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Fig. 12. Facial photograph views at 22-month follo...

Fig. 12. Facial photograph views at 22-month follow-up Fig. 12. Facial photograph views at 22-month follow-up

Fig. 11. Facial radiograph at 22-month follow-up :...

Fig. 11. Facial radiograph at 22-month follow-up Fig. 11. Facial radiograph at 22-month follow-up

Fig. 10. Full facial view of definitive implant-re...

Fig. 10. Full facial view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014) Fig. 10. Full facial view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014)

Fig. 9. Palatal view of definitive implant-retaine...

Fig. 9. Palatal view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014) Fig. 9. Palatal view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014)

Fig. 8. Anterior view of definitive obturator pros...

Fig. 8. Anterior view of definitive obturator prosthesis in occlusion Fig. 8. Anterior view of definitive obturator prosthesis in occlusion

Fig. 7. Smile view of definitive implant-retained ...

Fig. 7. Smile view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014) Fig. 7. Smile view of definitive implant-retained obturator at initial fitting (April 2014)

Fig. 6. Intaglio surface of definitive acrylic obt...

Fig. 6. Intaglio surface of definitive acrylic obturator with bar attachments in place. Note the absence of any other retaining clasps and the simple nature of this prosthesis Fig. 6. Intaglio surface of definitive acrylic obturator with bar attachments in place. Note the absence of any other retaining clasps and the simple nature of this prosthesis

Fig. 5. Zygomatic implant bar utilising Rhein atta...

Fig. 5. Zygomatic implant bar utilising Rhein attachments for retention Fig. 5. Zygomatic implant bar utilising Rhein attachments for retention

Fig. 4. Twelve-week review post-surgery prior to d...

Fig. 4. Twelve-week review post-surgery prior to definitive impressions for the implant-supported prosthesis Fig. 4. Twelve-week review post-surgery prior to definitive impressions for the implant-supported prosthesis

Fig. 3. Low-level right-sided maxillectomy with th...

Fig. 3. Low-level right-sided maxillectomy with the insertion of two zygomatic oncology implants at time of surgery Fig. 3. Low-level right-sided maxillectomy with the insertion of two zygomatic oncology implants at time of surgery

Fig. 2. Palatal swelling (post-biopsy) between upp...

Fig. 2. Palatal swelling (post-biopsy) between upper right first and second premolar teeth Fig. 2. Palatal swelling (post-biopsy) between upper right first and second premolar teeth

Fig. 1. Zygomatic oncology implant with cleansable...

Fig. 1. Zygomatic oncology implant with cleansable polished surface for intra-oral component Fig. 1. Zygomatic oncology implant with cleansable polished surface for intra-oral component

About this article : A novel report on the use of ...

Dattani, A., Richardson, D. & Butterworth, C.J. A novel report on the use of an oncology zygomatic implant-retained maxillary obturator in a paediatric patient. Int J Implant Dent 3, 9 (2017). Download citation Received: 24 November 2016 Accepted: 26 February 2017 Published: 28 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : A novel report on the use...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Author information : A novel report on the use of ...

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional Maxillofacial Unit, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, UK Amit Dattani Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional Craniofacial Unit, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK David Richardson Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Regional Maxillofacial Unit, University Hospital Aintree, Longmoor Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL, UK Chris J. Butterworth You can also sea...

References : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

Brown JS, Shaw RJ. Reconstruction of the maxilla and midface: introducing a new classification. Lancet Oncol. 2010;11(10):1001–8. Breeze J, Rennie A, Morrison A, Dawson D, Tipper J, Rehman K, et al. Health-related quality of life after maxillectomy: obturator rehabilitation compared with flap reconstruction. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;54(8):857–62. Kim SM, Park MW, Cho YA, Myoung H, Lee...

Conclusions : A novel report on the use of an onco...

The use of zygomatic implants to supplement the stability and retention of the maxillary obturator in this case has improved the function of the prosthesis and provided for a very high-quality rehabilitation for the patient reported with no evidence of disruption to facial growth in the 22 months following surgery.

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The use of modified zygomatic implants (Fig. 1) allows improved hygiene by the patient of the implants within the maxillary defect. The threaded portion of the implants is fully engaged into the bone with only the smooth portion protruding into the defect. Clearly this ongoing hygiene by the patient is of utmost importance in preventing peri-implant soft and hard tissue changes, but the implant d...

