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Fig. 5. ROC analyses of PICF calprotectin and NTx ...

Fig. 5. ROC analyses of PICF calprotectin and NTx to predict peri-implant diseases. PICF samples were collected from sites with and without peri-implant diseases (n = 74). Calprotectin (a) and NTx (b) amounts in PICF samples were subjected to ROC curve analysis. AUC values for calprotectin and NTx amounts were 0.964 (95% CI = 0.913–0.996, P 

Fig. 4. Correlation between NTx amounts and PD or ...

Fig. 4. Correlation between NTx amounts and PD or BL rates. a The correlation between PICF NTx amounts and PD was evaluated in PICF samples from peri-implant disease and healthy groups (n = 74, ρ = 0.434, P 

Fig. 3. Relationship between PICF calprotectin amo...

Fig. 3. Relationship between PICF calprotectin amounts and PD or GI scores. a The relationship between PICF calprotectin amounts and PD was evaluated in PICF samples from peri-implant disease and healthy groups (n = 74, ρ = 0.709, P 

Fig. 2. Comparison of NTx levels in PICF. NTx amou...

Fig. 2. Comparison of NTx levels in PICF. NTx amounts (a) in PICF samples from peri-implant disease sites (n = 40, diseased) and non-diseased sites (n = 34, healthy) were measured by ELISA, and its concentration (b) was normalized by the volume of PICF. Horizontal bars show the mean values of each group. ‡P 

Fig. 1. Comparison of calprotectin levels in PICF....

Fig. 1. Comparison of calprotectin levels in PICF. PICF samples were collected from peri-implant disease sites (n = 40, diseased) and non-diseased sites (n = 34, healthy). Calprotectin amounts (a) were measured by ELISA, and its concentration (b) was normalized by the volume of PICF. Horizontal bars show the mean values of each group. *P 

Table 1 Characteristics of participants and examin...

Participants  Number of participants 35    Gender (male/female) 10:25    Age (y...

About this article : Calprotectin and cross-linked...

Sakamoto, E., Kido, R., Tomotake, Y. et al. Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I collagen levels in crevicular fluid from implant sites with peri-implant diseases: a pilot study. Int J Implant Dent 4, 26 (2018). Download citation Received: 22 December 2017 Accepted: 25 May 2018 Published: 13 September 2018 DOI: h...

Rights and permissions : Calprotectin and cross-li...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Ethics declarations : Calprotectin and cross-linke...

The present study was approved by the Ethics Committees of Tokushima University Hospital (nos. 2368 and 2719) in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 2013. Participants with peri-implants gave their written informed consent after receiving an explanation of this clinical study. Authors Eijiro Sakamoto, Rie Kido, Yoritoki Tomotake, Yoshihito Naitou, Yuichi Ishida and Jun-ichi Kido declare t...

Author information : Calprotectin and cross-linked...

Correspondence to Jun-ichi Kido.

Author information : Calprotectin and cross-linked...

Department of Periodontology and Endodontology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School, 3-18-15 Kuramoto, Tokushima, 770-8504, Japan Eijiro Sakamoto, Rie Kido & Jun-ichi Kido Oral Implant Center, Tokushima University Hospital, Tokushima, Japan Yoritoki Tomotake & Yoshihito Naitou Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Institute of Biomedical S...

Acknowledgements : Calprotectin and cross-linked N...

We thank Dr. Toyoko Tajima (Oral Implant Center, Tokushima University Hospital) and Dr. Toshihiko Nagata, Dr. Koji Naruishi, Dr. Hiromichi Yumoto, Dr. Masami Ninomiya, Dr. Mika Bando, Dr. Yuji Inagaki, Dr. Chie Mihara, Dr. Takahisa Ikuta, Mr. Ryosuke Takagi, and Mr. Kohei Nonaka (Department of Periodontology and Endodontology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School)...

References : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

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References : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Aboyoussef H, Carter C, Jandinski JJ, Panagakos FS. Detection of prostaglandin E2 and matrix metalloproteinases in implant crevicular fluid. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1998;13:689–96. Melo RF, Lopes BM, Shibli JA, Marcantonio E Jr, Marcantonio RA, Galli GM. Interleukin-1β and interleukin-6 expression and gene polymorphisms in subjects with peri-implant disease. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res...

References : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Becerik S, Afacan B, Öztürk VÖ, Atmaca H, Emingil G. Gingival crevicular fluid calprotectin, osteocalcin and cross-linked N-terminal telopeptide levels in health and different periodontal diseases. Dis Markers. 2011;31:343–52. Becerik S, Gürkan A, Afacan B, Özgen ÖV, Atmac H, Töz H, et al. Gingival crevicular fluid osteocalcin, N-terminal telopeptides, and calprotectin levels in cyclospo...

References : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Fagerhol MK, Andersson KB, Naess-Andersen CF, Brandtzaeg P, Dale I. Calprotectin (the L1 leukocyte protein). In: Smith UL, Dedman JR, editors. Stimulus response coupling: the role of intracellular calcium-binding proteins. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1990. p. 187–210. Stříž I, Trebichavský I. Calprotectin—a pleiotropic molecule in acute and chronic inflammation. Physiol Res. 2004;53:245–...

References : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Mombelli A, Müller N, Cionca N. The epidemiology of peri-implantitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012;23(Suppl 6):67–76. Figuero E, Graziani F, Sanz I, Herrera D, Sanz M. Management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Periodontol. 2000;2014(66):255–73. Hämmerle CHF, Glauser R. Clinical evaluation of dental implant treatment. Periodontol. 2000;2004(34):230–9. Heitz-Mayfield LJA....

Abbreviations : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-te...

Aspartate aminotransferase Bone loss Bleeding on probing Cumulative interceptive supportive therapy Gingival crevicular fluid Gingival index Cross-linked C-telopeptide of type I collagen Interleukin-1β Matrix metalloproteinase-8 Nuclear factor-κB Cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen Osteocalcin Probing depth Peri-implant crevicular fluid Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand...

Conclusions : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telo...

Calprotectin and NTx in PICF are markers of inflammation and bone resorption in peri-implant tissues and may be useful diagnostic markers for peri-implant diseases.

Discussion : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Treatments for peri-implant diseases are selected by CIST [6], in which clinical indicators including PD, BOP, implant mobility, and BL on radiographs are used to diagnose peri-implant diseases. However, these clinical indicators are not considered to be sufficiently accurate or objective for the diagnosis of peri-implant diseases. Biomarkers in PICF contribute to the diagnosis of peri-implant dis...

Discussion : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

We did not classify peri-implant diseases into peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in this pilot study. Peri-implant mucositis does not show BL, whereas peri-implantitis shows BL of more than 2.5 or 3 mm on intra-oral radiographs [39, 40]. Figuero et al. [2] introduced plural diagnostic criteria for peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Rakic et al. [5] defined peri-implantitis as ...

Discussion : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Diagnostic studies on peri-implant diseases using biomarkers in PICF have been performing because clinical indicators do not necessarily lead to an accurate evaluation of peri-implant diseases [5, 7, 8, 32]. Calprotectin levels were significantly higher in periodontitis GCF than in healthy GCF, and thus, calprotectin is regarded as a useful inflammatory marker for periodontal diseases [16, 17, 19]...

Results : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopept...

NTx amounts in PICF samples correlated with PD at PICF sampling sites (ρ = 0.434, P 

Results : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopept...

Thirty-four of PICF samples were collected from healthy peri-implant sites and forty samples from diseased sites (Table 1). The mean PD in diseased sites was 4.70 mm, which was significantly deeper than that of healthy sites (2.32 mm). The mean GI score of diseased sites was 1.5, which was significantly higher than that of healthy sites. A significant difference was observed in the BOP-positive...

Methods : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopept...

Calprotectin in PICF samples was determined using Calprotectin Human ELISA kit® (Hycult Biotech, PB Uden, the Netherlands) according to the instruction manual. Briefly, the extracted PICF solution was diluted to 100–200-fold using dilution buffer provided in the kit. The diluted PICF solution was added to wells coated with an antibody of human calprotectin and incubated at room temperature for ...

Methods : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopept...

The present clinical study was approved by the Ethics Committees of Tokushima University Hospital (nos. 2368 and 2719) in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 2013 and performed from November 2016 to August 2017. Patients who received dental implants from 3 to 9 years ago, had healthy or diseased implants with peri-implant diseases, and visited at Tokushima University Hospital for the main...

Background : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Calprotectin (S100A8/S100A9) is an inflammation-related protein that is produced in leukocytes, macrophages/monocytes, and epithelial cells, and its level increases in several inflammatory diseases including ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cystic fibrosis [14, 15]. Calprotectin was previously detected in GCF, and its level was significantly higher in GCF from periodontal disease site...

