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Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests).

Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis performed in selected ROIs

author: Tobias Fretwurst,Janina Mller,Lena Larsson,Peter Bronsert,Derek Hazard,Rogerio M Castilho,Ralf Kohal,Katja Nelson,Gerhard Iglhau | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests).

Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests). The ROIs comprised a size of 500 × 800 µm at magnification of ×15.5. Pictures of the ROIs were taken and positive cells in the ROIs were counted using ImageJ. The results were evaluated by one histological trained investigator (JM)
Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests). The ROIs comprised a size of 500 × 800 µm at magnification of ×15.5. Pictures of the ROIs were taken and positive cells in the ROIs were counted using ImageJ. The results were evaluated by one histological trained investigator (JM)


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