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The difficulty of restoration with a maxillary obturator prosthesis depends on the extent of the surgical resection, with the acceptance that resections with an increasing horizontal component provide a much greater prosthodontic challenge. The number of remaining teeth is a key component in conventional obturator design [9] with the remaining dentition being used exclusively to retain the prosthe...

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The paediatric population rarely suffer malignant disease of the oral cavity requiring any form of maxillectomy, and there is little published evidence around the rehabilitation and restorative management of children undergoing such procedures. The seemingly most common approach for a limited low-level maxillary resection in a child would be to consider resection and simple prosthetic obturation a...

Case presentation : A novel report on the use of a...

Four weeks later, the patient was returned to the operating room for removal and modification of the obturator. The cavity was healing well, and both implants were firm with no evidence of infection. The initial obturator was modified with the application of a soft lining material and the patient subsequently discharged with instructions on the insertion and removal of the obturator. At the 12-we...

Case presentation : A novel report on the use of a...

A medically fit and well 13-year 11-month-old male was referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery department at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool in regard to an intra-oral swelling of the right palatal region (Fig. 2). An incisional biopsy was initially reported as a pleomorphic adenoma of the premolar region. Subsequently, a CT scan showed no significant bony abnormality, and a w...

Background : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The characteristics of a good obturator will improve swallowing, speech function, minimise nasal fluid leakage from the antrum and nasal spaces, restore facial aesthetics including the teeth and facilitate masticatory function and speech. A surgical obturator can be provided at the time of surgery to facilitate function and haemostasis in the immediate post-operative period, and this can subsequen...

Background : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

Maxillary defects of acquired [1] or congenital origin produce a communication between the oral and nasal cavities sometimes via an opening into the maxillary antrum and by direct communication into the nose. This in turn can result in masticatory compromise, swallowing and speech impairment, nasal fluid regurgitation and aesthetic concerns. The management of the maxillectomy patient is a complex ...

Abstract : A novel report on the use of an oncolog...

This report details the use of zygomatic oncology osseointegrated implants to support and retain a maxillary obturator in a 13-year-old male patient who underwent a right-sided hemi-maxillectomy (Brown Class 2b) (Brown and Shaw, Lancet Oncol 11:1001–8, 2010) for a myxoid spindle cell carcinoma. At the time of maxillary resection, two zygomatic oncology implants were inserted into the right zygom...

Fig. 17. The appearance of the case shown in Fig. ...

Fig. 17. The appearance of the case shown in Fig. 16 with the polythene “washer” removed at 2 weeks post-surgery, providing access to the zygomatic oncology implants Fig. 17. The appearance of the case shown in Fig. 16 with the polythene “washer” removed at 2 weeks post-surgery, providing access to the zygomatic oncology implants

Fig. 16. Another ZIP flap case demonstrating the u...

Fig. 16. Another ZIP flap case demonstrating the use of a perforated polythene “washer” to keep the flap from overgrowing the implant abutments during the healing phase Fig. 16. Another ZIP flap case demonstrating the use of a perforated polythene “washer” to keep the flap from overgrowing the implant abutments during the healing phase

Fig. 15. Facial appearance 18 months following tr...

Fig. 15. Facial appearance 18 months following treatment Fig. 15. Facial appearance 18 months following treatment

Fig. 14. Intra-oral view of perforated flap 3 wee...

Fig. 14. Intra-oral view of perforated flap 3 weeks following radiotherapy Fig. 14. Intra-oral view of perforated flap 3 weeks following radiotherapy

Fig. 13. Panoramic dental radiograph showing the p...

Fig. 13. Panoramic dental radiograph showing the position of the zygomatic implants and the seating of the initial fixed prosthesis Fig. 13. Panoramic dental radiograph showing the position of the zygomatic implants and the seating of the initial fixed prosthesis

Fig. 12. Provisional acrylic fixed dental prosthes...

Fig. 12. Provisional acrylic fixed dental prosthesis fitted at 4 weeks post-surgery Fig. 12. Provisional acrylic fixed dental prosthesis fitted at 4 weeks post-surgery

Fig. 11. Intra-oral view of the soft tissue flap a...

Fig. 11. Intra-oral view of the soft tissue flap at 3 weeks post-operatively with overgrowth of flap over the zygomatic oncology implants Fig. 11. Intra-oral view of the soft tissue flap at 3 weeks post-operatively with overgrowth of flap over the zygomatic oncology implants

Fig. 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured int...

