At 120 days of healing, the entrance of the socket has become reinforced by layers of cortical bone
Day 120: corticular bone & trabecular bone
author: Nikos Mardas | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

At 120 days of healing, the entrance of the socket, denoted with an arrow, has become reinforced by layers of cortical bone that are deposited over the previously formed woven bone.
Serial posts:
- Biological events after tooth extraction
- Day 1 : blood coagulation
- Day 3 : tissue composition in extraction socket
- Day 3 : At the end of this initial healing period
- Day 7: Provisional matrix & osteoclasts
- Day 14 : Woven bone & connective tissue
- Day 30 - 60: Modeling/ remodeling
- Day 120: corticular bone & trabecular bone
- Day 180: large marrow spaces
- Quantitative tissue analysis
- Post molar extraction mandible