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Discussion : Radiographic outcomes following lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using autogenous tooth roots [2]

Discussion : Radiographic outcomes following lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using autogenous tooth roots [2]

author: Puria Parvini, Robert Sader, Didem Sahin, Jrgen Becker, Frank Schwarz | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

When further analyzing the present data, it was also noted that both TR and AB grafts were associated with comparable BI26 values, thus corroborating the clinical observation of a firm graft connection to the host bone at 26 weeks, which allowed for a proper placement of adequately dimensioned titanium implants at all sites investigated [9]. The regression analysis also revealed that BI26 values were neither related to CWb nor SA26 values. These clinical and radiographic observations are also supported by recent histological analyses pointing to a basal ankylosis and replacement resorption of both TR and AB grafts [4, 6, 7].

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