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Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical staining of osteocalci...

Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical staining of osteocalcin (a) and collagen I (c) in sections from mini pigs mandible from 9M and IR osteocalcin (b) and collagen I (d). There were statistically significant differences to osteocalcin in 9M samples and no statistically significant differences to collagen I samples. Magnification: ×40 (a, b) and ×100 (c, d) Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical staining of ost...

Fig. 5. Representative photomicrographs of each th...

Fig. 5. Representative photomicrographs of each third of the peri-implant bone of IR experimental condition (H&E, ×40). a First third (cervical third). b Intermediate third. c Apical third. Note the edges of bone grooving present rounded contour, mainly in the last third Fig. 5. Representative photomicrographs of each third of the peri-implant bone of IR experimental condition (H&E, ×40). a...

Fig. 4. Representative photomicrographs of each th...

Fig. 4. Representative photomicrographs of each third of the peri-implant bone of 9M experimental condition (H&E, ×40). a First third (cervical third). b Intermediate third. c Apical third. Bone grooving with no altered contour Fig. 4. Representative photomicrographs of each third of the peri-implant bone of 9M experimental condition (H&E, ×40). a First third (cervical third). b Intermediat...

Fig. 3. Prothesis fixed installed on the three imp...

Fig. 3. Prothesis fixed installed on the three implants Fig. 3. Prothesis fixed installed on the three implants

Table 4 Data showing the expression of collagen I ...

  9M IR Third Mean Standard deviation Mean ...

Table 3 Data showing the expression of osteocalcin...

  9M IR Third Mean Standard deviation Mean ...

Table 2 Removal torque value (Ncm) of three implan...

Animal Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum 1 150.1 30.2 122.7 184.4 2 163.3 35.1 132.4 205.3 3 175.2 15.2 153.2 204.6 4 163.6 15.4 157.3 185.1 5 153.3 15.2 146.2 174.2 6 150.3 26.4 129.2 174.6   Table 2 Removal torque value (Ncm) of three implants removed after 9 months (9M) per animal

Table 1 Removal torque value (Ncm) of three implan...

Animal Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum 1 98.3 5.5 92.2 103.3 2 91.6 9.1 82.1 102.5 3 105.3 8.3 100.4 115.0 4 71.6 10.5 61.2 82.2 5 78.6 5.8 72.7 83.1 6 88.6 6.6 81 93.6   Table 1 Removal torque value (Ncm) of three implants immediate removed (IR) per animal

About this article : Twist removal of healed vs. n...

Silva, R.d., Passador, F. & Caria, P.H.F. Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed implants—a mechanical and histological study in mini pigs. Int J Implant Dent 2, 23 (2016). Download citation Received: 27 April 2016 Accepted: 18 November 2016 Published: 25 November 2016 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Twist removal of healed v...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Author information : Twist removal of healed vs. n...

FOP/UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil Ricardo de Oliveira Silva & Paulo Henrique Ferreira Caria CPG São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, SP, Brasil Fabrício Passador You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar Correspondence to Ricardo de Oliveira Silva.

Acknowledgements : Twist removal of healed vs. non...

We would like to thank Mario Perussi for supplying us with the customized system, implants, and prosthetic components, Dentifix®, FESB, veterinary professors Rafael Rodrigues and Alexander Correa Borghesan, and CAPES for the scholarship and financial support. ROS conceived the study, held surgical procedures, and drafted the manuscript. FP did the preparation and helped in reading the histologic...

References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

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References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

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References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

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References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

Assenza B, Scarano A, Perrotti V, Vozza I, Quaranta A, Quaranta M, et al. Peri-implant bone reactions around immediately loaded conical implants with different prosthetic suprastructures: Histological and histomorphometrical study on minipigs. Clin Oral Investig. 2010;14(3):285–90. Sasaki H, Koyama S, Yokoyama M, Yamaguchi K, Itoh M SK. Bone metabolic activity around dental implants under loadi...

References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

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References : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

Brånemark PI. Osseointegration and its experimental background. J Prosthet Dent. 1983;50(3):399–410. Chiapasco M, Gatti C. Immediate loading of dental implants placed in revascularized fibula free flaps: a clinical report on 2 consecutive patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015;19(6):906–12. Shemtov-Yona K, Rittel D. On the mechanical integrity of retrieved dental implants. J Mech Be...

