Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants and impact on cells
With increasing numbers of dental implants placed annually, complications such as peri-implantitis and the subsequent periprosthetic osteolysis are becoming a major concern. Implantoplasty, a commonly used treatment of peri-implantitis, aims to remove plaque from exposed implants and reduce future microbial adhesion and colonisation by mechanically modifying the implant surface topography, delaying re-infection/colonisation of the site. This in vitro stuWith increasing numbers of dental implants placed annually, complications such as peri-implantitis and the subsequent periprosthetic osteolysis are becoming a major concern.dy aims to investigate the release of particles from dental implants and their effects on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs), following an in vitro mock implantoplasty procedure with a diamond burr.
Materials and methods
Commercially available implants made from grade 4 (commercially pure, CP) titanium (G4) and grade 5 Ti-6Al-4 V titanium (G5) alloy implants were investigated. Implant particle compositions were quantified by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) following acid digestion. HGFs were cultured in presence of implant particles, and viability was determined using a metabolic activity assay.
Microparticles and nanoparticles were released from both G4 and G5 implants following the mock implantoplasty procedure. A small amount of vanadium ions were released from G5 particles following immersion in both simulated body fluid and cell culture medium, resulting in significantly reduced viability of HGFs after 10 days of culture.
There is a need for careful evaluation of the materials used in dental implants and the potential risks of the individual constituents of any alloy. The potential cytotoxicity of G5 titanium alloy particles should be considered when choosing a device for dental implants. Additionally, regardless of implant material, the implantoplasty procedure can release nanometre-sized particles, the full systemic effect of which is not fully understood. As such, authors do not recommend implantoplasty for the treatment of peri-implantitis.
Serial posts:
- Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants and impact on cells
- Background : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (1)
- Background : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (2)
- Materials & methods : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (1)
- Materials & methods : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (2)
- Materials & methods : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (3)
- Results : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants
- Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (1)
- Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (2)
- Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (3)
- Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty of dental implants (4)
- Figure 1. Representative photo of implants and SEM images of particles
- Figure 2. EDX spectra of particles produced by the mock implantoplasty procedure
- Figure 3. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) release from the particles
- Figure 4. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) content in DMEM
- Figure 5. The effect of grade 4 and grade 5 implant particles