Fig. 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured into the maxillary defect and perforated by the zygomatic oncology implant abutments Fig. 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured into the maxillary defect and perforated by the zygomatic oncology implant abutments

Fig. 9. Inter-occlusal registration using the pre-...

Fig. 9. Inter-occlusal registration using the pre-fabricated maxillary denture prosthesis relined with silicone putty over the implant abutment protection caps Fig. 9. Inter-occlusal registration using the pre-fabricated maxillary denture prosthesis relined with silicone putty over the implant abutment protection caps

Fig. 8. Abutment level impression utilising light-...

Fig. 8. Abutment level impression utilising light-cured acrylic tray material Fig. 8. Abutment level impression utilising light-cured acrylic tray material

Fig. 7. Conventional zygomatic implant insertion o...

Fig. 7. Conventional zygomatic implant insertion on the non-defect side of the maxilla following extraction of the remaining teeth and an alveoloplasty Fig. 7. Conventional zygomatic implant insertion on the non-defect side of the maxilla following extraction of the remaining teeth and an alveoloplasty

Fig. 6. Zygomatic oncology implants sited in the r...

Fig. 6. Zygomatic oncology implants sited in the residual zygomatic bone on the defect side of the maxilla Fig. 6. Zygomatic oncology implants sited in the residual zygomatic bone on the defect side of the maxilla

Fig. 5. Left-sided maxillary resection (Brown clas...

Fig. 5. Left-sided maxillary resection (Brown class 2b) Fig. 5. Left-sided maxillary resection (Brown class 2b)

Fig. 4. Panoramic dental radiograph showing dental...

Fig. 4. Panoramic dental radiograph showing dental status at presentation Fig. 4. Panoramic dental radiograph showing dental status at presentation

Fig. 3. Staging CT scan confirming maxillary destr...

Fig. 3. Staging CT scan confirming maxillary destruction but preservation of the orbital floor Fig. 3. Staging CT scan confirming maxillary destruction but preservation of the orbital floor

Fig. 2. Staging MRI scan showing destructive lesio...

Fig. 2. Staging MRI scan showing destructive lesion left maxilla Fig. 2. Staging MRI scan showing destructive lesion left maxilla

Fig. 1. Clinical view of left-sided maxillary tumo...

Fig. 1. Clinical view of left-sided maxillary tumour at presentation Fig. 1. Clinical view of left-sided maxillary tumour at presentation

Table 1 Patient-reported quality of life outcomes ...

Domain Score Activity 100 (“I am as active as I have ever been”) Anxiety 100 (“...

About this article : The zygomatic implant perfora...

Butterworth, C.J., Rogers, S.N. The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap: a new technique for combined surgical reconstruction and rapid fixed dental rehabilitation following low-level maxillectomy. Int J Implant Dent 3, 37 (2017). Download citation Received: 14 May 2017 Accepted: 23 July 2017 Published: 29 July 2017 DOI: https...

Rights and permissions : The zygomatic implant per...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : The zygomatic implant perfor...

Consent has been obtained from the patient for the use and publication of all images. Chris Butterworth and Simon Rogers declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : The zygomatic implant perfora...

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL, UK C. J. Butterworth & S. N. Rogers You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar CB devised the treatment concept and undertook all implant surgeries and prostho...

References : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP...

Okay DJ, Genden E, Buchbinder D, Urken M. Prosthodontic guidelines for surgical reconstruction of the maxilla: a classification system of defects. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;86(4):352–63. Rohner D, Bucher P, Hammer B. Prefabricated fibular flaps for reconstruction of defects of the maxillofacial skeleton: planning, technique, and long-term experience. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013;28(5):e221...

Conclusions : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZI...

The ZIP flap technique represents an innovative approach to the management of patients presenting with low-level malignant maxillary tumours. It provides effective closure of the resulting maxillary defect restoring speech and swallowing functions and also establishing a high-quality fixed dental rehabilitation in a rapid timescale, thus facilitating a more timely return to function and restored f...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

Whilst technically, it would be possible to construct and fit the prosthesis on the same day or even a week later, the need for microvascular flap monitoring in the immediate post-operative period, together with the significant recovery period required by the patient following surgery has lead the authors to delay the fitting of the prosthesis at the 4 to 6-week period post-operatively. In terms o...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

