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Discussion: Short implants in maxillary and mandib...

The present report showed that short implants may achieve optimal clinical and radiographic outcomes at the 1-year follow-up when used for single restoration or when connected with other implants in substituting for more than one tooth. There was no difference in outcomes between mandibular and maxillary restorations even though a higher quantity of bone volume was required in mandibular restora...

Weton: Implant pendek dalam rehabilitasi rahang at...

Weton Sebaran panjang dan diameter implant ditampilkan dalam Tabel 1. Tabel 2 merinkes posisi implant dan ciri prostetik. Rerata tinggi tulang sisa adalah 6.21 ± 1.05 mm di rahang atas dan 10.73 ± 1.63 mm di rahang bawah. Perbedaan di antara 2 rahang itu signifikan (P < 0.05). Tidak ada komplikasi bedah atau pasca bedah yang dilaporkan. Tabel 2. Posisi implant dan ciri prostetik; implant ante...

Results: Short implants in maxillary and mandibula...

Implant length and diameter distribution are shown in Table 1. Table 2 summarizes implant positions and prosthetic characteristics. Mean residual bone height was 6.21 ± 1.05 mm in the upper jaw and 10.73 ± 1.63 mm in the mandible, and it was significantly different between the 2 jaws (P < .05). No surgical or postsurgical complications were reported. Table 2. Implant positions and prostheti...

Data analysis: Short implants in maxillary and man...

In this ad interim report, 1-year data regarding bone resorption were assessed. Implant survival and success rates were evaluated by comparing maxillary and mandibular implants, splinted and single implants, and implants of different lengths. A Student t test was used to compare bone resorption between mandibular and maxillary implants and splinted and single implants. Analysis of variance was u...

Clinical and radiological evaluation: Short implan...

Clinical evaluation was performed every 6 months for the first 2 years then yearly. Survival and success rates were evaluated and recorded, following the definitions and parameters described elsewhere. Any surgical, prosthetic, or clinical complication was recorded. Prosthetic success was evaluated as follows: prosthesis in function, without mobility and pain, even if in the face of the loss of o...

Surgical and prosthetic procedure: Short Implants ...

Antibiotic prophylaxis with amoxicillin 2 g was administered to all patients 1 hour before surgery in all patients. All implants were placed in healed sites and the bone socket was prepared using a standard atraumatic technique with a sequence of drills of increasing diameter at the decided length. The implant site was always underprepared, taking in consideration the bone density. All implants ...

Materials & methods: Short implants in maxillary a...

This prospective single-cohort study was designed and conducted following the principles of the World Medical Association Helsinki Declaration of 1975 for biomedical research involving human subjects, as revised in 2000. Ethical approval for the study was obtained by the review board of the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi. All patients were informed about the study aims and design and gave w...

Introduction: Short implants in maxillary and mand...

Introduction Implant rehabilitation in the posterior regions of the maxilla and mandible can be complicated in cases of reduced bone volume due to bone resorption after teeth extraction or to particular anatomic conditions. In fact, reduced bone height can prevent long implants (>10 mm long) from being placed because of the risk of involving anatomic structures, such as ...

Abstract: Short implants in maxillary and mandibul...

Short Implants in Maxillary and Mandibular Rehabilitations: Interim Results (6 to 42 Months) of a Prospective Study  J Oral Implantol (2015) 41 (1): 50–55. The aim of this single-cohort study was to evaluate clinical survival and success of partial rehabilitation supported by reduced-length implants in maxilla and ...