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Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant ...

Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant bodies (MPa) Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant bodies (MPa)

Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant b...

Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant bodies. (right: buccal side, left: lingual side) Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant bodies. (right: buccal side, left: lingual side)

Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in ...

Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in cortical bone (MPa) Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in cortical bone (MPa)

Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stre...

Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (occlusal view) Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (occlusal view)

Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stre...

Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (right: buccal side, left: lingual side) Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (right: buccal side, left: lingual side)

Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A sta...

Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A static load of 100 N was applied obliquely from the buccal side to the occlusal plane of the superstructure at 30 to the long axis of the implant Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A static load of 100 N was applied obliquely from the buccal side to the occlusal plane of the superstructure at 30 to the long axis of the implant

Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths :...

Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abu...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abutment screw, b superstructure, c implant body; Lower: bone model) Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abutment screw, b superstructure, c implant body; Lower: bone model)

Table 1 Mechanical properties of each model compon...

 Young’s modulus (GPa)Poisson’s ratioReferenceAbutment screw (Ti-6Al-4V)1100.33[19]Superstructure (gold alloy)96.60.35[20]Cortical bone130.3[21]Cancellous bone1.370.3[21]Implant body (cpTi)1100.34 Implant body (TiZr)97.30.36 Table 1 Mechanical properties of each model component

About this article : Three-dimensional finite elem...

Araki, H., Nakano, T., Ono, S. et al. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of extra short implants focusing on implant designs and materials. Int J Implant Dent 6, 5 (2020). Download citation Received: 20 August 2019 Accepted: 11 December 2019 Published: 29 January 2020 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Three-dimensional finite ...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Additional information : Three-dimensional finite ...

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Ethics declarations : Three-dimensional finite ele...

Not applicable Not applicable The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author information : Three-dimensional finite elem...

Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan Haruka Araki, Tamaki Nakano, Shinji Ono & Hirofumi Yatani You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in Pu...

Funding : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

This research was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research T15K204780 and T15K111560 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Acknowledgements : Three-dimensional finite elemen...

Not applicable

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

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References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Gottlow J, Dard M, Kjellson F, Obrecht M, Sennerby L. Evaluation of a new titanium-zirconium dental implant: a biomechanical and histological comparative study in the mini pig. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2012;14:538–45. Jimbo R, Naito Y, Galli S, Berner S, Dard M, Wennerberg A. Biomechanical and histomorphometrical evaluation of TiZr alloy implants: an in vivo study in the rabbit. Clin Implan...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Yamanishi Y, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S, Nakano T, Yatani H. Influences of implant neck design and implant–abutment joint type on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dent Mater. 2012;28:1126–33. Harel N, Eshkol-Yogev I, Piek D, Livne S, Lavi D, Ormianer Z. Bone microstrain values of 1-piece and 2-piece implants subjected to mechanical lo...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Lee TJ, Ueno T, Nomura N, Wakabayashi N, Hanawa T. Titanium-zirconium binary alloy as dental implant material: analysis of the influence of compositional change on mechanical properties and in vitro biologic response. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015;31:547–54. Al-Nawas B, Brägger U, Meijer HJA, Naert I, Persson R, Perucchi A. A double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) of titanium-13...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Renouard F, Nisand D. Impact of implant length and diameter on survival rates. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2006;17(Suppl 2):35–51. Lee SA, Lee CT, Fu MM, Elmisalati W, Chuang SK. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials for the management of limited vertical height in the posterior region: short implants (5 to 8 mm) vs longer implants (> 8 mm) in vertically augmented site...

Availability of data and materials : Three-dimensi...

Not applicable

Conclusion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. The stress distribution in the cortical bone and implant body was smaller in the TL implant than in the BL implant. The TiZr alloy had a lower elastic modulus than cpTi, and the stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and implant body was also lower. The stress distribution generated in the cortical bone an...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Clinically, it is generally considered that the crown length increases proportionally when the length of the implant body decreases because of alveolar bone resorption. However, most previous studies performing FEA of short implants have analyzed them with a standard crown length [38]. In this study, the distance from the tip of the implant body to the occlusal plane was standardized to make the a...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

The difference in the implant body structure between the submerged and non-submerged implants greatly affected the stress distribution. Since the TL implant body lies above the bone level rather than level with the crestal bone, it was found that the stress concentrates above the apex of the alveolar bone, regardless of the material type. As a result, the maximum stress value in the cortical bone ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Overloading, which is one of the factors contributing to bone resorption around an implant body, can lead to complications because force is applied beyond the prosthodontic or biological tolerance [23]. It is believed that when stress of a certain magnitude is applied to the bone, microscopic bone destruction occurs resulting in bone resorption [24, 25]. Because implants do not have buffering mech...

Results : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

The distribution of the maximum principal stress in the cortical bone concentrated on the neck of the implant body. In the TL implants, tensile stress was concentrated on the buccal side and compressive stress on the lingual side. In the BL implants, tensile stress concentration was observed on the lingual side. The distributions were similar between the cpTi and TiZr implants (Figs. 4 and 5). Th...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

To validate the accuracy of the FEA model, microstrain of the surrounding bone were compared with the results of in vitro experiment measured with strain gauge [22]. In the literature, it was reported that microstrain of 59.3876 ± 24.7185 μe at the neck of implant and 17.3456 ± 12.9147 μe at the apical occurred in a bovine bone under an oblique load of 120 N. Under the same conditi...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

TL and BL three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) implant models were created using the CAD function in computer-aided engineering software (SolidWorks 2014, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, MA, USA), and they were created with reference to conical connection implant used clinically. The connection part of superstructure has a tapered 15° conical shape without any special locking ...

Summary : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

Dental implants are widely used as a treatment option to replace a defective prosthesis. In recent years, treatment using short implants, which are ≤ 8 mm in length, has been increasing in cases with vertical bone resorption [1]. It is thought that this will become more popular as the number of patients who require minimally invasive treatment, such as older patients and those with chronic d...

Abstract : Three-dimensional finite element analys...

When using short implants, fracture of the implant body and bone resorption are a concern because stress concentrates on and around a short implant. The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences in stress distribution between tissue level (TL) and bone level (BL) implant body designs, and between commercially pure titanium (cpTi) and the newer titanium–zirconium (TiZr) alloy in ...

Conclusion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. The stress distribution in the cortical bone and implant body was smaller in the TL implant than in the BL implant. The TiZr alloy had a lower elastic modulus than cpTi, and the stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and implant body was also lower. The stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Clinically, it is generally considered that the crown length increases proportionally when the length of the implant body decreases because of alveolar bone resorption. However, most previous studies performing FEA of short implants have analyzed them with a standard crown length [38]. In this study, the distance from the tip of the implant body to the occlusal plane was standardized to make the a...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

The difference in the implant body structure between the submerged and non-submerged implants greatly affected the stress distribution. Since the TL implant body lies above the bone level rather than level with the crestal bone, it was found that the stress concentrates above the apex of the alveolar bone, regardless of the material type. As a result, the maximum stress value in the cortical bone ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Overloading, which is one of the factors contributing to bone resorption around an implant body, can lead to complications because force is applied beyond the prosthodontic or biological tolerance [23]. It is believed that when stress of a certain magnitude is applied to the bone, microscopic bone destruction occurs resulting in bone resorption [24, 25]. Because implants do not have buffering mech...

Results : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

The distribution of the maximum principal stress in the cortical bone concentrated on the neck of the implant body. In the TL implants, tensile stress was concentrated on the buccal side and compressive stress on the lingual side. In the BL implants, tensile stress concentration was observed on the lingual side. The distributions were similar between the cpTi and TiZr implants (Figs. 4 and 5). Th...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

To validate the accuracy of the FEA model, microstrain of the surrounding bone were compared with the results of in vitro experiment measured with strain gauge [22]. In the literature, it was reported that microstrain of 59.3876 ± 24.7185 μe at the neck of implant and 17.3456 ± 12.9147 μe at the apical occurred in a bovine bone under an oblique load of 120 N. Under the same conditi...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

TL and BL three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) implant models were created using the CAD function in computer-aided engineering software (SolidWorks 2014, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, MA, USA), and they were created with reference to conical connection implant used clinically. The connection part of superstructure has a tapered 15° conical shape without any special locking ...

Summary : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

Dental implants are widely used as a treatment option to replace a defective prosthesis. In recent years, treatment using short implants, which are ≤ 8 mm in length, has been increasing in cases with vertical bone resorption [1]. It is thought that this will become more popular as the number of patients who require minimally invasive treatment, such as older patients and those with chronic d...

Abstract : Three-dimensional finite element analys...

When using short implants, fracture of the implant body and bone resorption are a concern because stress concentrates on and around a short implant. The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences in stress distribution between tissue level (TL) and bone level (BL) implant body designs, and between commercially pure titanium (cpTi) and the newer titanium–zirconium (TiZr) alloy in ...

Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of...

Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness and hydrophobicity (means and standard deviations) Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness and hydrop...

Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of...

Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness (means and standard deviations) Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness (means and standard deviation...

Fig. 2. Comparison of AFM surface profiles of roug...

tanium (TiSMOOTH); scan sizes are 30 μm in a and 1 μm in b Fig. 2. Comparison of AFM surface profiles of rough ceramic (CeROUGH), smooth ceramic (CeSMOOTH), rough titanium (TiROUGH), and smooth titanium (TiSMOOTH); scan sizes are 30 μm in a and 1 μm in b

Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a...

Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a–d) and 3 μm × 3 μm scan areas (e–h) of rough ceramic (a, e), smooth ceramic (b, f), rough titanium (c, g), and smooth titanium (d, h) Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a–d) and 3 μm × 3 μm scan areas (e–h) of rough ceramic (a, e), smooth ceramic (b, f), rough titanium (c, g), and smooth titanium (d, h)

Table 1 Arithmetic average of surface roughness Ra...

NoneTable 1 Arithmetic average of surface roughness R a (means and standard deviations [μm]) and wettability (means and standard deviations [°]) of the ten tested material

About this article : The influence of surface text...

Wassmann, T., Kreis, S., Behr, M. et al. The influence of surface texture and wettability on initial bacterial adhesion on titanium and zirconium oxide dental implants. Int J Implant Dent 3, 32 (2017). Download citation Received: 07 March 2017 Accepted: 28 June 2017 Published: 17 July 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : The influence of surface ...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : The influence of surface tex...

Ethical approval was not required. The authors Torsten Wassmann, Stefan Kreis, Michael Behr, and Ralf Buergers declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : The influence of surface text...

Present address: Department of Prosthodontics, University Medical Center Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Strasse 40, 37075, Goettingen, Germany Torsten Wassmann & Ralf Buergers Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Regensburg University Medical Centre, Regensburg, Germany Stefan Kreis, Michael Behr & Ralf Buergers You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Schola...

Acknowledgements : The influence of surface textur...

The great support of Juri Allerdings and the skilled technical assistance of Gerlinde Held and Marlene Rosendahl are gratefully acknowledged. The study has been funded solely by the institutions of the authors.

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Drake DR, Paul J, Keller JC. Primary bacterial adhesion of implant surfaces. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14:226–32. Lim YJ, Oshida Y. Initial contact angle measurements on variously treated dental/medical titanium materials. Biomed Mater Eng. 2001;11:325–41. Steinberg D, Sela MN, Klinger A, Kohavi D. Adhesion of periodontal bacteria to titanium and titanium alloy powders. Clin Oral ...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Quirynen M, De Soete M, van Steenberghe D. Infectious risks for oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2002;13:1–19. Weerkamp AH, Uyen HM, Busscher HJ. Effect of zeta potential and surface energy on bacterial adhesion to uncoated and saliva-coated human enamel and dentin. J Dent Res. 1988;67:1483–7. Barbour ME, O’Sullivan DJ, Jenkinson HF, Jagger DC. The effects...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Quirynen M, Bollen CM, Papaioannou W, Van Eldere J, van Steenberghe D. The influence of titanium abutment surface roughness on plaque accumulation and gingivitis: short-term observations. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1996;11:169–78. Hannig M. Transmission electron microscopy of early plaque formation on dental materials in vivo. Eur J Oral Sci. 1999;107:55–64. Quirynen M, van der Mei HC, ...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

An YH, Friedman RJ. Concise review of mechanisms of bacterial adhesion to biomaterial surfaces. J Biomed Mater Res. 1998;43:338–48. Palmquist A, Omar OM, Esposito M, Lausmaa J, Thomsen P. Titanium oral implants: surface characteristics, interface biology and clinical outcome. J R Soc Interface. 2010;7:515–27. Hannig C, Hannig M. The oral cavity—a key system to understand substratum-depende...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Poon CY, Bhushan B. Comparison of surface roughness measurements by stylus profiler, AFM and non-contact profiler. Wear. 1995;190:76–88. Hahnel S, Rosentritt M, Handel G, Bürgers R. Surface characterization of dental ceramics and initial streptococcal adhesion in vitro. Dent Mater. 2009;25:969–75. Abrahamsson I, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Soft tissue response to plaque formation at different im...

Conclusions : The influence of surface texture and...