In contrast, the use of a soft tissue flap such as the RFFF or antero-lateral thigh flap can often be safely employed in elderly patients with peripheral vascular disease without unduly lengthening the operation too significantly with two-team operating. In addition, the predictability of these flaps with their excellent pedicle lengths is ideal for closure of the resulting oro-nasal surgical defe...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

In low-level maxillectomy (Brown class II), the need for bony reconstruction is questionable depending on the horizontal component. With the preservation of the orbital floor, zygomatic prominence and some bony support for the nose, facial appearance, in the experience of the authors and, as demonstrated by this case, is not significantly worsened despite low-level removal of the maxilla. The key ...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

In order to address some of the issues highlighted in this early case, the technique was modified slightly to try and prevent flap overgrowth and prosthesis fracture in the early stages. In order to prevent flap overgrowth over the zygomatic oncology implant abutments, the use of a polythene washer was instituted on subsequent cases treated in the unit. Once the flap was perforated, a 2-mm thick p...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

The implant positions were then accurately registered by utilising light-cured resin tray material (Individo® Lux, Voco Gmbh, Germany) and abutment level impression copings. The resin material was applied in sections around the impression copings and cured incrementally to ensure a rigid splinting of the impression copings (Fig. 8). Abutment protection caps were then placed over all four abutment...

Case presentation : The zygomatic implant perforat...

A 66-year-old male patient presented with an enlarging mass in the left maxilla (Fig. 1). The mass had been present for a few weeks. An incisional biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma. Staging scans were undertaken (Fig. 2) which demonstrated a T4N0M0 maxillary alveolus tumour in close proximity to the left orbital floor with obliteration of the maxillary antrum and destruction of the lateral m...

Background : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP...

The surgical management and prosthodontic rehabilitation of the maxillectomy patient is complex with a variety of options available to the head and neck cancer team ranging from simple prosthodontic obturation [1] to reconstruction using pre-fabricated or digitally planned composite flaps [2] with or without the placement of osseointegrated implants [3]. The primary aims of treatment include effec...

Abstract : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) ...

This aim of this report is to describe the development and evolution of a new surgical technique for the immediate surgical reconstruction and rapid post-operative prosthodontic rehabilitation with a fixed dental prosthesis following low-level maxillectomy for malignant disease. The technique involves the use of a zygomatic oncology implant perforated micro-vascular soft tissue flap (ZIP flap) fo...

About this article : A novel report on the use of ...

Dattani, A., Richardson, D. & Butterworth, C.J. A novel report on the use of an oncology zygomatic implant-retained maxillary obturator in a paediatric patient. Int J Implant Dent 3, 9 (2017). Download citation Received: 24 November 2016 Accepted: 26 February 2017 Published: 28 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : A novel report on the use...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : A novel report on the use of ...

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional Maxillofacial Unit, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, UK Amit Dattani Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional Craniofacial Unit, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK David Richardson Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Regional Maxillofacial Unit, University Hospital Aintree, Longmoor Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL, UK Chris J. Butterworth You can also sea...

References : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

Brown JS, Shaw RJ. Reconstruction of the maxilla and midface: introducing a new classification. Lancet Oncol. 2010;11(10):1001–8. Breeze J, Rennie A, Morrison A, Dawson D, Tipper J, Rehman K, et al. Health-related quality of life after maxillectomy: obturator rehabilitation compared with flap reconstruction. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;54(8):857–62. Kim SM, Park MW, Cho YA, Myoung H, Lee...

Conclusions : A novel report on the use of an onco...

The use of zygomatic implants to supplement the stability and retention of the maxillary obturator in this case has improved the function of the prosthesis and provided for a very high-quality rehabilitation for the patient reported with no evidence of disruption to facial growth in the 22 months following surgery.

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The use of modified zygomatic implants (Fig. 1) allows improved hygiene by the patient of the implants within the maxillary defect. The threaded portion of the implants is fully engaged into the bone with only the smooth portion protruding into the defect. Clearly this ongoing hygiene by the patient is of utmost importance in preventing peri-implant soft and hard tissue changes, but the implant d...

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The difficulty of restoration with a maxillary obturator prosthesis depends on the extent of the surgical resection, with the acceptance that resections with an increasing horizontal component provide a much greater prosthodontic challenge. The number of remaining teeth is a key component in conventional obturator design [9] with the remaining dentition being used exclusively to retain the prosthe...

