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Figure 4. a Patient 1—virtual set-up of the ultimate treatment goal. b Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate implant position. One short dental implant was planned in region 35, based on the location of the mandibular nerve (orange), the impacted 34 (pink) and the bone quality and volume. c Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate prosthetic treatment goal

Figure 4. a Patient 1—virtual set-up of the ultimate treatment goal

author: Marieke A P Filius,Joep Kraeima,Arjan Vissink,Krista I Janssen,Gerry M Raghoebar,Anita Visser | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID


Figure 4. a Patient 1—virtual set-up of the ultimate treatment goal. b Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate implant position. One short dental implant was planned in region 35, based on the location of the mandibular nerve (orange), the impacted 34 (pink) and the bone quality and volume. c Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate prosthetic treatment goal
Figure 4. a Patient 1—virtual set-up of the ultimate treatment goal. b Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate implant position. One short dental implant was planned in region 35, based on the location of the mandibular nerve (orange), the impacted 34 (pink) and the bone quality and volume. c Patient 2—virtual set-up of the ultimate prosthetic treatment goal

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