Within the limitations of an in vitro study, our results indicate that surface roughness as well as wettability may influence the adhesion properties of bacteria on implant surfaces. Furthermore, the predominant factor for adhesion depends on the bacterial species itself. Zirconia implant material did not show any lower bacterial colonization potential than titanium. The influence of substratum ma...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

In vivo biofilm models with multi-species biofilms offer the opportunity to evaluate materials in simulated clinical conditions including composite plaque, salivary pellicle, and removal forces [18]. Although the understanding of oral biofilms and the influence of surface characteristics on microbial accumulation has increased, significant gaps in the fundamental knowledge about the formation and ...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

Besides surface roughness and morphology, the hydrophobicity and surface free energy (SFE) of an implant surface are known to influence bacterial adhesion [42, 43]. Physico-chemical interactions (non-specific) are composed of van der Waals forces, electrostatic interactions, and acid-based interactions, which in turn define the surface free energy of a substratum [44]. The surface free energy can ...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

In the present study, sandblasting (with 50 or 250 μm aluminum trioxide) resulted in significant increases of R a on titanium and ceramic surfaces. These R a values were higher than those for commercially available implant abutments (observed to range from 0.10 to 0.30 μm) [35]. According to the classification by Albrektsson and Wennerberg, smooth ceramic and titanium materials and t...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

Besides, the surface material itself and its chemical composition, surface roughness, and hydrophobicity have a crucial influence on the accumulation of microorganisms. In most previous studies on bacterial adhesion on titanium and ceramic surfaces, the quantity of bacterial adhesion showed a direct positive correlation with surface roughness [4, 10, 18, 24,25,26]. In case of interacting surface r...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

The problems involved in osseous healing of dental implants appear to be largely solved. Biofilm formation on exposed implant and abutment surfaces, however, is a fortiori crucial for the long-term therapeutic success of an implant, because biofilms are the most frequent cause of peri-implantitis and implant loss [3,4,5,6,7]. Consequently, new implant surface modifications with reduced properties ...

Results : The influence of surface texture and wet...

In general, significantly more S. sanguinis adhered to ceramic surfaces than to titanium surfaces (p  0.05 for all comparisons). On ceramic surfaces (smooth ceramic 4668 ± 1562 rfu; medium ceramic 5590 ± 1493 rfu, rough ceramic 6875 ± 428 rfu), higher surface roughness led to increased S. sanguinis adhesion (p  0.05 for all comparisons). A comparison of rough and smooth s...

Results : The influence of surface texture and wet...

The median surface roughness values (R a ) of each material group (n = 10) tested are shown in Table 1. The differences in R a between rough, medium, and smooth specimens were statistically significant for ceramic as well as for titanium (p 

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

Ten specimens of each material group tested were investigated. As control references, we used the fluorescence values of pure phosphate-buffered saline (0-control), buffer and CytoX-Violet (dye-control), and pure bacterial solution (bacteria-control). All calculations and graphic displays were done with SPSS 16.0 for Windows (SPSS Corporation, Chicago, IL, USA). Means and standard deviations for ...

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

Three-dimensional images of rough and smooth implant surfaces were obtained by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) using the tapping mode scan of an AFM VEECO machine (Plainview, USA); this method was also used to determine the surface topography. We scanned several randomly selected areas measuring either 3 μm × 3 μm or 30 μm × 30 μm for each of the test groups and sterilized...

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

In this study, we assessed two different implant materials in the form of round specimens (each measuring 5.0 mm in diameter and 1.0 mm in thickness, see Table 1). Half of the specimens were made of grade 1 pure titanium (Mechanische Werkstatt Biologie, University of Regensburg, Germany) and the other half of zirconia ceramic (IPS e.max ZirCAD; Ivoclar Vivadent, Ellwangen, Germany). The grade o...

Background : The influence of surface texture and ...

The aim of the present in vitro study was to investigate bacterial adhesion (by means of the test species Streptococcus sanguinis and Staphylococcus epidermidis) on ten different titanium and zirconia implant surfaces. Surface texture and wettability were modified in well-defined patterns to correlate these surface properties with the amount of initially adhering bacteria and to define the predomi...

Background : The influence of surface texture and ...

Dental implants are one of the most frequently used treatment options for the replacement of missing teeth. The oral microflora and its dynamic interactions with the implant substrata seem to crucially influence the long-term success or failure of dental implants [1,2,3,4,5,6]. As soon as implant surfaces are exposed to the human oral cavity, they are immediately colonized by microorganisms [7, 8]...

Abstract : The influence of surface texture and we...

This study aims to investigate bacterial adhesion on different titanium and ceramic implant surfaces, to correlate these findings with surface roughness and surface hydrophobicity, and to define the predominant factor for bacterial adhesion for each material. Zirconia and titanium specimens with different surface textures and wettability (5.0 mm in diameter, 1.0 mm in height) were prepared. Sur...

About this article : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

Sagheb, K., Schiegnitz, E., Moergel, M. et al. Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augmentation with individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium mesh. Int J Implant Dent 3, 36 (2017). Download citation Received: 15 March 2017 Accepted: 13 July 2017 Published: 26 July 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Clinical outcome of alveo...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Clinical outcome of alveolar...

Keyvan Sagheb reports personal fees and grants from Dentsply, Geistlich, and Nobel Biocare outside the submitted work. Eik Schiegnitz reports personal fees and grants from Septodont, Dentsply, Geistlich, and Straumann outside the submitted work. Maximilian Moergel reports grants from Camlog outside the submitted work. Christian Walter reports grants and personal fees from Straumann outside the sub...

Author information : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

Correspondence to E. Schiegnitz.

Author information : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

K. Sagheb and E. Schiegnitz contributed equally to this work. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany K. Sagheb, E. Schiegnitz, M. Moergel, C. Walter, B. Al-Nawas & W. Wagner Mediplus, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Private Praxis, Mainz, Germany C. Walter You can also search for...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Ali S, Bakry SA, Abd-Elhakam H. Platelet-rich fibrin in maxillary sinus augmentation: a systematic review. The Journal of oral implantology. 2015;41(6):746–53. PubMed PMID: 25536095 Moraschini V, Barboza ES. Effect of autologous platelet concentrates for alveolar socket preservation: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;44(5):632–41. PubMed PMID: 25631334 Torres J, Tamimi F,...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Pieri F, Corinaldesi G, Fini M, Aldini NN, Giardino R, Marchetti C. Alveolar ridge augmentation with titanium mesh and a combination of autogenous bone and anorganic bovine bone: a 2-year prospective study. J Periodontol. 2008;79(11):2093–103. PubMed PMID: 18980518 Proussaefs P, Lozada J. Use of titanium mesh for staged localized alveolar ridge augmentation: clinical and histologic-histomorphom...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

von Arx T, Kurt B. Implant placement and simultaneous peri-implant bone grafting using a micro titanium mesh for graft stabilization. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1998;18(2):117–27. PubMed PMID: 9663090 von Arx T, Kurt B. Implant placement and simultaneous ridge augmentation using autogenous bone and a micro titanium mesh: a prospective clinical study with 20 implants. Clin Oral Implant...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Moraschini V, Poubel LA, Ferreira VF, Barboza ES. Evaluation of survival and success rates of dental implants reported in longitudinal studies with a follow-up period of at least 10 years: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;44(3):377–88. PubMed PMID: 25467739 Al-Nawas B, Kammerer PW, Morbach T, Ladwein C, Wegener J, Wagner W. Ten-year retrospective follow-up study of the TiO...

Conclusions : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge a...

Within the limitations of this study, being retrospective and having no control group, the results show that individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium meshes are a safe and predictable procedure for large vertical and horizontal ridge augmentations. The soft tissue covering remains one of the most critical steps using this technique. However, exposure of the mesh does not result in complete loss of...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The results showed that in all 21 augmented sites, a significant ridge augmentation was achieved, with a mean vertical augmentation of 6.5 ± 1.7 mm and a mean horizontal augmentation of 5.5 ± 1.9 mm. To our best knowledge, this is the first study investigating these parameters in individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium meshes. For conventional titanium meshes, several studies were publish...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

In our study, PRF membranes were additionally to collagen membranes used to cover the CAD-CAM mesh. The aim of this clinical approach was to improve and accelerate wound healing. The results with the low exposure rates and the sufficient augmentation heights indicated that these PRF membranes are a promising technique. However, due to low case number in the control group without a PRF membrane, de...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The vertical and horizontal regeneration of resorbed alveolar ridges remains a challenging surgical procedure, especially in the case of extensive bone atrophy. During the past years, different augmentation techniques have been proposed to restore an adequate bone volume. The aim of this study was to evaluate a technique for ridge augmentation in the maxilla and mandible using an individualized CA...

Results : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

In the investigated time period, 17 patients received 21 TM augmentations. Fourteen of these patients were women and three men. Mean age at the time of augmentation was 37 ± 15 years (17–64 years). Twelve of the patients were non-smoker, and 5 patients were smoker. In 8 patients, a steady periodontal disease could be detected. Sixty-five percent (n = 11) of the patients presented a thin g...

Methods : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the treated sites was performed before augmentation procedure and 6 months postoperatively at time of reentry. Craniofacial bone and TM showed different radio-opacity, which allowed their easy differentiation on the scans after regulating the brightness and contrast. In our department, two different CBCTs were available (Accuitomo, J. Morita Corporation, Ja...

Methods : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

In a retrospective study, the clinical outcome of an individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM (Yxoss CBR®, Filderstadt, Germany) inserted by experienced surgeons in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany, between December 2014 and January 2017, was analyzed. Therefore, all patients with this CAD-CAM mesh augmentation and reentry operation for im...

Background : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The aim of this clinical study was to present the clinical outcome of individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM in combination with particulate autogenous bone mixed with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) used to augment horizontal and/or vertical bony defects in both maxillary and mandibular arches, within a two-stage technique. Furthermore, gained horizontal and vertical bone height and the infl...

Background : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Dental implant placement is an effective treatment method for the replacement of lost teeth with high survival rates after long-term follow-up [1,2,3]. However, the long-term success and stability of implants in function are directly correlated with the quality and quantity of the available bone at the prospective implant site [4, 5]. Despite the development of various techniques and augmentation ...

Abstract : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augm...

The augmentation of the jaw has been and continues to be a sophisticated therapy in implantology. Modern CAD-CAM technologies lead to revival of old and established augmentation techniques such as the use of titanium mesh (TM) for bone augmentation. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of an individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM based on the CT/DVT-DICOM data of th...

Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp ...

Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp titanium specimen Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp titanium specimen

Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium...

Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn

Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×20,000 Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×20,000

Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×10,000 Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×10,000

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp Titanium specimen at X 5,000 Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp Titanium specimen at X 5,000

Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp ti...

Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at ×20,000 Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at ×20,000

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Ti...

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at X10,000 Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at X10,000

Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp ti...

Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with nano HA- Zn at ×5000 Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with nano HA- Zn at ×5000

Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from c...

Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from coated titanium specimen Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from coated titanium specimen

Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepa...

Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepared from a natural source (CB) Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepared from a natural source (CB)

Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemi...

Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemical-deposition coating process’ equipment Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemical-deposition coating process’ equipment

Table 1 The Student t test of the control and coat...

  Number of specimens Mean ± (SD) Standard error mean F value P value Control 7...

About this article : Electro-chemical deposition o...

El-Wassefy, N.A., Reicha, F.M. & Aref, N.S. Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydroxyapatite-zinc coating on titanium metal substrate. Int J Implant Dent 3, 39 (2017). Download citation Received: 20 March 2017 Accepted: 28 July 2017 Published: 13 August 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Electro-chemical depositi...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Electro-chemical deposition ...

El-Wassefy N, Aref N, and Reicha F declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : Electro-chemical deposition o...

Dental Biomaterials Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, 35516 El Gomhoria St., Mansoura, Egypt N. A. El-Wassefy & N. S. Aref Physics Department, Faculty of science, Mansoura University, 35516 El Gomhoria St., Mansoura, Egypt F. M. Reicha You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in ...

Acknowledgements : Electro-chemical deposition of ...

The authors would like to express their gratitude for Dr. Sherif Kishk, Professor of Communication and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, for his help in photographing and analyzing the coating for adhesion test.

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Kuo MC, Yen SK. The process of electrochemical deposited hydroxyapatite coatings on biomedical titanium at room temperature. Mater Sci Eng C. 2002;20:153–60. Suchanek W, Yoshimura M. Processing and properties of hydroxyapatite-based biomaterials for use as hard tissue replacement implants. J Mater Res. 1998;13:94–117. Kohli S, Batra U, Kapoor S. Influence of zinc substitution on physicochemi...

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Hosea HJ, Taylor CG, Wood T, Mollard R, Weiler HA. Zinc-deficient rats have more limited bone recovery during repletion than diet-restricted rats. Exp Biol Med. 2004;299:303–11. Tsai M-T, Chang Y-Y, Huang H-L, Hsu J-T, Chen Y-C, Wu AY-J. Characterization and antibacterial performance of bioactive Ti–Zn–O coatings deposited on titanium implants. Thin Solid Films. 2013;528:143–50. Hu H, Zh...

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Brunette DM, Tengvall P, Textor M TP, Textor M, Thomsen P. Titanium in medicine: material science, surface science, engineering, biological responses and medical applications. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012. p.13–24. Heydenrijk K, Meijer HJA, van der Reijden WA, Vissink A, Raghoebar GM, Stegenga B. Microbiota around root-formed endosseous implants. A review of the literature. October. ...

Conclusions : Electro-chemical deposition of nano ...

The electro-chemical method can be employed for HA-Zn coating deposition on titanium metal, where Ca source was a recycled cuttlebone fish to precipitate HA phases. Using a Zn anode on a low-sustained voltage was able to induce an even coat thickness of HA-Zn precipitation and increase the surface roughness significantly.

Discussion : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Yang et al. prepared a Zn-HA coating on Ti plates by an electrochemical process, and the SEM examination showed irregularly shaped rod-like crystals with hexagonal cross-section; this corresponded well with the current study results. They also concluded that a Zn-HA coating improves proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts and would enhance implant osseointegration [11]. Ceramic coatings ...

Discussion : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Metallic orthopedic prosthesis is most commonly used due to its good mechanical properties, but its failure mostly occurs due to the lack of proper bone bonding and/or the occurrence of post-operative infections. Hydroxyapatite is commonly used as a bone filler biomaterial or as a coat for titanium prosthesis due to its decent biocompatibility, osseoconductivity, and bioactivity [26]. However, as ...

