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In vitro studies examining bone-implant contact of different implants

Table 1 : zirconia dental implants

author: Zeynep zkurt, DDS, PhD Ender Kazazolu, DDS, PhD | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Table 1

In vitro studies examining bone-implant contact of different implants

investigator type of implant follow-up period bone-implant contact
Akagawa, 1993 Nonloaded zirconia 3 mo 81.9
Akagawa, 1993 Loaded zirconia 3 mo 69.8
Dubruille, 1999 Titanium 10 mo 54
Dubruille, 1999 Alumina 10 mo 68
Dubruille, 1999 Zirconia 10 mo 64.6
Scarano, 2003 Zirconia 4 wk 68.4
Kohal, 2004 Sandblasted zirconia 14 mo 67.4
Kohal, 2004 Sandblasted titanium 14 mo 72.9
Hoffman,2008 Titanium 2 wk 42-52
Hoffman, 2008 Zirconia 2 wk 54-55
Hoffman, 2008 Titanium 4 wk 68-91
Hoffman, 2008 Zirconia 4 wk 62-80
Sollazo, 2008 Titanium 4 wk 31.8
Sollazo, 2008 Zirconia-coated titanium 4 wk 43.8
Bacchelli, 2009 Machined titanium 2 wk 34.5
Bacchelli, 2009 Titanium plasma-sprayed titanium 2 wk 44.7
Bacchelli, 2009 Aluminum-blasted titanium 2 wk 53.4
Bacchelli, 2009 Zirconia-blasted titanium 2 wk 35.5

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