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Results : In vitro surface characteristics and impurity analysis of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants [2]

Results : In vitro surface characteristics and impurity analysis of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants [2]

author: B Beger, H Goetz, M Morlock, E Schiegnitz, B Al-Nawas | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Implant 2 (Sa 1.27 μm ± 0.24) and implant 5 (Sa 1.22 μm ± 0.36) show the highest roughness values (Sa) of all tested implants: Straumann’s pure ceramic implant was blasted and etched and shows the overall highest Sa value in the rough area. Implant 3 (vitaclinical) shows correspondingly lower Sa around 1.05 μm (± 0.17) (Table 3). The lowest Sa value could be found in implant 4, which was only sandblasted due to manufacturer’s specifications. However, the Zeramex implant despite being sandblasted and etched shows the lowest roughness value around 0.73 μm (± 0.95). Nevertheless, Zeramex shows a fine distribution of small pores all over the surface in the SEM sample images. Camlog’s Ceralog shows the highest roughness in the untreated area with 0.61 μm (± 0.03). Figure 6 shows the box plot of the roughness analysis with implant 5 having the widest distribution of measured values.

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