Results : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Following the examination of X cut areas after the adhesive tape removal; the adhesion was rated to be 5A, as no peeling or coat removal occurred along the incisions' length or at their intersection.

Results : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Figure 2 shows the FT-IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4H2O with weak sharp absorption peak bands at 742, 821, and 1048 cm−1, a strong broad absorption band at 1354 cm-1, and a strong shoulder absorption band at 1455 cm−1. A wide broad absorption band peak appears at 3442 cm−1 due to the presence of water. Figure 3 shows the FT-IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from CpTi specimens; the band a...

Methods : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

The coating was scrapped from Ti specimen's surface and investigated for its chemical structure using FT-IR spectroscopy. The powder was investigated by double-beam dispersive IR spectrometer (Nicolet iS10, Thermo Electron Corporation, UK) which utilized the selected range of 400 to 4000 wave numbers (cm−1) at 4 cm−1 resolution and averaging of 100 scans. Two milligrams of scrapped powder was...

Methods : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Commercially pure Ti (CpTi) grade II specimens were cut down into plates with dimensions 10 × 10 × 2 mm and used as substrates (cathode material) for depositing HA and Zn. CpTi specimens were polished with successive grades of silicon carbide papers, ultra-sonicated in acetone (99.5%, EM Science), rinsed in distilled water, and then air dried at room temperature, before they were used f...

Background : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

The aim of the present work was to develop well-adhered and uniform hydroxyapatite-zinc coatings on titanium metal substrate, through an in vitro electro-chemical deposition method. The coating was characterized for functional chemical group, surface morphology, surface chemical analysis, surface roughness, and coat adhesive bonding by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), scanning elec...

Background : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Titanium metal is one of the most widely used biomedical orthopedic materials because of its decent mechanical properties [1]. However, as an inert material, it cannot induce osteogenesis and has no antibacterial properties [2]. In order to improve surface bioactivity of titanium substrates, numerous methods have been proposed to cover it with bio-ceramic coatings [1]. Various clinical studies ...

Abstract : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hyd...

Titanium is an inert metal that does not induce osteogenesis and has no antibacterial properties; it is proposed that hydroxyapatite coating can enhance its bioactivity, while zinc can contribute to antibacterial properties and improve osseointegration. A nano-sized hydroxyapatite-zinc coating was deposited on commercially pure titanium using an electro-chemical process, in order to increase its ...

Fig. 6. Cumulative survival rate of complication-f...

Fig. 6. Cumulative survival rate of complication-free prostheses by a gender (p = 0.1220) and b type of prostheses (p 

Fig. 5. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate of c...

Fig. 5. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate of complication-free prostheses at 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis setting Fig. 5. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate of complication-free prostheses at 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis setting

Fig. 4. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis b...

Fig. 4. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis by a gender (p = 0.0221), b implant type (p = 0.0128), c implant position (p = 0.2470), d presence of additional soft tissue management (p = 0.2488), and e width of keratinized mucosa around implant (p = 0.0045). Log rank test was used for assessing statistical significance Fig. 4. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis by a gender ...

Fig. 3. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis :...

Fig. 3. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis Fig. 3. Cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis

Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rates by ...

Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rates by a gender (p = 0.1049), b implant type (p = 0.6259), c implant position (p 

Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate at 1...

Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate at 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis setting Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival rate at 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis setting

Table 7 Cox regression analyses for cumulative sur...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 1.82 0.946~3.487 ...

Table 6 Cox regression analyses for cumulative inc...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 2.38 1.138~5.362 ...

Table 5 Cox regression analyses for implant surviv...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 1.99 0.538~8.201 ...

Table 4 Distribution of implants by length and loc...

Dia. (mm) Maxilla anterior Maxilla posterior Mandible anterior Mandible posterior Tot...

Table 3 Distribution of implants by diameter and l...

Dia. (mm) Maxilla anterior Maxilla posterior Mandible anterior Mandible posterior Tot...

Table 2 Distribution of implants in situ (n = 22...

Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Table 1 Age and gender distributions (n = 92) : ...

Age/gender Male Female Total 20–29 3 ...

About this article : Retrospective cohort study of...

Horikawa, T., Odatsu, T., Itoh, T. et al. Retrospective cohort study of rough-surface titanium implants with at least 25 years’ function. Int J Implant Dent 3, 42 (2017). Download citation Received: 26 April 2017 Accepted: 28 August 2017 Published: 05 September 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Retrospective cohort stud...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Retrospective cohort study o...

Tadashi Horikawa, Tetsurou Odatsu, Takatoshi Itoh, Yoshiki Soejima, Hutoshi Morinaga, Naruyoshi Abe, Naoyuki Tsuchiya, Toshikazu Iijima, and Takashi Sawase declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : Retrospective cohort study of...

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar TH, TO, and TS initiated and designed the retrospective study and drafted the manuscript including the preparation of figures and tables. TH, TAI, YS, HM, NA, NT, and TOI reviewed the medical records and collected the data. All authors revised the manuscript and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to...

Author information : Retrospective cohort study of...

Kyushu Implant Research Group, 4-14 Kokaihonmachi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-0851, Japan Tadashi Horikawa, Takatoshi Itoh, Yoshiki Soejima, Hutoshi Morinaga, Naruyoshi Abe, Naoyuki Tsuchiya, Toshikazu Iijima & Takashi Sawase Department of Applied Prosthodontics, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, 1-7-1 Sakamoto, Nagasaki, 852-8588, Japan Tetsurou Odatsu & Takash...

References : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Pjetursson BE, Thoma D, Jung R, Zwahlen M, Zembic A. A systematic review of the survival and complication rates of implant-supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) after a mean observation period of at least 5 years. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012;23(Suppl 6):22–38. Dorner S, Zeman F, Koller M, Lang R, Handel G, Behr M. Clinical performance of complete dentures: a retrospective study. Int J Prost...

References : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Duda M, Matalon S, Lewinstein I, Harel N, Block J, Ormianer Z. One piece immediately loading implants versus 1 piece or 2 pieces delayed: 3 years outcome. Implant Dent. 2016;25:109–13. Wennerberg A, Albrektsson T. Effects of titanium surface topography on bone integration: a systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2009;20(Suppl 4):172–84. Teughels W, Van Assche N, Sliepen I, Quirynen M. E...

References : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Dahlin C, Linde A, Gottlow J, Nyman S. Healing of bone defects by guided tissue regeneration. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1988;81:672–6. Boyne PJ, James RA. Grafting of the maxillary sinus floor with autogenous marrow and bone. J Oral Surg. 1980;38:613–6. Hellem S, Karlsson U, Almfeldt I, Brunell G, Hamp SE, Astrand P. Nonsubmerged implants in the treatment of the edentulous lower jaw: a 5-year pro...

References : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Brånemark PI, Adell R, Breine U, Hansson BO, Lindström J, Ohlsson A. Intra-osseous anchorage of dental prostheses. I. Experimental studies. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 1969;3:81–100. Buser D, Sennerby L, De Bruyn H. Modern implant dentistry based on osseointegration: 50 years of progress, current trends and open questions. Periodontol. 2017;73:7–21. Ekelund JA, Lindquist LW, Carlsson GE, ...

Conclusions : Retrospective cohort study of rough-...

In conclusion, our analyses revealed a cumulative survival rate of 89.8% of TPS-surface implants with at least 25 years of functioning. The survival rate of maxillary positioned implants was significantly lower than that of mandibulary positioned implants. The patient gender, implant location, and width of keratinized mucosa affected the rate of peri-implantitis, resulting in late failure. Implan...

Discussion : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

We also observed that the tooth-implant-supported prostheses had a lower complication-free rate than implant-supported fixed prostheses due to caries, periodontitis, or the root fracture of abutment teeth. Lang et al. reported that the survival rates of tooth implant-supported fixed partial dentures were 94.1% after 5 years and 77.8% after 10 years of functioning [31], and these results were alm...

Discussion : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Regarding the width of keratinized mucosa, many studies and a review have indicated that the presence of a sufficient width of keratinized mucosa is necessary for maintaining healthy peri-implants [26,27,28,29]. In the present study, when 2 mm of keratinized mucosa was used as the adequate width, the p value was 0.053 (data not shown). This also showed the tendency of the availability of keratini...

Discussion : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Peri-implantitis is the major reason for late failure [13, 14]. The consensus report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology described peri-implant mucositis in approx. 80% of subjects restored with implant, and peri-implantitis in 28–56% of subjects [15]. In the present study, the cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis was 9.5, 15.3, 21.0, and 27.9% at 5, 10, 15, and 25 years after ...

Discussion : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Although all implants used in this study were withdrawn from the market about 20 years before, the longitudinal clinical outcomes over decades will help to better understand potential factors leading to implant failure or complications and assess the safe and predictable use of dental implant. Our analyses revealed a 25-year cumulative survival rate of 89.8% after the prosthesis setting, which se...

Results : Retrospective cohort study of rough-surf...

A total of 48 implants were eventually accompanied by a peri-implant infection: the cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis was 9.5, 15.3, 21.0, and 27.9% at 5, 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis delivery, respectively (Fig. 3). After stepwise backward selection, the gender, implant type, and width of keratinized mucosa showed the significant difference in the cumulative survival rate (T...

Results : Retrospective cohort study of rough-surf...

A total of 92 patients (38 men, 54 women; mean age 54.3 years, range 20–78) received implant-supported prostheses (at the seven private practices) between 1984 and 1990. The distribution of patients by age and gender is presented in Table 1. Fifty-seven patients (140 implants) were considered dropouts due to the fact that no data were obtained at the endpoint, but 25 years had passed since th...

Methods : Retrospective cohort study of rough-surf...

This retrospective observational study was approved by the ethical committee of Nagasaki University (No. 1512). The cases of all of the patients who underwent dental implant treatment with a TPS-surfaced solid-screw implant and whose prosthesis was set in the years 1984–1990 at seven private practices were analyzed. All inserted implants were either a TPS-type (TPS-type, Institute Straumann, Bas...

Background : Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Dental implant treatment based on the concept of osseointegration [1] is now a widely accepted restorative treatment for fully and partially edentulous patients. In the earliest days of the use of osseointegrated implants, two different topographies were applied on the implant surfaces: a machined minimally rough titanium surface such as the Brånemark system and a rough microporous titanium plasm...

Abstract : Retrospective cohort study of rough-sur...

The longitudinal clinical outcomes over decades contribute to know potential factors leading to implant failure or complications and help in the decision of treatment alternatives. The cases of all patients who received dental implants treated with titanium plasma-sprayed surfaces and whose prostheses were set in the period 1984–1990 at seven private practices were retrospectively analyzed. The...

Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of...

Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness and hydrophobicity (means and standard deviations) Fig. 4. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness and hydrop...

Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of...

Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness (means and standard deviations) Fig. 3. Relative fluorescence intensities (rfi) of S. epidermidis (a) and S. sanguinis (b) on titanium and ceramic implant surfaces with different grades of roughness (means and standard deviation...

Fig. 2. Comparison of AFM surface profiles of roug...

GH), and smooth titanium (TiSMOOTH); scan sizes are 30 μm in a and 1 μm in b Fig. 2. Comparison of AFM surface profiles of rough ceramic (CeROUGH), smooth ceramic (CeSMOOTH), rough titanium (TiROUGH), and smooth titanium (TiSMOOTH); scan sizes are 30 μm in a and 1 μm in b

Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a...

Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a–d) and 3 μm × 3 μm scan areas (e–h) of rough ceramic (a, e), smooth ceramic (b, f), rough titanium (c, g), and smooth titanium (d, h) Fig. 1. AFM images for 30 μm × 30 μm (a–d) and 3 μm × 3 μm scan areas (e–h) of rough ceramic (a, e), smooth ceramic (b, f), rough titanium (c, g), and smooth titanium (d, h)

Table 1 Arithmetic average of surface roughness Ra...

NoneTable 1 Arithmetic average of surface roughness R a (means and standard deviations [μm]) and wettability (means and standard deviations [°]) of the ten tested material

About this article : The influence of surface text...

Wassmann, T., Kreis, S., Behr, M. et al. The influence of surface texture and wettability on initial bacterial adhesion on titanium and zirconium oxide dental implants. Int J Implant Dent 3, 32 (2017). Download citation Received: 07 March 2017 Accepted: 28 June 2017 Published: 17 July 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : The influence of surface ...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : The influence of surface tex...

Ethical approval was not required. The authors Torsten Wassmann, Stefan Kreis, Michael Behr, and Ralf Buergers declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : The influence of surface text...

Present address: Department of Prosthodontics, University Medical Center Goettingen, Robert-Koch-Strasse 40, 37075, Goettingen, Germany Torsten Wassmann & Ralf Buergers Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Regensburg University Medical Centre, Regensburg, Germany Stefan Kreis, Michael Behr & Ralf Buergers You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Schola...

Acknowledgements : The influence of surface textur...

The great support of Juri Allerdings and the skilled technical assistance of Gerlinde Held and Marlene Rosendahl are gratefully acknowledged. The study has been funded solely by the institutions of the authors.