Discussion : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The paediatric population rarely suffer malignant disease of the oral cavity requiring any form of maxillectomy, and there is little published evidence around the rehabilitation and restorative management of children undergoing such procedures. The seemingly most common approach for a limited low-level maxillary resection in a child would be to consider resection and simple prosthetic obturation a...

Case presentation : A novel report on the use of a...

Four weeks later, the patient was returned to the operating room for removal and modification of the obturator. The cavity was healing well, and both implants were firm with no evidence of infection. The initial obturator was modified with the application of a soft lining material and the patient subsequently discharged with instructions on the insertion and removal of the obturator. At the 12-we...

Case presentation : A novel report on the use of a...

A medically fit and well 13-year 11-month-old male was referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery department at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool in regard to an intra-oral swelling of the right palatal region (Fig. 2). An incisional biopsy was initially reported as a pleomorphic adenoma of the premolar region. Subsequently, a CT scan showed no significant bony abnormality, and a w...

Background : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

The characteristics of a good obturator will improve swallowing, speech function, minimise nasal fluid leakage from the antrum and nasal spaces, restore facial aesthetics including the teeth and facilitate masticatory function and speech. A surgical obturator can be provided at the time of surgery to facilitate function and haemostasis in the immediate post-operative period, and this can subsequen...

Background : A novel report on the use of an oncol...

Maxillary defects of acquired [1] or congenital origin produce a communication between the oral and nasal cavities sometimes via an opening into the maxillary antrum and by direct communication into the nose. This in turn can result in masticatory compromise, swallowing and speech impairment, nasal fluid regurgitation and aesthetic concerns. The management of the maxillectomy patient is a complex ...

Abstract : A novel report on the use of an oncolog...

This report details the use of zygomatic oncology osseointegrated implants to support and retain a maxillary obturator in a 13-year-old male patient who underwent a right-sided hemi-maxillectomy (Brown Class 2b) (Brown and Shaw, Lancet Oncol 11:1001–8, 2010) for a myxoid spindle cell carcinoma. At the time of maxillary resection, two zygomatic oncology implants were inserted into the right zygom...

Figure 17. polythene “washer”

  Figure 17. The appearance of the case shown in Fig. 16 with the polythene “washer” removed at 2 weeks post-surgery, providing access to the zygomatic oncology implants

Figure 15. Facial appearance 18 months following ...

Figure 15. Facial appearance 18 months following treatment Figure 15. Facial appearance 18 months following treatment

Figure 14. Intra-oral view of perforated flap 3 we...

Figure 14. Intra-oral view of perforated flap 3 weeks following radiotherapy

Figure 13. Panoramic dental radiograph showing the...

  Figure 13. Panoramic dental radiograph showing the position of the zygomatic implants and the seating of the initial fixed prosthesis

Figure 12. Provisional acrylic fixed dental prosth...

  Figure 12. Provisional acrylic fixed dental prosthesis fitted at 4 weeks post-surgery

Figure 11. Intra-oral view of the soft tissue flap

Figure 11. Intra-oral view of the soft tissue flap at 3 weeks post-operatively with overgrowth of flap over the zygomatic oncology implants

Figure 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured i...

Figure 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured into the maxillary defect and perforated by the zygomatic oncology implant abutments Figure 10. Radial forearm flap inset and sutured into the maxillary defect and perforated by the zygomatic oncology implant abutments

Figure 9. Inter-occlusal registration using the pr...

  Figure 9. Inter-occlusal registration using the pre-fabricated maxillary denture prosthesis relined with silicone putty over the implant abutment protection caps

Figure 8. Abutment level impression utilising ligh...

Figure 8. Abutment level impression utilising light-cured acrylic tray material

Figure 7. Conventional zygomatic implant insertion

  Figure 7. Conventional zygomatic implant insertion on the non-defect side of the maxilla following extraction of the remaining teeth and an alveoloplasty

Figure 6. Zygomatic oncology implants sited in the...

Figure 6. Zygomatic oncology implants sited in the residual zygomatic bone on the defect side of the maxilla

Figure 5. Left-sided maxillary resection (Brown cl...

Figure 5. Left-sided maxillary resection (Brown class 2b)  

Figure 4. Panoramic dental radiograph showing dent...

  Figure 4. Panoramic dental radiograph showing dental status at presentation

Figure 3. Staging CT scan confirming maxillary des...

  Figure 3. Staging CT scan confirming maxillary destruction but preservation of the orbital floor

Figure 2. Staging MRI scan showing destructive les...

