Blood coagulum filled socket.
Day 3 : tissue composition in extraction socket
author: Nikos Mardas | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

On day 3, the socket is filled with a blood coagulum comprised of red blood cells and platelets trapped in a fibrin network together with isolated inflammatory cells such as neutrophils. Close to the bundle bone, mesenchymal cells, severed periodontal fibers, and dilated vascular units can be observed.
Serial posts:
- Biological events after tooth extraction
- Day 1 : blood coagulation
- Day 3 : tissue composition in extraction socket
- Day 3 : At the end of this initial healing period
- Day 7: Provisional matrix & osteoclasts
- Day 14 : Woven bone & connective tissue
- Day 30 - 60: Modeling/ remodeling
- Day 120: corticular bone & trabecular bone
- Day 180: large marrow spaces
- Quantitative tissue analysis
- Post molar extraction mandible