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Drake DR, Paul J, Keller JC. Primary bacterial adhesion of implant surfaces. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14:226–32. Lim YJ, Oshida Y. Initial contact angle measurements on variously treated dental/medical titanium materials. Biomed Mater Eng. 2001;11:325–41. Steinberg D, Sela MN, Klinger A, Kohavi D. Adhesion of periodontal bacteria to titanium and titanium alloy powders. Clin Oral ...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Quirynen M, De Soete M, van Steenberghe D. Infectious risks for oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2002;13:1–19. Weerkamp AH, Uyen HM, Busscher HJ. Effect of zeta potential and surface energy on bacterial adhesion to uncoated and saliva-coated human enamel and dentin. J Dent Res. 1988;67:1483–7. Barbour ME, O’Sullivan DJ, Jenkinson HF, Jagger DC. The effects...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Quirynen M, Bollen CM, Papaioannou W, Van Eldere J, van Steenberghe D. The influence of titanium abutment surface roughness on plaque accumulation and gingivitis: short-term observations. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1996;11:169–78. Hannig M. Transmission electron microscopy of early plaque formation on dental materials in vivo. Eur J Oral Sci. 1999;107:55–64. Quirynen M, van der Mei HC, ...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

An YH, Friedman RJ. Concise review of mechanisms of bacterial adhesion to biomaterial surfaces. J Biomed Mater Res. 1998;43:338–48. Palmquist A, Omar OM, Esposito M, Lausmaa J, Thomsen P. Titanium oral implants: surface characteristics, interface biology and clinical outcome. J R Soc Interface. 2010;7:515–27. Hannig C, Hannig M. The oral cavity—a key system to understand substratum-depende...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Poon CY, Bhushan B. Comparison of surface roughness measurements by stylus profiler, AFM and non-contact profiler. Wear. 1995;190:76–88.Hahnel S, Rosentritt M, Handel G, Bürgers R. Surface characterization of dental ceramics and initial streptococcal adhesion in vitro. Dent Mater. 2009;25:969–75.Abrahamsson I, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Soft tissue response to plaque formation at different implan...

References : The influence of surface texture and ...

Poon CY, Bhushan B. Comparison of surface roughness measurements by stylus profiler, AFM and non-contact profiler. Wear. 1995;190:76–88. Hahnel S, Rosentritt M, Handel G, Bürgers R. Surface characterization of dental ceramics and initial streptococcal adhesion in vitro. Dent Mater. 2009;25:969–75. Abrahamsson I, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Soft tissue response to plaque formation at different im...

Conclusions : The influence of surface texture and...

Within the limitations of an in vitro study, our results indicate that surface roughness as well as wettability may influence the adhesion properties of bacteria on implant surfaces. Furthermore, the predominant factor for adhesion depends on the bacterial species itself. Zirconia implant material did not show any lower bacterial colonization potential than titanium. The influence of substratum ma...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

In vivo biofilm models with multi-species biofilms offer the opportunity to evaluate materials in simulated clinical conditions including composite plaque, salivary pellicle, and removal forces [18]. Although the understanding of oral biofilms and the influence of surface characteristics on microbial accumulation has increased, significant gaps in the fundamental knowledge about the formation and ...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

Besides surface roughness and morphology, the hydrophobicity and surface free energy (SFE) of an implant surface are known to influence bacterial adhesion [42, 43]. Physico-chemical interactions (non-specific) are composed of van der Waals forces, electrostatic interactions, and acid-based interactions, which in turn define the surface free energy of a substratum [44]. The surface free energy can ...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

In the present study, sandblasting (with 50 or 250 μm aluminum trioxide) resulted in significant increases of R a on titanium and ceramic surfaces. These R a values were higher than those for commercially available implant abutments (observed to range from 0.10 to 0.30 μm) [35]. According to the classification by Albrektsson and Wennerberg, smooth ceramic and titanium materials and t...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

Besides, the surface material itself and its chemical composition, surface roughness, and hydrophobicity have a crucial influence on the accumulation of microorganisms. In most previous studies on bacterial adhesion on titanium and ceramic surfaces, the quantity of bacterial adhesion showed a direct positive correlation with surface roughness [4, 10, 18, 24,25,26]. In case of interacting surface r...

Discussion : The influence of surface texture and ...

The problems involved in osseous healing of dental implants appear to be largely solved. Biofilm formation on exposed implant and abutment surfaces, however, is a fortiori crucial for the long-term therapeutic success of an implant, because biofilms are the most frequent cause of peri-implantitis and implant loss [3,4,5,6,7]. Consequently, new implant surface modifications with reduced properties ...

Results : The influence of surface texture and wet...

In general, significantly more S. sanguinis adhered to ceramic surfaces than to titanium surfaces (p  0.05 for all comparisons). On ceramic surfaces (smooth ceramic 4668 ± 1562 rfu; medium ceramic 5590 ± 1493 rfu, rough ceramic 6875 ± 428 rfu), higher surface roughness led to increased S. sanguinis adhesion (p  0.05 for all comparisons). A comparison of rough and smooth s...

Results : The influence of surface texture and wet...

The median surface roughness values (R a ) of each material group (n = 10) tested are shown in Table 1. The differences in R a between rough, medium, and smooth specimens were statistically significant for ceramic as well as for titanium (p 

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

Ten specimens of each material group tested were investigated. As control references, we used the fluorescence values of pure phosphate-buffered saline (0-control), buffer and CytoX-Violet (dye-control), and pure bacterial solution (bacteria-control). All calculations and graphic displays were done with SPSS 16.0 for Windows (SPSS Corporation, Chicago, IL, USA). Means and standard deviations for ...

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

Three-dimensional images of rough and smooth implant surfaces were obtained by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) using the tapping mode scan of an AFM VEECO machine (Plainview, USA); this method was also used to determine the surface topography. We scanned several randomly selected areas measuring either 3 μm × 3 μm or 30 μm × 30 μm for each of the test groups and sterilized...

Methods : The influence of surface texture and wet...

In this study, we assessed two different implant materials in the form of round specimens (each measuring 5.0 mm in diameter and 1.0 mm in thickness, see Table 1). Half of the specimens were made of grade 1 pure titanium (Mechanische Werkstatt Biologie, University of Regensburg, Germany) and the other half of zirconia ceramic (IPS e.max ZirCAD; Ivoclar Vivadent, Ellwangen, Germany). The grade o...

Background : The influence of surface texture and ...

The aim of the present in vitro study was to investigate bacterial adhesion (by means of the test species Streptococcus sanguinis and Staphylococcus epidermidis) on ten different titanium and zirconia implant surfaces. Surface texture and wettability were modified in well-defined patterns to correlate these surface properties with the amount of initially adhering bacteria and to define the predomi...

Background : The influence of surface texture and ...

Dental implants are one of the most frequently used treatment options for the replacement of missing teeth. The oral microflora and its dynamic interactions with the implant substrata seem to crucially influence the long-term success or failure of dental implants [1,2,3,4,5,6]. As soon as implant surfaces are exposed to the human oral cavity, they are immediately colonized by microorganisms [7, 8]...

Abstract : The influence of surface texture and we...

This study aims to investigate bacterial adhesion on different titanium and ceramic implant surfaces, to correlate these findings with surface roughness and surface hydrophobicity, and to define the predominant factor for bacterial adhesion for each material. Zirconia and titanium specimens with different surface textures and wettability (5.0 mm in diameter, 1.0 mm in height) were prepared. Sur...

About this article : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

Sagheb, K., Schiegnitz, E., Moergel, M. et al. Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augmentation with individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium mesh. Int J Implant Dent 3, 36 (2017). Download citation Received: 15 March 2017 Accepted: 13 July 2017 Published: 26 July 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Clinical outcome of alveo...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Clinical outcome of alveolar...

Keyvan Sagheb reports personal fees and grants from Dentsply, Geistlich, and Nobel Biocare outside the submitted work. Eik Schiegnitz reports personal fees and grants from Septodont, Dentsply, Geistlich, and Straumann outside the submitted work. Maximilian Moergel reports grants from Camlog outside the submitted work. Christian Walter reports grants and personal fees from Straumann outside the sub...

Author information : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

Correspondence to E. Schiegnitz.

Author information : Clinical outcome of alveolar ...

K. Sagheb and E. Schiegnitz contributed equally to this work. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany K. Sagheb, E. Schiegnitz, M. Moergel, C. Walter, B. Al-Nawas & W. Wagner Mediplus, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Private Praxis, Mainz, Germany C. Walter You can also search for...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Ali S, Bakry SA, Abd-Elhakam H. Platelet-rich fibrin in maxillary sinus augmentation: a systematic review. The Journal of oral implantology. 2015;41(6):746–53. PubMed PMID: 25536095 Moraschini V, Barboza ES. Effect of autologous platelet concentrates for alveolar socket preservation: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;44(5):632–41. PubMed PMID: 25631334 Torres J, Tamimi F,...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Pieri F, Corinaldesi G, Fini M, Aldini NN, Giardino R, Marchetti C. Alveolar ridge augmentation with titanium mesh and a combination of autogenous bone and anorganic bovine bone: a 2-year prospective study. J Periodontol. 2008;79(11):2093–103. PubMed PMID: 18980518 Proussaefs P, Lozada J. Use of titanium mesh for staged localized alveolar ridge augmentation: clinical and histologic-histomorphom...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

von Arx T, Kurt B. Implant placement and simultaneous peri-implant bone grafting using a micro titanium mesh for graft stabilization. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1998;18(2):117–27. PubMed PMID: 9663090 von Arx T, Kurt B. Implant placement and simultaneous ridge augmentation using autogenous bone and a micro titanium mesh: a prospective clinical study with 20 implants. Clin Oral Implant...

References : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Moraschini V, Poubel LA, Ferreira VF, Barboza ES. Evaluation of survival and success rates of dental implants reported in longitudinal studies with a follow-up period of at least 10 years: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;44(3):377–88. PubMed PMID: 25467739 Al-Nawas B, Kammerer PW, Morbach T, Ladwein C, Wegener J, Wagner W. Ten-year retrospective follow-up study of the TiO...

Conclusions : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge a...

Within the limitations of this study, being retrospective and having no control group, the results show that individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium meshes are a safe and predictable procedure for large vertical and horizontal ridge augmentations. The soft tissue covering remains one of the most critical steps using this technique. However, exposure of the mesh does not result in complete loss of...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The results showed that in all 21 augmented sites, a significant ridge augmentation was achieved, with a mean vertical augmentation of 6.5 ± 1.7 mm and a mean horizontal augmentation of 5.5 ± 1.9 mm. To our best knowledge, this is the first study investigating these parameters in individualized CAD-CAM-produced titanium meshes. For conventional titanium meshes, several studies were publish...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

In our study, PRF membranes were additionally to collagen membranes used to cover the CAD-CAM mesh. The aim of this clinical approach was to improve and accelerate wound healing. The results with the low exposure rates and the sufficient augmentation heights indicated that these PRF membranes are a promising technique. However, due to low case number in the control group without a PRF membrane, de...

Discussion : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The vertical and horizontal regeneration of resorbed alveolar ridges remains a challenging surgical procedure, especially in the case of extensive bone atrophy. During the past years, different augmentation techniques have been proposed to restore an adequate bone volume. The aim of this study was to evaluate a technique for ridge augmentation in the maxilla and mandible using an individualized CA...

Results : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

In the investigated time period, 17 patients received 21 TM augmentations. Fourteen of these patients were women and three men. Mean age at the time of augmentation was 37 ± 15 years (17–64 years). Twelve of the patients were non-smoker, and 5 patients were smoker. In 8 patients, a steady periodontal disease could be detected. Sixty-five percent (n = 11) of the patients presented a thin g...

Methods : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the treated sites was performed before augmentation procedure and 6 months postoperatively at time of reentry. Craniofacial bone and TM showed different radio-opacity, which allowed their easy differentiation on the scans after regulating the brightness and contrast. In our department, two different CBCTs were available (Accuitomo, J. Morita Corporation, Ja...

Methods : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augme...

In a retrospective study, the clinical outcome of an individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM (Yxoss CBR®, Filderstadt, Germany) inserted by experienced surgeons in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany, between December 2014 and January 2017, was analyzed. Therefore, all patients with this CAD-CAM mesh augmentation and reentry operation for im...

Background : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

The aim of this clinical study was to present the clinical outcome of individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM in combination with particulate autogenous bone mixed with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) used to augment horizontal and/or vertical bony defects in both maxillary and mandibular arches, within a two-stage technique. Furthermore, gained horizontal and vertical bone height and the infl...

Background : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge au...

Dental implant placement is an effective treatment method for the replacement of lost teeth with high survival rates after long-term follow-up [1,2,3]. However, the long-term success and stability of implants in function are directly correlated with the quality and quantity of the available bone at the prospective implant site [4, 5]. Despite the development of various techniques and augmentation ...

Abstract : Clinical outcome of alveolar ridge augm...

The augmentation of the jaw has been and continues to be a sophisticated therapy in implantology. Modern CAD-CAM technologies lead to revival of old and established augmentation techniques such as the use of titanium mesh (TM) for bone augmentation. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of an individualized CAD-CAM-produced TM based on the CT/DVT-DICOM data of th...

Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp ...

Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp titanium specimen Fig. 11. Energy dispersive spectrum of control Cp titanium specimen

Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium...

Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn Fig. 10. Energy dispersive spectrum of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn

Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×20,000 Fig. 9. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×20,000

Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×10,000 Fig. 8. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp titanium specimen at ×10,000

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of contr...

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp Titanium specimen at X 5,000 Fig. 7. Scanning electron microphotograph of control Cp Titanium specimen at X 5,000

Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp ti...

Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at ×20,000 Fig. 6. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at ×20,000

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Ti...

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at X10,000 Fig. 5. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp Titanium specimen coated with HA-Zn at X10,000

Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp ti...

Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with nano HA- Zn at ×5000 Fig. 4. Scanning electron microphotograph of Cp titanium specimen coated with nano HA- Zn at ×5000

Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from c...

Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from coated titanium specimen Fig. 3. IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from coated titanium specimen

Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepa...

Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepared from a natural source (CB) Fig. 2. IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4 H2O powder prepared from a natural source (CB)

Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemi...

Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemical-deposition coating process’ equipment Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the electrochemical-deposition coating process’ equipment

Table 1 The Student t test of the control and coat...

  Number of specimens Mean ± (SD) Standard error mean F value P value Control 7...