Background : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telop...

Dental treatments with implants are now being widely performed due to advances in the development of surgical procedures for dental implants and prosthodontics. However, the incidence of peri-implant diseases has been increasing with implant placement [1], and thus, the early detection of these diseases is important for maintaining dental implants. Peri-implant diseases with inflammation and the d...

Abstract : Calprotectin and cross-linked N-telopep...

Peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) contains calprotectin and NTx, which are markers for inflammation and bone resorption, respectively. The aims of this pilot study were to compare calprotectin and NTx levels in PICF from implant sites with or without peri-implant diseases and to evaluate the usefulness of calprotectin and NTx as diagnostic markers for peri-implant diseases. Thirty-five patient...

Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental vs lesi...

Penelitian pada manusia Penelitian-penelitian eksperimental pada manusia telah mengevaluasi respons terhadap penumpukan biofilm 3 minggu, sesuai dengan kerangka kala penelitian gingivitis eksperimental oleh Löe et al., di mana reversibilitas lesi radang di seputar gigi ditunjukkan setelah reinstitusi kontrol biofilm setelah 3 minggu. Ada penelitian yang melaporkan biopsi manusia dari jaringan pe...

Tabel 2. Bukti untuk faktor sebagai indikator risi...

Indikator risiko Publiskasi Ringkasan Rasio  ganjil (95% CI), analisis multivariat Signifikansi Keberadaan biofilm plak Roos‐Jansaker et al. 218 subyek, 9 tahun sampai 14 tahun tindak lanjut, analisis multivariat  1.9 (1.2 –2.9) P = 0.004 Skor plak: buruk = skor plak median  1 < x < 2 Ferreira et al. 212 subyek semua non‐smokers, 6 bulan sampai 5 tah...

Persamaan & perbedaan antara indikator / faktor ri...

Persamaan & perbedaan antara indikator / faktor risiko untuk penyakit periodontal vs mukositis peri-implant Tinjauan sistematis terbaru merinkes indikator risiko potensial untuk mukositis peri-implant dan mengidentifikasi penumpukan biofilm dan merokok sebagai indikator risiko. Selain itu, penelitian lintas bagian menunjukkan bahwa skor plak merupakan indikator risiko mukositis peri-implant den...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Desain prostesis yang didukung implant Aksesibilitas untuk penghapusan biofilm di sekeliling prostesis yang didukung implant memainkan peran penting dalam upaya pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan penyakit peri‐implant. Implant dengan margin restorasi supramukosa metokke penurunan kedalaman probing yang jauh lebih besar setelah perawatan mukositis peri-implant dibandingkan implant dengan margin rest...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Pada pasien edentula sebagian, mukositis peri-implant pra-ada yang disertai dengan kurangnya kepatuhan pada SIT punya hubungan dengan tingkat kejadian peri-implantitis yang lebih tinggi selama periode tindak lanjut 5 tahun. Weton penelitian itu metokke tingkat kejadian peri-implantitis 5 tahun sebesar 18.0% pada kelompok pasien dengan SIT dan 43.9% dalam kelompok tanpa SIT. Analisis regresi logi...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Kebersihan mulut Weton penelitian klinis penampang telah dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa penumpukan biofilm berkaitan dengan adanya mukositis peri-implant di seputar implant gigi yang ter-osseointegrata. Ferreira et al melaporkan tentang 212 pasien yang dirawat dengan tiga sistem implant yang berbeda dan didiagnosis dengan mukositis peri-implant. Semua implant telah berfungsi untuk jangka wayah mu...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Pada Lokakarya Buana sebelumnya tentang Periodontologi, definisi faktor risiko disetujui sebagai "faktor lingkungan, perilaku, atau biologis yang dikonfirmasi oleh urutan temporal, biasanya dalam studi longitudinal, yang jika ada, secara langsung meningkatkan peluang penyakit terjadi dan, jika tidak ada atau dihapus mengurangi peluang itu." Untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang sebenarnya, but...

Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental vs lesi...

Penelitian eksperimental pada manusia dan sato telah menunjukkan bahwa penumpukan biofilm de novo memicu lesi radang dalam mukosa peri-implant dengan migrasi leukosit melalui epitel penghalang dan pembentukan infiltrat radang dengan peningkatan proporsi sel T dan sel B di dalam jaringan ikat yang berada dekat dengan epitel penghalang. Model sato Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental telah...

Mukositis peri-implant yang dipicu biofilm bisakah...