Conclusion : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

Implant removal torque should be higher to remove implants with long-time installation than implants removed immediately after installation. Although, removal torque causes microscopical fractures and smooth on the peri-implant bone grooves, it does not compromised the bone healing.

Discussion : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

According to Christenson R.H. [24], the bone structure, metabolism, and regulation are reflected by markers of resorption, formation, and/or turnover. Among the markers of bone resorption is the type 1 collagen degradation and maker of bone formation: Osteocalcin. Bone formation markers derive from the osteoblastic activity, formed during the different stages of osteoblasts proliferation, differen...

Discussion : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

In order to better use a model which reproduce the natural conditions of dental implant in action, minipigs (BR-1) have been used in this study [44], the nonprimate animal model that is most appropriate for the study of human mastication [45] and commonly used in research because suine and human share important anatomic and physiologic characteristics [46, 47]. The osseointegration process is qui...

Discussion : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed...

Dental implant revolutionized oral rehabilitation, becoming the natural teeth replacement by a titanium implant, a successful alternative to treat total or partial edentulism [14, 26, 27]. Nowadays, dental implants are definitely a current procedure in many dental offices [3, 28, 29]. Despite the long-term success shown by different studies [14, 30], implant failure is inevitable [31–33]. Since,...

Results : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed im...

Duplicate sections of peri-impant bone were obtained from each implant sample to evaluate the percentage of stained areas in order to differentiate markers of collagen I and osteocalcin within both experimental conditions (Fig. 6). The highest collagen I expression values were observed at the IR experimental condition, and osteocalcin expression was higher at the 9M. There was a statistically si...

Results : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed im...

No remarkable complications were found during the healing period. At sacrifice, all 18 implants fixed after 9 months were considered successfully integrated at the time of the removal and none showed any mobility or signal of infection at sacrifice. There was no difference in the healing between animals who had the implants immediately removed after installation, and animal whose implants were re...

Materials and methods : Twist removal of healed vs...

Hematoxylin-eosin-stained section images were digitized and analyzed in order to recognize the presence of native bone tissue by the presence of osteocyte lacunae-containing cells and the newly formed bone tissue recognized by the absence of lacunae. Also, the characteristics of peri-implant bone, presence or absence of bone fractures, and the shape and contour of bone grooving resultant of the tr...

Materials and methods : Twist removal of healed vs...

The mandibles were sectioned into left and right segments, and each peri-implant bone was sectioned again to individualize them. Each peri-implant bone block was fixed in buffered formalin solution, pH 7.0, for 6 days, demineralized in 10% formic acid, and dehydrated through progressing alcohol concentrations and paraffin-embedded. Paraffin blocks were sectioned at 7-μm thick mounted on poly-l-...

Materials and methods : Twist removal of healed vs...

This study was approved by the University Animal Ethics Committee-CEUA/UNICAMP-(Campinas, SP) (no.2730-1/12). Six adult male mini pigs (BR-1 mini pigs, São Paulo, Brazil) with ~36 months old and weighed ~55 kg were used in the experiment. The mini pigs were kept in the Experimental Center of the Veterinary Faculty (FESB-Bragança Paulista, SP) and were allowed to adapt to the environment 1 wee...

Introduction : Twist removal of healed vs. nonheal...

Many authors investigated bone reactions around dental implants [17–21]. What happens in the peri-implant bone implants removed is not reported in scientific articles. This study evaluated the peri-implant bone after his immediate removal and after 9 months of osseointegration. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the peri-implant bone after dental implant removal.

Introduction : Twist removal of healed vs. nonheal...

Since the discovery of osseointegration by Branemark in Sweden in 1960, where found that when titanium screws left undisturbed in bone, the osteocytes grow in close apposition to the titanium surfaces and provide firm anchorage. This discovery was successfully applied in dental and craniofacial reconstructive surgery in 1965 [1, 2]. Dental implants became a common procedure in the modern dental tr...

Abstract : Twist removal of healed vs. nonhealed i...

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of removal torque (reverse torque) of titanium implants in peri-implant bone. The P1-M1 teeth were extracted bilaterally of 6 mini pigs (BR-1). Each animal received 6 titanium implants, three for each side of mandible. On the right side of mandible, 3 implants reminded 9 months (9M) under masticatory activity and on the left side, other 3 im...