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Discussion : Maxillary sinus augmentation using chairside bone marrow aspirate concentrates for implant site development: a systematic review of histomorphometric studies [3]

Discussion : Maxillary sinus augmentation using chairside bone marrow aspirate concentrates for implant site development: a systematic review of histomorphometric studies [3]

author: Miriam Ting, Philip Afshar, Arik Adhami, Stanton M Braid, Jon B Suzuki | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Pasquali et al. [7], in eight patients compared BMAC + bovine bone graft (test group) with bovine bone graft alone (control group). New bone (55.15%) was reported in the test group compared with new bone (27.3%) in the control group based on histomorphometric analyses. This reported observation indicating statistically more new bone regeneration in the BMAC + bovine bone graft group compared with control bovine bone graft group needs further investigation. Histologic diagnosis for this paper used Masson’s Trichrome stain. Histological assessment was divided into square-millimeter segments and new bone; vital vs non-vital vs non-mineralized bone was assessed by two independent examiners. Microscopically, square millimeters of new bone was reported as percentage of area. BMAC samples were consistently (eight patients) better than controls (bovine bone graft alone). However, subtle clinical or laboratory preparation techniques not described in the details of the “Materials and methods” section may account for these improved results.

Finally, de Oliveira et al. [12] compared BMAC laboratory preparation techniques involving one or two centrifugations. The first test group was BMAC with single centrifugation + bovine bone graft. The second test group was BMAC with double centrifugation + bovine bone graft, perhaps resulting in greater purity. The control group was bovine bone graft alone. Six months postsurgically, biopsies were performed and the specimens submitted for histomorphometric analyses. New bone (38.4%) resulted with the single BMAC centrifugation. New bone (34.63%) resulted with the double BMAC centrifugation. The control group had 27.3% new bone. Therefore, although the single BMAC centrifugation resulted in the best histomorphometric outcome, it was not statistically significant. Histologic diagnosis employed biopsies decalcified by 10% EDTA for 36 h. Seven-micron sections were evaluated histologically for non-vital bone, vital bone, and non-mineralized bone. No histologic difference between single centrifugation of BMAC (38.44%) vs double centrifugation of BMAC (34.63%) was reported. Controls (bovine bone alone) resulted in 27.3% new bone formation.

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