Meskipun hubungan daruna-daruni antara akumulasi biofilm eksperimental dan pengembangan mukositis peri-implant eksperimental diklaim dalam dua penelitian yang disebutkan sebelumnya, kasus untuk hubungan daruna-daruni yang sebenarnya akan diperosa oleh bukti reversibilitas untuk tingkat pra-eksperimental kesarasan mukosa. Dalam penelitian oleh Salvi et al, GI di situs implant turun secara signifik...

Perubahan dari mukosa peri-implant saras jadi peri...

Mukosa peri-implant yang saras ditandai dengan adanya epitel oral yang meluas ke epitel penghalang non-keratin dengan lamina basal dan hemidesmosome yang menghadap ke permukaan implant atau abutmen. Dalam jaringan ikat yang berdekatan dengan penghalang epitel, ada infiltrat sel radang yang menyulihi pertahanan inang terhadap tantangan bakteri. Dalam kondisi mukosa peri-implant yang saras, epitel p...

Tabel 1. Persamaan & perbedaan antara gingivitis t...

    Gingivitis Mukositis peri‐implant Pengertian Peradangan gingival tanpa susut perlekatan periodontal Peradangan mukosa peri‐implant tanpa penyusutan tulang peri-implant berkelanjutan Tanda klinis Kemerahan, bengkak, dan perdarahan dengan probing lembut Kemerahan, bengkak, perdarahan dengan probing lembut, dan nanah Peradangan eksperimental pada manusia P...

Pengertian : Mukositis peri‐implant

Mukosa peri-implan telah didefinisikan dalam lokakarya sebelumnya sebagai lesi inflamasi mukosa yang mengelilingi implant endosseous tanpa kehilangan tulang peri-implant pendukung. Kriteria penting untuk pengertian mukositis peri-implant adalah peradangan pada mukosa peri-implant dan tidak adanya keropos tulang peri-implant marjinal yang berkelanjutan. Tanda klinis peradangan adalah pendarahan pad...

Bahan & metode : Mukositis peri‐implant

Pencarian literatur MEDLINE (PubMed) dan The Cochrane Library hingga dan termasuk 31 Juli 2016, dilakukan menggunakan strategi pencarian (peri-implant[All Fields] AND ("mucositis"[MeSH Terms] OR "mucositis"[All Fields])) OR (periimplant[All Fields] AND mucositis[All Fields]), memunculkan 224 karya kawidyan. Penelitian prospektif, retrospektif, dan lintas bidang dan karya tinjauan yang berfokus pad...

Pendahuluan : Peri‐implant mucositis

Penyakit peri-implant, termasuk peri-implant mucositis dan peri-implantitis, pertama kali didefinisikan dan dijelaskan pada Lokakarya Eropa Pertama tentang Periodontologi di Ittingen pada tahun 1993. Setelah itu, ada banyak lokakarya yang medhar definisi, kelumrahan, dan pengobatan penyakit ini. penyakit. Mucositis peri-implan dianggap sebagai prekursor peri-implantitis. Tujuan dari tinjauan narat...

Mukositis peri-implant

Tujuan Tinjauan naratif ini disiapkan untuk Lokakarya Buana 2017 Akademi Periodontologi Amerika dan Federasi Periodontologi Eropa untuk menanggapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan kunci terkait dengan kondisi klinis mukositis peri-implant, termasuk: definisi mukositis peri-implant, perubahan kesarasan peri-implant jadi lesi mukositis peri-implant yang diinduksi oleh biofilm, reversibilitas mukositis ...

Gambar 1. Peri-implant mucositis vs peri-implantit...

Gambar 1. Peri-implant mucositis vs peri-implantitis vs peri-implant health

Table 2. Evidence for factors as risk indicators f...

Risk indicator Publication Summary Odds ratio (95% CI), multivariate analysis Significance Plaque biofilm presence Roos‐Jansaker et al. 218 subjects, 9‐ to 14‐year follow‐up, multivariate analysis 1.9 (1.2 –2.9) P = 0.004 Plaque score: poor = median plaque score > 1 and 

Similarities & differences between risk indicators...

SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RISK INDICATORS/FACTORS FOR PERIODONTAL DISEASES VERSUS PERI‐IMPLANT MUCOSITIS A recent systematic review summarized potential risk indicators for peri‐implant mucositis and identified biofilm accumulation and smoking as risk indicators. In addition, a cross‐sectional study showed that plaque score was a risk indicator for peri‐implant mucositis in a...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

Design of implant‐supported prostheses Accessibility for biofilm removal around implant‐supported prostheses plays an important role in the prevention and management of peri‐implant diseases. Implants with supramucosal restoration margins yielded significantly greater reductions in probing depths following treatment of peri‐implant mucositis compared with those with submucosal restoration...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

In partially edentulous patients, pre‐existing peri‐implant mucositis in conjunction with lack of adherence to SIT was associated with a higher incidence of peri‐implantitis during a 5‐year follow‐up period. The outcomes of that study yielded a 5‐year incidence of peri‐implantitis of 18.0% in the group of patients with SIT and of 43.9% in the group without SIT, respectively. The ...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

Oral hygiene Outcomes of cross‐sectional clinical studies have clearly indicated that biofilm accumulation is associated with the presence of peri‐implant mucositis around osseointegrated dental implants. Ferreira et al. reported on 212 patients treated with three different implant systems and diagnosed with peri‐implant mucositis. All implants had been in function for a period ranging f...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

At a previous World Workshop on Periodontology the definition of a risk factor was agreed as, “an environmental, behavioral or biologic factor confirmed by temporal sequence, usually in longitudinal studies, which if present, directly increases the probability of a disease occurring and, if absent or removed reduces that probability.” To identify a true risk factor, prospective studies are req...

Experimental peri-implant mucositis models vs long...

Experimental studies in humans and animals have demonstrated that de novo biofilm accumulation results in an inflammatory lesion within the peri‐implant mucosa with migration of leukocytes through the barrier epithelium and the establishment of an inflammatory infiltrate with an increased proportion of T‐ and B‐cells in the connective tissue adjacent to the barrier epithelium. Animal mod...

Is biofilm-induced peri-implant mucositis a revers...

Although a cause–effect relationship between experimental biofilm accumulation and the development of experimental peri‐implant mucositis was claimed in the two studies mentioned previously, the case for a true cause–effect relationship would be strengthened by the proof of reversibility to pre‐experimental levels of mucosal health. In the study by Salvi et al., the GI at implant sites dr...

Conversion from healthy peri-implant mucosa to per...

Healthy peri‐implant mucosa is characterized by the presence of an oral epithelium extending into a non‐keratinized barrier epithelium with basal lamina and hemidesmosomes facing the implant or abutment surface. In the connective tissue adjacent to the epithelial barrier, inflammatory cell infiltrates representing the host's defense against the bacterial challenge are present. In healthy peri...

Table 1. Similarities and differences between biof...

  Gingivitis Peri‐implant mucositis Definition Gingival inflammation without periodontal attachment loss Peri‐implant mucosal inflammation in absence of continuous marginal peri‐implant bone loss Clinical signs Redness, swelling, and bleeding on gentle probing Redness, swelling, bleeding on gentle probing, and suppuration Experimental inflammation in humans I...

Definition : Peri‐implant mucositis

Peri‐implant mucositis has been defined in previous workshops as an inflammatory lesion of the mucosa surrounding an endosseous implant without loss of supporting peri‐implant bone. The important criteria for the definition of peri‐implant mucositis are inflammation in the peri‐implant mucosa and the absence of continuing marginal peri‐implant bone loss. The clinical sign of inflammation...

Materials & methods : Peri‐implant mucositis

A literature search of MEDLINE (PubMed) and The Cochrane Library up to and including July 31, 2016, was carried out using the search strategy (peri‐implant[All Fields] AND (“mucositis”[MeSH Terms] OR “mucositis”[All Fields])) OR (periimplant[All Fields] AND mucositis[All Fields]), resulting in 224 papers. Prospective, retrospective, and cross‐sectional studies and review papers focused...

Pendahuluan : Peri‐implant mucositis

Peri‐implant diseases, including peri‐implant mucositis and peri‐implantitis, were first defined and described at the First European Workshop on Periodontology in Ittingen in 1993. Following this, there have been numerous workshops addressing the definition, prevalence, and treatment of these diseases. Peri‐implant mucositis is considered to be the precursor of peri‐implantitis. The ob...

Peri‐implant mucositis

Objectives This narrative review was prepared for the 2017 World Workshop of the American Academy of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology to address key questions related to the clinical condition of peri‐implant mucositis, including: 1) the definition of peri‐implant mucositis, 2) conversion of peri‐implant health to the biofilm‐induced peri‐implant mucositis lesi...