Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [5]
Rethinking globally of the possible indications to the adoption of this technique and its advantages compared to reconstructive microsurgery, the use of zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis may be suitable for patients whose systemic conditions are poor. The duration of surgery and of the postoperative recovery would be remarkably shortened avoiding the complications related to the harvesting of a free flap. Closely related to this aspect, the cost-benefit ratio is definitely more convenient. This technique proves itself to be more easily manageable also in non-compliant patients or in patients with limited prognosis or high risk of recurrence, allowing the clinician a more effective inspection of the resected site during follow-up consults.
Serial posts:
- Abstract : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Background : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [1]
- Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [2]
- Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [3]
- Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [4]
- Case presentation : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [5]
- Conclusions : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Consent : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- References : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [1]
- References : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique [2]
- Author information : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Additional information : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Rights and permissions : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- About this article : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant-supported prosthesis and nasal epithesis: a novel technique
- Fig. 1. Intraoperative view of the zygoma implants placed in the residual maxilla : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 2. The healing abutments positioned onto fixtures and the oronasal communication : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 3. Postoperative panorex showing the symmetric distribution of the fixtures : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 4. A front view of the bar with the intraoral portion and the metal extension for epithesis attachment : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 5. The intraoral bar crossing the palatal defect arising the nasal understructure : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 6. Frontal view of the patient after superior overdenture and nasal prosthesis delivery : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant
- Fig. 7. The epithesis allows both prompt inspection of the resection site and makes daily care easier : Rehabilitation of a complex midfacial defect by means of a zygoma-implant