About this article : Electro-chemical deposition o...

El-Wassefy, N.A., Reicha, F.M. & Aref, N.S. Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydroxyapatite-zinc coating on titanium metal substrate. Int J Implant Dent 3, 39 (2017). Download citation Received: 20 March 2017 Accepted: 28 July 2017 Published: 13 August 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Electro-chemical depositi...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Electro-chemical deposition ...

El-Wassefy N, Aref N, and Reicha F declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : Electro-chemical deposition o...

Dental Biomaterials Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, 35516 El Gomhoria St., Mansoura, Egypt N. A. El-Wassefy & N. S. Aref Physics Department, Faculty of science, Mansoura University, 35516 El Gomhoria St., Mansoura, Egypt F. M. Reicha You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in ...

Acknowledgements : Electro-chemical deposition of ...

The authors would like to express their gratitude for Dr. Sherif Kishk, Professor of Communication and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, for his help in photographing and analyzing the coating for adhesion test.

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Kuo MC, Yen SK. The process of electrochemical deposited hydroxyapatite coatings on biomedical titanium at room temperature. Mater Sci Eng C. 2002;20:153–60. Suchanek W, Yoshimura M. Processing and properties of hydroxyapatite-based biomaterials for use as hard tissue replacement implants. J Mater Res. 1998;13:94–117. Kohli S, Batra U, Kapoor S. Influence of zinc substitution on physicochemi...

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Hosea HJ, Taylor CG, Wood T, Mollard R, Weiler HA. Zinc-deficient rats have more limited bone recovery during repletion than diet-restricted rats. Exp Biol Med. 2004;299:303–11. Tsai M-T, Chang Y-Y, Huang H-L, Hsu J-T, Chen Y-C, Wu AY-J. Characterization and antibacterial performance of bioactive Ti–Zn–O coatings deposited on titanium implants. Thin Solid Films. 2013;528:143–50. Hu H, Zh...

References : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Brunette DM, Tengvall P, Textor M TP, Textor M, Thomsen P. Titanium in medicine: material science, surface science, engineering, biological responses and medical applications. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012. p.13–24. Heydenrijk K, Meijer HJA, van der Reijden WA, Vissink A, Raghoebar GM, Stegenga B. Microbiota around root-formed endosseous implants. A review of the literature. October. ...

Conclusions : Electro-chemical deposition of nano ...

The electro-chemical method can be employed for HA-Zn coating deposition on titanium metal, where Ca source was a recycled cuttlebone fish to precipitate HA phases. Using a Zn anode on a low-sustained voltage was able to induce an even coat thickness of HA-Zn precipitation and increase the surface roughness significantly.

Discussion : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Yang et al. prepared a Zn-HA coating on Ti plates by an electrochemical process, and the SEM examination showed irregularly shaped rod-like crystals with hexagonal cross-section; this corresponded well with the current study results. They also concluded that a Zn-HA coating improves proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts and would enhance implant osseointegration [11]. Ceramic coatings ...

Discussion : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Metallic orthopedic prosthesis is most commonly used due to its good mechanical properties, but its failure mostly occurs due to the lack of proper bone bonding and/or the occurrence of post-operative infections. Hydroxyapatite is commonly used as a bone filler biomaterial or as a coat for titanium prosthesis due to its decent biocompatibility, osseoconductivity, and bioactivity [26]. However, as ...

Results : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Following the examination of X cut areas after the adhesive tape removal; the adhesion was rated to be 5A, as no peeling or coat removal occurred along the incisions' length or at their intersection.

Results : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Figure 2 shows the FT-IR spectra of Ca(NO3)2·4H2O with weak sharp absorption peak bands at 742, 821, and 1048 cm−1, a strong broad absorption band at 1354 cm-1, and a strong shoulder absorption band at 1455 cm−1. A wide broad absorption band peak appears at 3442 cm−1 due to the presence of water. Figure 3 shows the FT-IR spectra of HA-Zn powder scrapped from CpTi specimens; the band a...

Methods : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

The coating was scrapped from Ti specimen's surface and investigated for its chemical structure using FT-IR spectroscopy. The powder was investigated by double-beam dispersive IR spectrometer (Nicolet iS10, Thermo Electron Corporation, UK) which utilized the selected range of 400 to 4000 wave numbers (cm−1) at 4 cm−1 resolution and averaging of 100 scans. Two milligrams of scrapped powder was...

Methods : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hydr...

Commercially pure Ti (CpTi) grade II specimens were cut down into plates with dimensions 10 × 10 × 2 mm and used as substrates (cathode material) for depositing HA and Zn. CpTi specimens were polished with successive grades of silicon carbide papers, ultra-sonicated in acetone (99.5%, EM Science), rinsed in distilled water, and then air dried at room temperature, before they were used f...

Background : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

The aim of the present work was to develop well-adhered and uniform hydroxyapatite-zinc coatings on titanium metal substrate, through an in vitro electro-chemical deposition method. The coating was characterized for functional chemical group, surface morphology, surface chemical analysis, surface roughness, and coat adhesive bonding by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), scanning elec...

Background : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

The aim of the present work was to develop well-adhered and uniform hydroxyapatite-zinc coatings on titanium metal substrate, through an in vitro electro-chemical deposition method. The coating was characterized for functional chemical group, surface morphology, surface chemical analysis, surface roughness, and coat adhesive bonding by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), scanning elec...

Background : Electro-chemical deposition of nano h...

Titanium metal is one of the most widely used biomedical orthopedic materials because of its decent mechanical properties [1]. However, as an inert material, it cannot induce osteogenesis and has no antibacterial properties [2]. In order to improve surface bioactivity of titanium substrates, numerous methods have been proposed to cover it with bio-ceramic coatings [1]. Various clinical studies ...

Abstract : Electro-chemical deposition of nano hyd...

Titanium is an inert metal that does not induce osteogenesis and has no antibacterial properties; it is proposed that hydroxyapatite coating can enhance its bioactivity, while zinc can contribute to antibacterial properties and improve osseointegration. A nano-sized hydroxyapatite-zinc coating was deposited on commercially pure titanium using an electro-chemical process, in order to increase its ...

Fig. 6. Roughness (Sa) box plot : In vitro surface...

Fig. 6. Roughness (Sa) box plot Fig. 6. Roughness (Sa) box plot

Fig. 5. 3D profile : In vitro surface characterist...

Fig. 5. 3D profile Fig. 5. 3D profile

Fig. 4. CLSM : In vitro surface characteristics an...

Fig. 4. CLSM Fig. 4. CLSM

Fig. 3. SEM for localization of EDX analysis : In ...

Fig. 3. SEM for localization of EDX analysis Fig. 3. SEM for localization of EDX analysis

Fig. 2. SEM. White arrow (→) exemplary mark the ...

Fig. 2. SEM. White arrow (→) exemplary mark the droplet like shape of surface as described in the text Fig. 2. SEM. White arrow (→) exemplary mark the droplet like shape of surface as described in the text

Fig. 1. Diagram of different implant areas used fo...

Fig. 1. Diagram of different implant areas used for sampling. 1) Machined (untreated) area. 2) rough (treated) area Fig. 1. Diagram of different implant areas used for sampling. 1) Machined (untreated) area. 2) rough (treated) area

Table 3 Roughness analysis : In vitro surface char...

   Amplitude parameters Group Name Sa (μm) Machined area WhiteSKY ...

Table 2 EDX : In vitro surface characteristics and...

Element composition/semi-quantitative evaluation Location Type Zr at %min–at %max Hf at % Y at %min–at %max...

Table 1 Five commercially available ceramic implan...

NoneTable 1 Five commercially available ceramic implants and surface characteristics

About this article : In vitro surface characterist...

Beger, B., Goetz, H., Morlock, M. et al. In vitro surface characteristics and impurity analysis of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants. Int J Implant Dent 4, 13 (2018). Download citation Received: 11 December 2017 Accepted: 08 February 2018 Published: 26 April 2018 DOI:

Rights and permissions : In vitro surface characte...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Ethics declarations : In vitro surface characteris...

Not applicable. Not applicable. Beger B, Goetz H, Morlock M, Schiegnitz E, and Al-Nawas B declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : In vitro surface characterist...

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Augustusplatz 2, 55131, Mainz, Germany B. Beger, M. Morlock, E. Schiegnitz & B. Al-Nawas Biomaterials in Medicine (BioAPP), University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany H. Goetz You can also search for this author in Pub...

References : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

Papanagiotou HP, Morgano SM, Giordano RA, Pober R. In vitro evaluation of low-temperature aging effects and finishing procedures on the flexural strength and structural stability of Y-TZP dental ceramics. J Prosthet Dent. 2006;96(3):154–64. Ewais OH, Al Abbassy F, Ghoneim MM, Aboushelib MN. Novel zirconia surface treatments for enhanced osseointegration: laboratory characterization. Int J Dent....

References : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

Ong JL, Carnes DL, Cardenas HL, Cavin R. Surface roughness of titanium on bone morphogenetic protein-2 treated osteoblast cells in vitro. Implant Dent. 1997;6(1):19–24. Schwartz Z, Kieswetter K, Dean DD, Boyan BD. Underlying mechanisms at the bone-surface interface during regeneration. J Periodontal Res. 1997;32(1 Pt 2):166–71. Al-Nawas B, Gotz H. Three-dimensional topographic and metrologic...

References : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

Jacobi-Gresser E, Huesker K, Schutt S. Genetic and immunological markers predict titanium implant failure: a retrospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;42(4):537–43. Wenz HJ, Bartsch J, Wolfart S, Kern M. Osseointegration and clinical success of zirconia dental implants: a systematic review. Int J Prosthodont. 2008;21(1):27–36. Shulte W. The intra-osseous Al2O3 (Frialit) Tuebingen...

Abbreviations : In vitro surface characteristics a...

Aluminum oxide Ceramic injection molding Confocal laser scanning microscopy Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy Hot isostatic pressing Implant Kilovolt Millibar Megapascal Nanometer Area roughness parameter Scanning electron microscopy Sandblasted, Large-grit, Acid-etched Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconium polycrystalline Micrometer

Conclusions : In vitro surface characteristics and...

New ceramic implants are showing a variety of surface characteristics due to different manufacturing processes as shown by other groups [2, 28]. The surface structures of the investigated implants are close to titanium implants. If the surface characteristics really have a high influence on osseointegration, ceramic implants cannot yet compare to the long experience with titanium. However, there a...

Discussion : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

The semi-quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) can be used to further analyze the components of the implant surface. None of the implants showed any impurity or unexpected results. Implants 4 and 5 showed yttrium under the detection limit in the EDX analysis. This could be caused by the lower dosage of yttrium endowment in the stabilization processing in comparison to other impla...

Discussion : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

The surface shape (droplet-like surface), which was observed in the SEM samples, can be caused due to the sintering process in which ceramic powder was melted and then formed. Different particle, immersion, and droplet sizes can also change due to possible reasons like usage of various types and dosages of acid for the etching process and change of exposure time to acid effect. A longer exposure t...

Discussion : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

Implant surface characteristics are of ongoing scientific interest. Implants made from titanium are still the most common to be used. Titanium implants are made from alpha-beta alloy which consists of 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium (Ti-6Al-4V). These materials have low density, high strength, and resistance to fatigue and corrosion, and their modulus of elasticity is closer to the bone than any other...

Results : In vitro surface characteristics and imp...

Implant 2 (Sa 1.27 μm ± 0.24) and implant 5 (Sa 1.22 μm ± 0.36) show the highest roughness values (Sa) of all tested implants: Straumann’s pure ceramic implant was blasted and etched and shows the overall highest Sa value in the rough area. Implant 3 (vitaclinical) shows correspondingly lower Sa around 1.05 μm (± 0.17) (Table 3). The lowest Sa value could be found in implant ...

Results : In vitro surface characteristics and imp...

SEM micrographs presented in Fig. 2 demonstrate the dissimilarity of the sample surface microstructure. Implant 1 shows an overall smoother surface and a slaty-like surface without evidence of a typical etching process. The surface shows sparse roughness. Implants 2–4 show deep markings from their brand’s specific etching and sandblasting processes. In × 10,000 magnification, immersions ca...

Methods : In vitro surface characteristics and imp...

Subsequently, the depth map images are imported in the SPIP™ 4.2.6 (Image Metrology) software for roughness and texture evaluation. According to the ISO 25178-2 reference, all surface roughness parameters implemented in SPIP™ are evaluated and classified as amplitude, hybrid, functional, and spatial parameters. Selected values are shown in Table 3.

Methods : In vitro surface characteristics and imp...

Analysis of the element composition of the implant surfaces by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was performed with an INCA Energy 350 system (Oxford Instruments, Wiesbaden, Germany) coupled with the SEM Quanta 200 FEG (Fig. 2). Similar to the micro-morphological presentation, each implant was divided into comparable sites of interest. Typical areas were selected and evaluated (...

Methods : In vitro surface characteristics and imp...

The following five commercially available dental zirconia implants were used in this study (Table 1). Bredent whiteSKY™ implant (I1) is made from unground Brezirkon™, an yttrium oxide (Y2O3)-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconium oxide and is sandblasted. Zirconium oxide is endowed with 3 mol% yttrium oxide to gain a rectangle and room temperature stable structure [17]. Straumann® ...

Background : In vitro surface characteristics and ...

Dental implants have become a well-established treatment method for oral rehabilitation after tooth loss. Pure titanium is still the material of choice when it comes to dental intraosseous implants and has been used for decades. However, titanium implants have esthetic limitations, especially in the front aspect of the maxillary jaw. The recession of the gingiva can lead to visible implant necks. ...

Abstract : In vitro surface characteristics and im...

