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Table 1. Similarities and differences between biofilm‐induced gingivitis and peri‐implant mucositis

Table 1. Similarities and differences between biofilm‐induced gingivitis and peri‐implant mucositis

author: Lisa JA Heitz-Mayfield, Giovanni E Salvi | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
  Gingivitis Peri‐implant mucositis
Definition Gingival inflammation without periodontal attachment loss Peri‐implant mucosal inflammation in absence of continuous marginal peri‐implant bone loss
Clinical signs Redness, swelling, and bleeding on gentle probing Redness, swelling, bleeding on gentle probing, and suppuration
Experimental inflammation in humans Increase in bleeding sites during experimental gingivitis Experimental peri‐implant mucositis leads to greater increase in bleeding sites compared with experimental gingivitis.
Reversibility in humans
  • Experimental gingivitis clinically reversible after reinstitution of biofilm control
  • Resolution of host biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid following 21 days of reinstituted biofilm control
  • Experimental peri‐implant mucositis may take longer than 3 weeks for clinical reversibility.
  • Resolution of host biomarkers in peri‐implant crevicular fluid following 21 days of reinstituted biofilm control
Analysis of human biopsies Experimental biofilm accumulation results in increased proportions of inflammatory cells in connective tissue Increased proportions of inflammatory cells in connective tissue similar to those found in experimental gingivitis
Short‐ vs. long‐standing inflammation 3‐week and 3‐month experimental biofilm accumulation results in similar intensity of inflammatory responses in gingiva of dogs
  • 3‐month experimental biofilm accumulation in dogs results in a more pronounced inflammatory response in peri‐implant mucosa compared with inflammatory response in the gingiva
  • Inflammatory lesions from long‐standing mucositis in humans considerably larger compared with those of short‐term (3‐week) experimental mucositis lesions
Variability in humans High and low responders to experimental biofilm accumulation High and low responders to experimental biofilm accumulation not yet identified

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