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Table 3 Outcomes of experimental and control groups : Early marginal bone stability of dental implants placed in a transalveolarly augmented maxillary sinus: a controlled retrospective study of surface modification with calcium ions

Table 3 Outcomes of experimental and control groups : Early marginal bone stability of dental implants placed in a transalveolarly augmented maxillary sinus: a controlled retrospective study of surface modification with calcium ions

author: Eduardo Anitua, Laura Pias, Mohammad Hamdan Alkhraisat | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Variable Experimental Control P < 0.05
Number of implants 34 31  
Bone type II 35.3% 74.2% Yesa
III 47.1% 22.6%
IV 17.6% 3.2%
Follow-up time (months) 13 ± 1d 13 ± 2d Nob
Insertion torque (N cm) 36 ± 15d 30 ± 15d Nob
Implant failure 0 2 Noc
Proximal bone loss (mm) 0.36 ± 0.42d 0.61 ± 0.39d Yesb

Table 3 Outcomes of experimental and control groups

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