The aim of this study was to assess surface characteristics, element composition, and surface roughness of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants. Five zirconia implants (Bredent whiteSKY™ (I1), Straumann® PURE Ceramic (I2), ceramic.implant vitaclinical (I3), Zeramex® (I4), Ceralog Monobloc M10 (I5)) were evaluated. The evaluation was performed by means of scanning el...

Table 7 Cox regression analyses for cumulative sur...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 1.82 0.946~3.487 ...

Table 6 Cox regression analyses for cumulative inc...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 2.38 1.138~5.362 ...

Table 5 Cox regression analyses for implant surviv...

  Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p value Gender (male) 1.99 0.538~8.201 ...

Table 4 Distribution of implants by length and loc...

Dia. (mm) Maxilla anterior Maxilla posterior Mandible anterior Mandible posterior Tot...

Table 3 Distribution of implants by diameter and l...

Dia. (mm) Maxilla anterior Maxilla posterior Mandible anterior Mandible posterior Tot...

Table 2 Distribution of implants in situ (n = 22...

Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Table 1 Age and gender distributions (n = 92)

Age/gender Male Female Total 20–29 3 ...

References: Retrospective cohort study of rough-su...

References Brånemark PI, Adell R, Breine U, Hansson BO, Lindström J, Ohlsson A. Intra-osseous anchorage of dental prostheses. I. Experimental studies. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 1969;3:81–100. Buser D, Sennerby L, De Bruyn H. Modern implant dentistry based on osseointegration: 50 years of progress, current trends and open questions. Periodontol. 2017;73:7–...

Conclusions: Retrospective cohort study of rough-s...

Conclusions In conclusion, our analyses revealed a cumulative survival rate of 89.8% of TPS-surface implants with at least 25 years of functioning. The survival rate of maxillary positioned implants was significantly lower than that of mandibulary positioned implants. The patient gender, implant location, and width of keratinized mucosa affected the rate of peri-implantitis, resulting in l...

Results: Retrospective cohort study of rough-surfa...

A total of 48 implants were eventually accompanied by a peri-implant infection: the cumulative incidence of peri-implantitis was 9.5, 15.3, 21.0, and 27.9% at 5, 10, 15, and 25 years after the prosthesis delivery, respectively (Fig. 3). After stepwise backward selection, the gender, implant type, and width of keratinized mucosa showed the significant difference in the cumulative survival rate (T...

Results: Retrospective cohort study of rough-surfa...

Results Patient cohort A total of 92 patients (38 men, 54 women; mean age 54.3 years, range 20–78) received implant-supported prostheses (at the seven private practices) between 1984 and 1990. The distribution of patients by age and gender is presented in Table 1. Fifty-seven patients (140 implants) were considered dropouts due to the fact that no data were obtained at the endpoint, bu...

Methods: Retrospective cohort study of rough-surfa...

Methods Study design This retrospective observational study was approved by the ethical committee of Nagasaki University (No. 1512). The cases of all of the patients who underwent dental implant treatment with a TPS-surfaced solid-screw implant and whose prosthesis was set in the years 1984–1990 at seven private practices were analyzed. All inserted implants were either a TPS-type (TPS-t...

Background: Retrospective cohort study of rough-su...

Background Dental implant treatment based on the concept of osseointegration [1] is now a widely accepted restorative treatment for fully and partially edentulous patients. In the earliest days of the use of osseointegrated implants, two different topographies were applied on the implant surfaces: a machined minimally rough titanium surface such as the Brånemark system and a rough micropor...

Retrospective cohort study of rough-surface titani...

Abstract Background The longitudinal clinical outcomes over decades contribute to know potential factors leading to implant failure or complications and help in the decision of treatment alternatives. Methods The cases of all patients who received dental implants treated with titanium plasma-sprayed surfaces and whose prostheses were set in the period 1984–1990 at seven...

Table 2 Specialized scope of published articles wi...

  Dental Orthopedic Medical Environment Basic Titanium toxicity 82 102 150 252 643 Titanium alloy toxicity 42 30 35 5 37 Titanium implant toxicity 37 56 22 3 74 Titanium implant corrosion 145 63 22 7 220 Titanium allergy 22 26 20 2 15 Yellow nail syndrome – – 250 – 6 Total 328 277 499 269 995

Table 1 Number of articles representing each titan...

  1991–1995 1996–2000 2001–2005 2006–2010 2011–2015 2016–2018 Titanium toxicity 30 58 81 216 432 412 Titanium alloy toxicity 12 17 30 18 40 32 Titanium implant toxicity 8 20 30 26 53 55 Titanium implant corrosion 20 48 59 88 122 120 Titanium allergy 2 5 5 21 22 30 Yellow nail syndrome 22 30 31 39 61 73 ...

Conclusion : General review of titanium toxicity

Conclusion Titanium is used in many fields in addition to being used in dental implants. As the use of titanium increases, concerns over safety are increasing as well. In recent years, studies with regard to titanium toxicity have been on the rise. Although they have mainly been focused on environmental and basic fields, studies are now expanding into the medical field. Thus, there is a need fo...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

Alternative methods of implant materials are under investigation for the risk of titanium. Typically, these include zirconia and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) dental implants. These materials are considered to be alternatives to the hypersensitivity of titanium and are aimed at improving esthetics. Currently, zirconia is a clinically applied material for dental implants. There have been many s...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

The next issue involves looking at the potential threats of titanium. Titanium is currently used in a wide range of fields. As such, there are many studies with regard to environment safety in the field and basic science. Such titanium is primarily used as titanium oxide nanoparticles. Animal experiments, especially in rodents, are being conducted to study the effects of titanium oxide nanop...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

Titanium is known to yield fewer allergic reactions than other metals such as nickel and palladium. However, as mentioned in the "Results" section, titanium allergy symptoms have been reported in some cases. These symptoms can occur systemically with inflammation of the mouth, erythema, etc. Therefore, any history or suspicion of a titanium allergy would be considered prior to dental implan...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

The absorbed titanium can accumulate in other organs in the body as shown in the animal and cultured cell experiments. In addition, Feng et al. reported that nanoparticles can pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and may be toxic to the central nervous system (CNS). The testing methods still have limitation and further studies need to be performed, but the neurotoxic nanoparticles incl...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

This is defined as a tribosystem which has three interrelated components: tribology (friction, wear, and lubrication), corrosion (material and environmental factors), and biochemistry (interactions between cells and protein). The wear and corrosion in the contacting surface of implant fixture and implant abutment can cause the failure of dental implant system, and the wear debris and metalli...

Discussion : General review of titanium toxicity (...

Discussion Titanium is presently used in a variety of applications including dental implants, orthopedic prostheses, industrial cosmetics, drugs, confections, and paints. Due to its extensive usage, issues related to stability need to be discussed. Titanium dental implants possess many advantages and are now widely used with high rates of success. However, we need to look at the aforementio...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (13)

There are numerous reports showing the association between titanium and yellow nail syndrome in addition to the above reports. In 2015, Decker et al. reported a case of a 67-year-old female patient who had lost her claws 18 months prior and had changes in bronchitis, sinusitis, and nails within the last 5 years. Inhaled corticosteroids were used for initial continuous cough symptoms but were no...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (12)

At least 10 of 20 patients were reported to show an improvement in symptoms after 6 months of continuous vitamin E1 administration at 200 IU/day; however, there was a continuous debate regarding the medication details. Efforts to elucidate the pathogenesis of yellow nail syndrome are currently underway. In 2001, D’Alessandro et al. reported that the protein content of pleural effusions was...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (11)

Titanium-related diseases It has been reported that systemic disease can occur due to titanium. According to a study by Berglund and Carlmark in 2011, titanium can be attributed to the cause of “yellow nail syndrome.” In 30 patients with yellow nail syndrome, energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) was used to measure the titanium content in the nails of patients; the titanium content w...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (10)

All metal prostheses except the implant screw and abutment were removed, and the eczema reaction was reduced to 30%; the symptoms still remained. The removal of the titanium implant screw and abutment in 2014 led to a full recovery. In Korea, allergy condition has also been reported after the installation of titanium implants. In 2012, a 70-year-old woman exhibited a stomatitis that appeared to be...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (9)

They are the releasing due to the friction between implant and bone surface during installation, the wear during debridement at maintenance visits, and the corrosion. Fretwurst et al. reported the metal particle in peri-implant soft tissue along with M1 macrophages and the increasing in titanium concentration with lymphocytes detection. In association with the metal particle releasing, the damage ...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (8)

Recently, there are more studies working on the linking of titanium implants and implant complication or failure. Wachi et al. reported that Ti ions may be involved in the deteriorating effects of peri-implant mucositis, which can develop into peri-implantitis accompanied by alveolar bone resorption. Olmedo et al. reported two cases of reactive lesions of peri-implant mucosa associated with titani...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (7)

Maritini et al. compared implantation of titanium powder plasma-spray-coated titanium screws (TPS-Ti) and fluorohydroxyapatite-coated titanium screws (FHA-Ti). Authors reported the evidence of titanium dispersion inside the medullary spaces when TPS-Ti was implanted, which was the result of friction occurring at the implant surface-host bone interface, leading to loss of integration in the coating...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (7)

In the presence of both H2O2 and albumin, there was a very much higher rate of metal release from Ti6Al4V compared to the presence of albumin and H2O2 alone. Furthermore, in a recent study, Zhang et al. continuously worked on the synergistic effect of albumin and H2O2 on corrosion of Ti6Al4V in physiological saline with electrochemical method and showed the time-dependent dissolution of Ti6Al4V. ...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (6)

In 1993, Haynes et al. performed experiments using titanium-aluminum-vanadium (Ti-Al-V) and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) particles of similar size range and concentration similar to those found in failed hip prostheses. In the abdominal macrophage experiments of rats, Co-Cr yielded a high toxic response while Ti-Al-V increased the release of inflammation-inducing mediators such as prostaglandin E2, int...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (5)

The interaction between TiO2-NP and inflammatory cytokines, including CXCL8, a clinically relevant pro-inflammatory chemokine, was also investigated by Batt et al.. The authors found that the TiO2-NP could preferentially adsorb CXCL8 (and IFN-γ), which leads to the disruption of neutrophil chemotaxis and modifies local inflammatory mediator concentration and might result in hampered inflammatory ...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (4)

Recently, Kim et al. reported an in vitro experiment regarding the expression of mucin genes in human airway epithelial cells. The authors confirmed that TiO2-NP initiated the TLR4-dependent pathway, leading to the MUC5B overproduction, which relates to the inflammatory response in human airway. In Suarez-Lopez del Amo et al. experiment, the TiO2 particles derived following implantation were colle...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (3)

Valentini et al. investigated the toxicity of TiO2-NP to the cortical neuron cultures and in the brain of rats, reported the clear impact of TiO2-NP on the neuronal cells and rat brain, and indicated the new evidences of TiO2-NP toxicity in CNS. While there have been reports of titanium toxicity in animal models, Fabian et al. and Warheit et al. reported that the risk of titanium toxicity was no...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (2)

The toxicity of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) nanoparticles (TiO2-NP) in rodents has been reported. Many authors studied the serum biochemical parameters, pathology changes, and the biodistribution of TiO2-NP in the liver, kidneys, lung, spleen, and brain tissue by facilitating a variety of methods including blood biomarker assays, histopathological examination, etc. The dependence of experiment results...

Results : General review of titanium toxicity (1)

Results Extensive data was searched as mentioned in the research methods. According to the data analysis, the number of papers from 2011 to 2015 was the highest at 730; the research shows a trend of rapid increase in recent years with the large number of papers from 2016 to 2018. In the author’s field of specialization, 995 fields of basic science were the most studied; fields within environm...

Methods : General review of titanium toxicity

Methods Focus question “What is the general overview of the risks and stability associated with titanium materials?” Literature search This review was prepared using data collected from until November 2018 through a keyword online search using MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Additional data were gathered for the necessary detailed parts using keywords incl...

Background : General review of titanium toxicity

Background Titanium is one of the most widely used materials for dental implants due to its mechanical strength, biocompatibility, and a long history of use. Current titanium dental implants possess a high success rate; however, failures are still being reported. Cause of these implant failures can be poor oral hygiene, uncontrolled deposition of plaque, and calculus around the implant which ca...

General review of titanium toxicity

Abstract Background Titanium is a commonly used inert bio-implant material within the medical and dental fields. Although the use of titanium is thought to be safe with a high success rate, in some cases, there are rare reports of problems caused by titanium. In most of these problematic reports, only individual reports are dominant and comprehensive reporting has not been performed. This comp...

Figure 5. The effect of grade 4 and grade 5 implan...

  Figure 5. The effect of grade 4 and grade 5 implant particles on human gingival fibroblast viability in vitro. Viability was determined using an MTT metabolic activity assay. Cells were exposed to either a dissolution products (ions and nanoparticles) or b culture medium containing suspended implant particles throughout the duration of the culture period. Cells were exposed to various con...

Figure 4. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) content i...

  Figure 4. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) content in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM). a, b Dissolution products (media filtered through 0.2 μm PTFE membrane following initial soaking of the particles for 3 days) and c, d DMEM sampled during cell culture studies where cells were cultured with the particles over a period of 10 days (particles removed prior to ICP measurem...

Figure 3. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) release f...

  Figure 3. Titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) release from the particles in simulated body fluid (SBF). Experimental duration was 10 days. Results presented as mean ± standard deviation, n = 3

Figure 2. EDX spectra of particles produced by the...

  Figure 2. EDX spectra of particles produced by the mock implantoplasty procedure (SEM images in Fig. 1). a, b Particles from grade 4 commercially pure titanium implant, a angular microparticles and b small spheres. c, d particles from grade 5 titanium alloy, c angular microparticles and d small spheres (grade 5)    

Figure 1. Representative photo of implants and SEM...

