Figure 5. The effect of grade 4 and grade 5 implant particles on human gingival fibroblast viability in vitro. Viability was determined using an MTT metabolic activity assay. Cells were exposed to either a dissolution products (ions and nanoparticles) or b culture medium containing suspended implant particles throughout the duration of the culture period. Cells were exposed to various con...
Figure 4. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) content in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM). a, b Dissolution products (media filtered through 0.2 μm PTFE membrane following initial soaking of the particles for 3 days) and c, d DMEM sampled during cell culture studies where cells were cultured with the particles over a period of 10 days (particles removed prior to ICP measurem...
Figure 3. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) release from the particles in simulated body fluid (SBF). Experimental duration was 10 days. Results presented as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3
Figure 2. EDX spectra of particles produced by the mock implantoplasty procedure (SEM images in Fig. 1). a, b Particles from grade 4 commercially pure titanium implant, a angular microparticles and b small spheres. c, d particles from grade 5 titanium alloy, c angular microparticles and d small spheres (grade 5)
Figure 1. Representative photo of implants and SEM images of particles produced by mock implantoplasty procedure. a–c Straumann 021.4512, bone level, diameter 4.1 mm, regular CrossFit®, SLA® 12 mm Roxolid® (commercially pure grade 4 titanium). d–f Biohorizons PBR 50105, RBT 5.0 × 10.5 mm, 5.7 Platform (grade 5 titanium alloy). Arrows indicate titanium oxide spheres. Scale ba...
Further, the effect of implant particles on other cell types within the oral and systemic environments should not be overlooked. Although the health hazards of FPs and NPs are relatively less well established, literature in the fields of toxicology does indicate a glimpse of possible toxicity that should compel clinicians to carefully weigh the possible adverse human health effec...
This is due to the lack of vanadium and possibly larger particle size. Here, G5 particles are. Although a range of particle size of G5 was measured in this study, a portion of the particles generated from the mock implatoplasty process in the current study is comparable to that reported by Pioletti et al.. The internalisation of G5 particles, especially sub-micron particles, and the su...
There was no distinct difference in the amount of titanium ions released from G4 and G5 particles. Direct exposure to G5 implant particles in culture did result in significantly reduced cell viability at all-time points, from 3 to 10 days of culture, while G4 implant particles demonstrated no adverse effect on cell viability (Fig. 5b). The cytotoxic effects of vanadium are well docum...
Unalloyed titanium, often referred to as commercially pure grade 4 titanium (CpTi), usually contains some trace elements of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and iron (American Society for Testing and Materials international standards). These trace elements improve the mechanical properties of CpTi and are found in higher amounts from grade 1 to 4 CpTi. Many dental implants are made from ...
Particles released from implants following the mock implantoplasty procedure were collected, and microparticle size of particles produced from the grade 4 (G4) and grade 5 (G5) implants was 77.4 ± 9.1 μm (modal number 66.3 μm) and 48.4 ± 6.4 μm respectively (modal number 43.1 μm). DLS analysis showed nano-sized particles were also present: hydrodynamic diameters were 125.4...
The media were filtered through 0.2 μm PTFE membrane syringe filters following incubation to remove the particles before use in cell culture. Group 2 (particle): Sterilised grade 4 and 5 Ti particles were suspended in DMEM at concentrations of 0.75, 1.5 and 3 mg ml−1 and used for cell culture without filtering. Basal DMEM and DMEM containing unprocessed grade 4 and 5 implants were used a...
Ion release from titanium particles
Simulated body fluid (SBF) was chosen as the dissolution test solution as we were interested in what happens when the particles become embedded in the soft/hard tissue rather than their interaction with saliva. SBF was prepared using the Kokubo method. Seven hundred millilitres of deionised (DI) water in a 1-L polypropylene beaker was warmed to 37 °C in a wa...
Materials and methods
Reagents and solvents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset UK). Commercially pure grade 4 titanium implants (n = 3) were purchased from Straumann (Sussex UK, Model number 021.4512, bone-level implant diameter 4.1 mm, Regular CrossFit®, SLA® 12 mm Roxolid®) (Fig. 1a). Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4 V titanium alloy implants were purchased from Biohorizons (Berk...
However, if previous records are available, then the diagnosis can be made with any increase in pocket depth with post remodelling bone loss of greater than 0.5 mm in the presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing, A number of studies suggested this inflammatory disease is associated with anaerobic plaque bacteria. It has also been suggested peri-implantitis can also be related to...
Dental implants offer a viable long-term treatment option for patients with missing teeth. The use of metallic dental implants has relatively high reliability and long-term success rates; however, it is not without complications and the need for ongoing maintenance persists. Particles are generated during the life span of an implant, and this can have significant physiological implic...
With increasing numbers of dental implants placed annually, complications such as peri-implantitis and the subsequent periprosthetic osteolysis are becoming a major concern. Implantoplasty, a commonly used treatment of peri-implantitis, aims to remove plaque from exposed implants and reduce future microbial adhesion and colonisation by mechanically modifying the implant sur...
Latar belakang
Periodontitis adalah penyakit inflamasi dengan etiologi multibakteri yang memengaruhi jaringan pareksa dan jaringan pendukung yang berada di sekeliling gigi. Penyakit ini bisa memengaruhi jalannya penyakit respirasi, seperti asma, karena perubahan epitel yang timbul dari proses inflamasi dan imunologi, renovasi bronkial, atau oleh aspirasi invasi patogen yang ditemukan...
Graft jaringan lunak yang diambil dari langit-langit dengan epitel yang meliputinya didefinisikan sebagai graft gusi bebas atau cangkok gusi bebas (FGG, Free Gingival Graft). FGG pertama kali diperkenalkan untuk meningkatkan jaringan keratin yang kurang atau hilang pada masa perkembangan. Peristiwa penyembuhan dan prinsip-prinsip yang memengaruhi weton FGG yang telah diselidiki secara luas, telah ...
Ada bukti bahwa penyakit periodontal (penyakit gusi) bisa jadi faktor risiko untuk penyakit Alzheimer. Beberapa penelitian bahkwan menyarankan risiko itu dapat meningkat dua kali lipat bila penyakit gusi itu berlangsung selama 10 tahun atau lebih. Science Advances telah merinci bagaimana bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis atau P. gingivalis yang berkaitan dengan penyakit gusi telah ditemukan dalam o...
Proses induksi dan progress kerusakan jaringan periodontal itu kompleks. Proses ini melibatkan akumulasi plak, pelepasan substansi bakteri, dan respon inflamasi inang. P. gingivalis dikenal memproduksi sekumpulan faktor virulensi yang bisa mempenetrasi gingiva dan menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan, entah secara langsung atau tidak langsung, dengan menginduksi inflamsi.Faktor-faktor virulensi bisa ...
Nama Porphyromonas berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yaitu dari kata "porphyrios" (πορφυριος) yang berarti "warna ungu lembayung (ungu gelap)" dan kata "monas" (μονας) yang berarti "unit". Sehingga, nama "Porphyromonas" berarti sel Porphyrin sebagai koloni pada plat agar darah berubah jadi berwarna gelap setelah 6 sampai 10 hari sebagai karena dari akumulasi heme.Di antara patogen penye...