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Author information : Early marginal bone stability of dental implants placed in a transalveolarly augmented maxillary sinus: a controlled retrospective study of surface modification with calcium ions

Author information : Early marginal bone stability of dental implants placed in a transalveolarly augmented maxillary sinus: a controlled retrospective study of surface modification with calcium ions

author: Eduardo Anitua, Laura Pias, Mohammad Hamdan Alkhraisat | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

EA, LP, and MHA was responsible for the concept/design of the study. EA, LP, and MHA collected the data. LP and MHA interpreted and analyzed the data. LP and MHA drafted the article. EA, LP, and MHA critically revised and aproved the article. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Correspondence to Eduardo Anitua.

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