Figure 2. Staging MRI scan showing destructive lesion left maxilla

Figure 1. Clinical view of left-sided maxillary tu...

Figure 1. Clinical view of left-sided maxillary tumour at presentation

Table 1 Patient-reported quality of life outcomes ...

Table 1 Patient-reported quality of life outcomes following ZIP flap procedure From: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap: a new technique for combined surgical reconstruction and rapid fixed dental rehabilitation following low-level maxillectomy Domain Score Activity 100 (“I am as active as I have ever been”) Anxiety 100 (“I am not anxious about ...

References: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP)...

References Okay DJ, Genden E, Buchbinder D, Urken M. Prosthodontic guidelines for surgical reconstruction of the maxilla: a classification system of defects. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;86(4):352–63. Rohner D, Bucher P, Hammer B. Prefabricated fibular flaps for reconstruction of defects of the maxillofacial skeleton: planning, technique, and long-term experience. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl...

Conclusions: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP...

Conclusions The ZIP flap technique represents an innovative approach to the management of patients presenting with low-level malignant maxillary tumours. It provides effective closure of the resulting maxillary defect restoring speech and swallowing functions and also establishing a high-quality fixed dental rehabilitation in a rapid timescale, thus facilitating a more timely return to function...

Discussion: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP)...

Immediate/early loading of zygomatic [8] and dental implants [9] have been well demonstrated already within the literature with very high implant survival rates. In the oncology setting, Boyes-Varley et al. [4] lost no zygomatic/oncology implants in their series of 20 patients restored with implant-retained obturators, 6 of whom received radiotherapy post-operatively. The case reported...

Discussion: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP)...

The use of soft tissue flaps to close a typical hemi-maxillectomy defect is an effective way of dealing with the oro-nasal communication, but in isolation, this technique works against dental rehabilitation as the bulk of the flap provides a very poor moveable foundation for a subsequent removable prosthesis. The move towards the use of composite reconstruction (especially the fibula flap) h...

Discussion: The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP)...

Discussion In order to reduce intra-operative time, the soft tissue free flap is harvested at the same time as the implant placement and prosthodontic procedures. On raising a skin island, it is appropriate to make it a little over-sized for the required defect to ensure that tension and possible dehiscence at the surgical margins during healing is reduced. In low-level maxillectomy (Brown...

Procedural modifications to the ZIP flap technique

Procedural modifications to the ZIP flap technique In order to address some of the issues highlighted in this early case, the technique was modified slightly to try and prevent flap overgrowth and prosthesis fracture in the early stages. In order to prevent flap overgrowth over the zygomatic oncology implant abutments, the use of a polythene washer was instituted on subsequent cases treated in th...

The ZIP flap technique (2)

The radial forearm free flap (RFFF) was then disconnected from the arm and inset into the maxillary defect after creating a tunnel down into the left neck for the pedicle. The flap was carefully perforated over the zygomatic implant abutment protection caps using a short incision just through the skin layer followed by blunt dissection to allow the abutment and cap to perforate the flap ensuring a...

The ZIP flap technique (1)

The ZIP flap technique The patient underwent tracheostomy, a limited left-sided selective neck dissection for node sampling and vessels preparation. The maxillary tumour was excised in a standard manner via an intra-oral approach with preservation of the left orbital floor (Fig. 5). The resection extended to the maxillary alveolar midline in the incisor region with extension posteriorly just into...

Case : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap

Case presentation A 66-year-old male patient presented with an enlarging mass in the left maxilla (Fig. 1). The mass had been present for a few weeks. An incisional biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma. Staging scans were undertaken (Fig. 2) which demonstrated a T4N0M0 maxillary alveolus tumour in close proximity to the left orbital floor with obliteration of the maxillary antrum and destruc...

Background : The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP...

Background The surgical management and prosthodontic rehabilitation of the maxillectomy patient is complex with a variety of options available to the head and neck cancer team ranging from simple prosthodontic obturation [1] to reconstruction using pre-fabricated or digitally planned composite flaps [2] with or without the placement of osseointegrated implants [3]. The primary aims of treatment...

The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap

The zygomatic implant perforated (ZIP) flap: a new technique for combined surgical reconstruction and rapid fixed dental rehabilitation following low-level maxillectomy Abstract This aim of this report is to describe the development and evolution of a new surgical technique for the immediate surgical reconstruction and rapid post-operative prosthodontic rehabilitation with a fixed dental prost...