gingivitis and pus suppuration were also recorded. The criter...

Methods : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

Three different oral and maxillofacial surgeons performed the sinus lift procedure with an external approach according to comparable surgical standards and inserted all implants examined in this study in a submerged protocol with uncovering after 3–4 months due to the manufacturer’s surgical recommendations. Specifically, a total of 35 external sinus floor elevations were performed through a ...

Methods : Impact of surgical management in cases o...

In accordance with the WMA Declaration of Helsinki—Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, approval was given by the local ethics committee of the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel (AZ 132/10). All patients gave informed written consent to participate. A total of 201 sinus floor elevation procedures, which were performed from 2005 to 2006 in the Department of Oral...

Background : Impact of surgical management in case...

Sinus floor elevation procedures have become a predictable and successful treatment, performed when the maxillary alveolar ridge is atrophied and the bone height is not sufficient for primary implantation. If the postoperative course remains uneventful, the outcome is highly predictable [1,2,3]. However, complications may have a negative impact on the overall treatment success. As a common complic...

Abstract : Impact of surgical management in cases ...

Until now, sinus floor elevation represents the gold standard procedure in the atrophic maxilla in order to facilitate dental implant insertion. Although the procedure remains highly predictive, the perforation of the Schneiderian membrane might compromise the stability of the augmented bone and implant success due to chronic sinus infection. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to show ...