  Figure 1. Representative photo of implants and SEM images of particles produced by mock implantoplasty procedure. a–c Straumann 021.4512, bone level, diameter 4.1 mm, regular CrossFit®, SLA® 12 mm Roxolid® (commercially pure grade 4 titanium). d–f Biohorizons PBR 50105, RBT 5.0 × 10.5 mm, 5.7 Platform (grade 5 titanium alloy). Arrows indicate titanium oxide spheres. Scale ba...

Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

Further, the effect of implant particles on other cell types within the oral and systemic environments should not be overlooked. Although the health hazards of FPs and NPs are relatively less well established, literature in the fields of toxicology does indicate a glimpse of possible toxicity that should compel clinicians to carefully weigh the possible adverse human health effec...

Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

This is due to the lack of vanadium and possibly larger particle size. Here, G5 particles are. Although a range of particle size of G5 was measured in this study, a portion of the particles generated from the mock implatoplasty process in the current study is comparable to that reported by Pioletti et al.. The internalisation of G5 particles, especially sub-micron particles, and the su...

Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

There was no distinct difference in the amount of titanium ions released from G4 and G5 particles. Direct exposure to G5 implant particles in culture did result in significantly reduced cell viability at all-time points, from 3 to 10 days of culture, while G4 implant particles demonstrated no adverse effect on cell viability (Fig. 5b). The cytotoxic effects of vanadium are well docum...

Discussion : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

Discussion Unalloyed titanium, often referred to as commercially pure grade 4 titanium (CpTi), usually contains some trace elements of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and iron (American Society for Testing and Materials international standards). These trace elements improve the mechanical properties of CpTi and are found in higher amounts from grade 1 to 4 CpTi. Many dental implants are made from ...

Results : Particle release from implantoplasty of ...

Results Particles released from implants following the mock implantoplasty procedure were collected, and microparticle size of particles produced from the grade 4 (G4) and grade 5 (G5) implants was 77.4 ± 9.1 μm (modal number 66.3 μm) and 48.4 ± 6.4 μm respectively (modal number 43.1 μm). DLS analysis showed nano-sized particles were also present: hydrodynamic diameters were 125.4...

Materials & methods : Particle release from implan...

The media were filtered through 0.2 μm PTFE membrane syringe filters following incubation to remove the particles before use in cell culture. Group 2 (particle): Sterilised grade 4 and 5 Ti particles were suspended in DMEM at concentrations of 0.75, 1.5 and 3 mg ml−1 and used for cell culture without filtering. Basal DMEM and DMEM containing unprocessed grade 4 and 5 implants were used a...

Materials & methods : Particle release from implan...

Ion release from titanium particles Simulated body fluid (SBF) was chosen as the dissolution test solution as we were interested in what happens when the particles become embedded in the soft/hard tissue rather than their interaction with saliva. SBF was prepared using the Kokubo method. Seven hundred millilitres of deionised (DI) water in a 1-L polypropylene beaker was warmed to 37 °C in a wa...

Materials & methods : Particle release from implan...

Materials and methods Materials Reagents and solvents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Dorset UK). Commercially pure grade 4 titanium implants (n = 3) were purchased from Straumann (Sussex UK, Model number 021.4512, bone-level implant diameter 4.1 mm, Regular CrossFit®, SLA® 12 mm Roxolid®) (Fig. 1a). Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4 V titanium alloy implants were purchased from Biohorizons (Berk...

Background : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

However, if previous records are available, then the diagnosis can be made with any increase in pocket depth with post remodelling bone loss of greater than 0.5 mm in the presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing, A number of studies suggested this inflammatory disease is associated with anaerobic plaque bacteria. It has also been suggested peri-implantitis can also be related to...

Background : Particle release from implantoplasty ...

Background Dental implants offer a viable long-term treatment option for patients with missing teeth. The use of metallic dental implants has relatively high reliability and long-term success rates; however, it is not without complications and the need for ongoing maintenance persists. Particles are generated during the life span of an implant, and this can have significant physiological implic...

Particle release from implantoplasty of dental imp...

Abstract Background With increasing numbers of dental implants placed annually, complications such as peri-implantitis and the subsequent periprosthetic osteolysis are becoming a major concern. Implantoplasty, a commonly used treatment of peri-implantitis, aims to remove plaque from exposed implants and reduce future microbial adhesion and colonisation by mechanically modifying the implant sur...

TABEL 1. t p50, SD, minimum (min) dan maximum (max...

  n p50 Mean SD Min. Max. Titanium             CD3 7 928 2,483 2,395 34 6,215 CD20 7 179 477 634 2 1,663 CD68 7 431 489 435 5 1,032 CD138 7 2,663 4,612 7,985 11 22,340 Ceramic             CD3 8 2,915 3,755 2,241 2,324 8,980 CD20 8 533 1,165 1,212 340 3,283 CD68 ...

Gambar 3. Biopsi diambil dari jaringan di seliling...

Gambar 3. Biopsi diambil dari jaringan disekeliling implant keramik & titanium menunjukkan kesamaan sebaran numerik populasi sel (CD3, CD20, CD68, CD138). Jumlah sel setiap antibody dalam peri‐implantitis di sekeliling implant keramik (biru) dan implant titanium (hijau)

Gambar 2. Biopsi diambil dari jaringan peri‐impl...

Gambar 2. Gambar 2. Biopsi diambil dari jaringan peri‐implantitis di seputar implant titanium dan implant keramik. Penodaan dilakukan pakai hematoxylin dan immunostaining terhadap CD3, CD20, CD68, dan CD138. Perbesaran ×5 dan ×40 berturut-turut.

Gambar 1. Analisis histomorfometrik yang dilakukan...

  Gambar 1. Analisis histomorfometrik dilakukan pada 20 ROI terpilih acak. ROI tersusun atas ukuran 500 × 800 µm dengan perbesaran ×15.5. Gambar ROI diambil dan sel-sel positif pada ROI dihitung pakai ImageJ. Weton ditinjauoleh seorang peneliti histologi terlatih (JM)  

Wedharan : Susunan imunohistologi jaringan yang te...

Selain itu, tanggapan inang dan salingpengaruh antara garis keturunan makrofag limfosit dan makrofag monosit serta pengaruh partikel nano dan partikel mikro pada biofilm mikroba dan pelepasan sitokin dalam peradangan peri-implant tidak dijelaskan dan penelitian di masa depan dapat menjelaskan lebih banyak dalam pawedharan etiologi. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan perbandingan histologi pertama le...

Wedharan : Susunan imunohistologi jaringan yang di...

Karena keragaman sebaran macam sel pada tataran pasien sudah konangan, weton penelitian kala ini dapat menyarankan tanggapan kekebalan yang terkait dengan parameter untuk pasien tertentu seperti susunan biofilm implant / mikrobiome oral, ciri permukaan implant yang berbeda, fitur anatomi yang berbeda seperti mutu tulang dan keadaan jaringan lunak, jalur etiologi yang berbeda dan / atau gabungan ja...

Wedharan : Susunan imunohistologi jaringan yang di...

Wedharan Susunan seluler jaringan dengan peri-implantitis di seputar implant berbasis zirkonia belum pernah dijelajahi sebelumnya. Salingpengaruh pilah antara sel-sel radang dalam jaringan dengan peri-implantitis dan dampaknya pada kerusakan osseous peri-implant sehubungan dengan bahan implant masih belum diketahui. Studi perintis ini menunjukkan bahwa ada penampilan histologi serupa lesi peri-im...

Weton : Komposisi imunohistologi jaringan yang dip...

Biopsi jaringan peri-implant diambil dari 15 pasien (berusia 34 hingga 88 tahun, enam laki-laki / sembilan perempuan) dengan peri-implantitis parah (delapan implant keramik, tujuh implant titanium) (lihat Tabel S1 dalam Jurnal Periodontologi online). Keberadaan makrofag, Limfosit-B, Limfosit-T, dan sel plasma diidentifikasi dalam semua sampel. Mikrograf yang menggambarkan lesi peri-implantitis unt...

Bahan & metode : Komposisi imunohistologi jaringan...

2.4 Analisis imunohistokimia Irisan-irisan biopsi dilepas lilinnya dan diinkubasi dalam larutan pengambilan antigen DIVA pada suhu 60°C semalam. Irisan tersebut diinkubasi dengan antibodi primer selama 30 menit diikuti dengan inkubasi dengan Envision HRP berlabel polimer selama 30 menit. Sel positif terdeteksi menggunakan substrat DAB. Antibodi yang dipilih adalah CD3 1:200 (limfosit-T), CD20 ...

Bahan & metode : Komposisi imunohistologi jaringan...

Penelitian ini disetujui oleh komite etik Pusat Medis Universitas Freiburg, Jerman (Ethik‑Kommission Albert‑Ludwigs‑Universität, Freiburg) No 337/04. Penelitian dilakukan seturut Deklarasi Helsinki tahun 1964, sebagaimana direvisi pada tahun 2013 dan dengan pedoman EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research). Sebelum nglelarik, pasien menerima warta tentang tujuan p...

Pendahuluan : Komposisi imunohistologis jaringan y...

Implant oral memperbesar pilihan perawatan untuk mengganti gigi yang hilang dan sudah terbukti jadi, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam tinjauan sistematik dengan tindak lanjut jangka panjang. Meskipun tingkat kelangsungan hidup tampak mitayani, peri-implantitis di sekitar implant gigi adalah tantangan dalam praktik sehari-hari, dengan kelumrahan sekitar 20%. Tingkat kelumrahan peri-implantitis sangat...

Komposisi imunohistologi peri‐implantitis yang t...

Latar belakang Tujuan penelitian perintis ini adalah klasifikasi hisologis jaringan lunak peri-implant yang meradang di sekitar implant keramik dibandingkan dengan implant titanium. Metode Jaringan peri-implant diambil dari 15 pasien (berusia 34 hingga 88 tahun, tujuh laki-laki / delapan perempuan) yang menderita peri-implantitis parah (delapan implant keramik, tujuh implant titanium). Sampel j...

TABLE 1. t p50, SD, minimum (min) and maximum (max...

  n p50 Mean SD Min. Max. Titanium             CD3 7 928 2,483 2,395 34 6,215 CD20 7 179 477 634 2 1,663 CD68 7 431 489 435 5 1,032 CD138 7 2,663 4,612 7,985 11 22,340 Ceramic             CD3 8 2,915 3,755 2,241 2,324 8,980 CD20 8 533 1,165 1,212 340 3,283 CD68 8 519 529 25...

Gambar 4. Plot tumpuk (stacked plot) menunjukkan r...

Gambar 4. Plot tumpuk (stacked plot) menunjukkan respon kekebalan spesifik pasien. Sebaran persentase sel diwarnai dengan CD3, CD20, CD68, dan CD138 untuk setiap pasien (pasien 1 sampai 15)

Figure 4. Stacked plot demonstrated a patient‐sp...

Figure 4. Stacked plot demonstrated a patient‐specific immune response. Percentage distribution of cells stained with CD3, CD20, CD68, and CD138 for each patient (patients 1 to 15)

Figure 3. Biopsies derived from tissue around cera...

Figure 3. Biopsies derived from tissue around ceramic and titanium implants demonstrated the same numerical distribution of cell population (CD3, CD20, CD68, CD138). Cell count of each antibody in peri‐implantitis around ceramic (blue) and titanium (green) implants

Figure 2. Biopsies retrieved from peri‐implantit...

Figure 2. Biopsies retrieved from peri‐implantitis tissue around titanium and ceramic implants. Figure 2. Biopsies retrieved from peri‐implantitis tissue around titanium and ceramic implants. Staining was performed using hematoxylin and immunostaining against CD3, CD20, CD68, and CD138. Magnification ×5 and ×40, respectively.  

Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis performed in ...

Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests). Figure 1. Histomorphometric analysis was performed in 20 randomly selected ROIs (Region of Interests). The ROIs comprised a size of 500 × 800 µm at magnification of ×15.5. Pictures of the ROIs were taken and positive cells in the ROIs were counted using ImageJ. The results were evaluated by...

Discussion : Immunohistological composition of per...

Furthermore, the host‐response and interaction between lymphocyte‐ and monocyte‐macrophage lineage as well as the influence of nano‐ and microparticles on the microbial biofilm and cytokine release in peri‐implant inflammation is not elucidated and future studies could shed more light on the etiological discussion. Within this study, the first histological comparison of human peri‐imp...

Discussion : Immunohistological composition of per...

Since variations regarding cell‐type distribution on the patient level were detected, the present results may suggest an immune response associated with patient‐specific parameters like implant biofilm/oral microbiome composition, different implant surface characteristics, different anatomical features like bone quality and soft tissue condition, different and/or combined etiology pathways and...

Discussion : Immunohistological composition of per...

The cellular composition of tissue with peri‐implantitis around zirconia‐based implants has never been explored before. The specific interaction of inflammatory cells in tissue with peri‐implantitis and their impact on peri‐implant osseous breakdown with regard to the implant material is still unknown. The present pilot study demonstrated that there is a similar histological appearance of ...

Results : Immunohistological composition of peri...

Biopsies of the peri‐implant tissue were retrieved from 15 patients (aged 34 to 88 years, six males/nine females) with severe peri‐implantitis (eight ceramic implants, seven titanium implants) (see Table S1 in online Journal of Periodontology). The presence of macrophages, B‐Lymphocytes, T‐Lymphocytes, and plasma cells was identified in all samples. Micrographs illustratin...

Materials & methods : Immunohistological compositi...

2.4 Immunohistochemical analysis Sections were de‐waxed and incubated in DIVA antigen retrieval solution at 60°C overnight. The sections were incubated with a primary antibody for 30 minutes followed by incubation with Envision HRP labeled polymer for 30 minutes. Positive cells were detected using DAB substrate. The chosen antibodies were CD3 1:200 (T‐l...

