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Figure 1. Intraoperative photos illustrating bone harvesting and lateral bone augmentation in the PRF group. Initially, an incision is made at the lateral aspect of the posterior part of the mandibular corpus (a) followed by exposing the mucoperiosteal flap (b), before making the osteotomy line (c). The bone block (d) is then retrieved before adjusted to the contour at the recipient site and fixated with an osteosynthesis screw (e). Autogenous bone graft particles are packed around the graft before covering the grafted area with three PRF membranes (f and g). Finally, tension-free primary wound closure is performed before suturing (h)

Figure 1. Intraoperative photos illustrating bone harvesting

author: Jens Hartlev,Sren Schou,Flemming Isidor, Sven Erik Nrholt | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID


Figure 1. Intraoperative photos illustrating bone harvesting and lateral bone augmentation in the PRF group. Initially, an incision is made at the lateral aspect of the posterior part of the mandibular corpus (a) followed by exposing the mucoperiosteal flap (b), before making the osteotomy line (c). The bone block (d) is then retrieved before adjusted to the contour at the recipient site and fixated with an osteosynthesis screw (e). Autogenous bone graft particles are packed around the graft before covering the grafted area with three PRF membranes (f and g). Finally, tension-free primary wound closure is performed before suturing (h)
Figure 1. Intraoperative photos illustrating bone harvesting and lateral bone augmentation in the PRF group. Initially, an incision is made at the lateral aspect of the posterior part of the mandibular corpus (a) followed by exposing the mucoperiosteal flap (b), before making the osteotomy line (c). The bone block (d) is then retrieved before adjusted to the contour at the recipient site and fixated with an osteosynthesis screw (e). Autogenous bone graft particles are packed around the graft before covering the grafted area with three PRF membranes (f and g). Finally, tension-free primary wound closure is performed before suturing (h)

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