Materials & methods : Immunohistological compositi...

The study was approved by the ethics committee of the University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany (Ethik‐Kommission Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität, Freiburg) No 337/04. This study was performed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964, as revised in 2013 and with EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) guidelines. Before en...

Introduction : Immunohistological composition of p...

Oral implants enlarge the treatment options to replace missing teeth and have been proven to be successful as shown in systematic reviews with long‐term follow‐up. Although survival rates appear convincing, peri‐implantitis around dental implants is a challenge in daily practice, with a prevalence around 20%. The prevalence rate of peri‐implantitis is highly variable and seems to be affec...

Immunohistological composition of peri‐implantit...

Background Aim of the pilot study was the histologic classification of the inflamed peri‐implant soft tissue around ceramic implants (CI) in comparison with titanium implants (TI). Methods Peri‐implant tissue were retrieved from 15 patients (aged 34 to 88 years, seven males/eight females) with severe peri‐implantitis (eight CI, seven TI). The peri‐implant soft tissue samples were retrie...

Singkatan: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai ...

BMP-2/ACS7 bone morphogenetic protein 2/ absorbable collagen sponge 7, protein morfogenetik tulang 2/ spons kolagen terabsorbsi 7 CAD/CAM computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, desain terbantu komputer/ manufaktur terbantu komputer CBCT cone beam computerized tomography, tomografi terkomputerisasi cahya kerucut CBR customized bone...

Simpulan: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai

Simpulan Laporan kasus ini menyajikan struktur kisi titanium tersesuai baru yang spesifik pasien, yang cocok untuk membentuk dan membangun kembali tulang cacat dalam situasi anatomi yang kompleks. Hasil klinis dan histologis menunjukkan protokol ini sebagai prosedur yang berhasil dan dapat diprediksi untuk membangun kembali tulang cacat yang menderita atrofi. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan un...

Wedharan: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai ...

Wedharan Dalam laporan kasus ini, struktur kisi tersesuai spesifik pasien digunakan untuk augmentasi horizontal dan vertikal pada rahang bawah posterior. Struktur itu menawarkan kecocokan yang persis pas dan stabilitas yang tinggi setelah fiksasi sekrup seperti yang telah terbukti dalam penelitian terbaru untuk jala-jala yang telah dibentuk dulu sebelumnya. Jala yang tersesuai memperpendek durasi...

Weton: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai

Weton Sesuai permintaan pasien, penutupan celah interdental diperlukan untuk meningkatkan weton kosmetik dan fungsional. Oleh karena itu, penempatan implant diperlukan. Pilihan perawatan alternatif seperti prostetik konvensional (jembatan #27 sampai #30 dan #31) harus berurusan dengan berbagai macam stabilitas mekanik dan dapat membuat berkurangnya stabilitas mekanik. Dalam kasus ini, gigi poster...

Bahan & metode: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai ....

Bahan dan Metode Peserta Seorang wanita saras berusia 61 tahun tanpa sejarah medis menunjukkan segmen yang sangat atrofi dari mandibula posterior kanan bawah (# 29 dan # 28). Defisit vertikal dan transversal yang signifikan, serta situasi jaringan lunak yang menantang, membuat penempatan implant yang fungsional dan estetis tidak bisa dilakukan (Gambar 1 dan 2). Gambar 1. Tampilan klinis cacat...

Pendahuluan: struktur kisi titanium tersesuai ...

Pendahuluan Untuk beberapa pasien, implan gigi bukan pilihan jika tanpa augmentasi tulang horizontal atau tulang vertikal. Cacat tulang alveolar dapat dirawat dengan berbagai teknik regenerasi tulang termasuk cangkok tulang blok, regenerasi tulang terpandu (GBR), pemisahan punggungan gusi, dan osteogenesis gangguan, serta prosedur augmentasi dasar sinus di rahang atas. Jala titanium sudah banyak...

Struktur Kisi Titanium Tersesuai dalam Cacat Alveo...

Marcus Seiler, DDS1; Peer W. Kämmerer, MD, DDS, PhD, MA2; Michael Peetz, PhD3; Amely G. Hartmann, DDS1 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Private Practice, Filderstadt, Jerman. 2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Jerman. 3 Dental Campus, Zürich, Swiss.   Korespondensi:  * P...

References: customized titanium lattice structure....

References Misch CM. Comparison of intraoral donor sites for onlay grafting prior to implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1997;12:767–776. Hammerle CH, Karring T. Guided bone regeneration at oral implant sites. Periodontology 2000. 1998;17:151–175. Simion M, Baldoni M, Zaffe D. Jawbone enlargement using immediate implant placement associated with a split-crest techniq...

Acknowledgments: customized titanium lattice struc...

Acknowledgments The authors thank patients, nurses, and physicians for their support with patients' material and reports. Moreover, the authors thank all of our colleagues for helpful discussions. The authors thank Prof Dr Christoph Hämmerle, University of Zürich, for histologic examinations. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. M.S. developed the methodology (owner of pa...

Abbreviations: customized titanium lattice structu...

BMP-2/ACS7 bone morphogenetic protein 2/ absorbable collagen sponge 7 CAD/CAM computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing CBCT cone beam computerized tomography CBR customized bone regeneration DICOM digital imaging and communication in medicine GBR guided bone regeneration 3DP three-dimensional printing

Conclusion: customized titanium lattice structure....

Conclusion This case report presents a novel patient-specific customized lattice structure made of titanium, which is suitable for shaping and rebuilding a bone defect in complex anatomic situations. Clinical and histologic results demonstrated this protocol as a successful and predictable procedure for rebuilding an atrophied bone defect. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects and be...

Discussion: customized titanium lattice structure....

Discussion In this case report, a customized patient-specific lattice structure was used for horizontal and vertical augmentation in the posterior mandible. It offered a precise fit and high stability after screw fixation as already proven in recent studies for preformed meshes. A customized mesh shortens duration of surgery and offers all benefits of reduced time for intervention and improved su...

Result: customized titanium lattice structure...

Results According to the patient's request, a closure of the interdental gap was necessary to improve the cosmetic and functional outcome. Therefore, an implant placement was required. Alternative treatment options such as conventional prosthetics (bridge #27 to #30 and #31) would have to deal with a wide range and may result in reduced mechanical stability. In this case, the posterior teeth (#30...

Materials & methods: customized titanium lattice s...

Materials and Methods Participant A 61-year-old healthy woman without any medical history showed a highly atrophied segment of the right lower posterior mandible (#29 and #28). The significant vertical and transversal deficit, as well as the challenging soft tissue situation, made a functionally and esthetically satisfying implant placement impossible (Figures 1 and 2). Figure 1. Clinical app...

Introduction: customized titanium lattice structur...

Introduction For some patients, dental implants would not be an option without horizontal or vertical bone augmentation. Alveolar bone defects may be treated with various bone regeneration techniques including block bone graft, guided bone regeneration (GBR), ridge splitting, and distraction osteogenesis, as well as sinus floor augmentation procedures in the upper jaw. Titanium meshes have been...

Customized Titanium Lattice Structure in Three-Dim...

Marcus Seiler, DDS1; Peer W. Kämmerer, MD, DDS, PhD, MA2; Michael Peetz, PhD3; Amely G. Hartmann, DDS1 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Private Practice, Filderstadt, Germany. 2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. 3 Dental Campus, Zürich, Switzerland.   Correspondence:...

Dukungan untuk Titanium Plasma Spray (TPS)

Dukungan untuk Titanium Plasma Spray (TPS) atau Semprotan Plasma Titanium (SPT) telah didokumtasikan dengan baik selama 10 tahun belakangan. Penelitian Bobyn et al mendukung semprotan plasma Titanium ketika mereka mempublikasikan data yang menyatakan bahwa lapisan berpori melingkar (semprotan plasma) memainkan peran penting dalam mencegah akses debris usang ke permukaan endosteal femur. Selain it...

Titanium Plasma Spray (TPS) / Semprotan Plasma Tit...

Tujuan dari setiap pemberian lapisan implant pada keseluruhan sendi artroplasti adalah menyediakan lingkungan biologis yang ramah terhadap tulang.  Hal ini akan memudahkan pertumbuhan tulang ke dalam (in-growth) dan ke luar/ pada permukaan (on-growth) sehingga menghasilkan stabilitas implant jangka panjang .  Bio-Coat merupakan satu di antara sedikit perusahaan internasional yang menawarkan pel...

Lapisan kalsium fosfat pada implant titanium

Beberapa bahan permukaan reaktif telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk membentuk ikatan kimia antar muka dengan jaringan sekitarnya melalui serangkaian reaksi biofisika dan biokimia sehingga memicu terjadinya 'fiksasi bioaktif' implan. Bahan bioaktif bisa biostabil (yaitu hidroksiapatit sintetis) atau bioresorbabel (yaitu kaca bioaktif dan keramik kaca). Beberapa keramik bioaktif seperti kaca bioakti...

Kekasaran permukaan implant titanium

Para peneliti di bidang implantologi telah mengidentifikasi kekasaran permukaan implant gigi sebagai parameter yang penting bagi implant dan kapasitas implant untuk dapat berjangkar pada jaringan tulang. Metode manufaktur implant gigi dengan aneka permukaan ada bermacam-macam. Metode-metode ini berguna untuk meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan implan. Moetode yang plaing umum dipakai dalam manufaktu...

Kesuksesan implant perlu lapisan oksida titanium (...

Meneliti pengaruh titanium oksida pada osteointegrasi itu tidak mudah. Tantangan terutama dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana caranya mengisolasi variabel-variabel yang mencirikan permukaan, kemudian menganalisis variabel-variabel itu satu per satu. Sebagai contoh, dalam suatu penelitian perlu untuk mengubah jenis lapisan oksida (struktur kristal) tertentu saja sambil mempertahankan kek...

Kesuksesan implant perlu lapisan titanium oksida (...

Titanium digunakan secara luas dalam pembuatan implan gigi sejak permulaan dasawarsa 1970-an. Walaupun begitu, para pakar implant masih belum menjelaskan sepenuhnya tentang bagaimana sebetulnya mekanisme yang terlibat dalam respon biologis yang membuat implant bisa bersatu padu dengan tulang.Titanium punya karakteristik membentuk lapisan oksida titanium yang sangat tipis pada permukaannya...

Titanium & Vanadium pas untuk implant gigi

(Lanjutan) Tes in vivo dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi ketahanan korosi dan gangguan antara toksisitas, pembajakan (jaringan non-vaskular dan ketebalan jaringan yang kontak dengan implan, ketiadaan sel patologis) dan inersia (jaringan tervaskularisasi dan jaringan ikat longgar).Ada hubungan antara reaksi beracun dari bahan dan tingkat korosi yang tinggi. Co, Cu, Ni dan V menimbulkan peningkatan de...

Apa implant titanium sekuat dalam film X-men?

Tanya Apa implant titanium sekuat dalam film X-men? Implan titanium di tangan karakter Wolverine dalam film X-men Jawab Titanium lebih keras daripada baja tapi lebih ringan daripada aluminium. Penggunaannya sebagai senjata telah dikenal sejam jaman dulu kala. Menurut cerita tradisional yang diwariskan turun-temurun dalam kawula Jawa, ada tombak dan keris yang dibuat dari titanium ya...

Makanan - minuman panas & implant titanium

Tanya Saya baru saja memasang implant titanium. Baru saja saya membaca tulisan kalau panas mematikan sel tulang penopang implan. Saya jadi bertanya-tanya, apa saya boleh makan atau minum yang panas-panas? Minuman kesukaan saya kopi panas dan makanan favorit saya bakso. Keduanya nikmat sekali kalau dinikmati kala masih panas. Jadi bagaimana ya? Jawab Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Eriksson & A...

Alergi titanium

Implan gigi pada umumnya dibuat dari bahan titanium dan tidak banyak manusia menderita alergi titanium. Walau begitu, pasien perlu mengetahui gejala dan tanda-tanda alergi titanium karena alergi titanium belum tentu muncul begitu implant dipasang. Memang ada alergi yang muncul beberapa hari setelah implant dipasang, tapi ada pula alergi yang baru muncul 5, 10 atau 15 tahun setelah implant dipasan...

Benarkah implant zirkonia lebih baik daripada tita...

Menurut iklan, implant zirkonium diwartakan lebih baik daripada pariwara titanium. Tapi, apakah kenyataannya memang demikian? Apakah kenyataannya implant zirkonium memang lebih baik daripada implant titanium? Mari kita buktikan. Jumlah penelitianPenelitian tentang efektivitas implan titanium tersedia sangat banyak, jauh lebih banyak daripada implant zirkonia. Konsekuensinya, dokter gigi implant...

Apa implant titanium bisa berkarat?

Tanya Apa implan titanium bisa berkarat??? Jawab Implan titanium sangat jarang sekali dan sangat ulit sekali berkarat, terutama implant titanium yang telah lolos uji kualifikasi FDA. Titanium menunjukkan watak resisten karat yang sangat baik bila dibandingkan dengan bahan-bahan implant logam lainnya. Walau begitu, titanium punya sangat kecil sekali kemungkinan untuk berinteraksi dengan jari...

Keunggulan titanium untuk implant gigi

Implan gigi komersial pada umumnya menggunakan bahan CP Ti (Commercially Pure Titanium) atau titanium murni menurut standar komersial. Keunggulan titanium telah dibuktikan oleh banyak orang di berbagai penjuru dunia. Lebih dari 1000 ton titanium per tahun dalam berbagai bentuk telah diimplankan pada tubuh manusia. Keunggulan yang ada pada titanium menyebabkan logam ini meningkatkan peluang k...