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Conclusions : In vitro surface characteristics and impurity analysis of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants

Conclusions : In vitro surface characteristics and impurity analysis of five different commercially available dental zirconia implants

author: B Beger, H Goetz, M Morlock, E Schiegnitz, B Al-Nawas | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

New ceramic implants are showing a variety of surface characteristics due to different manufacturing processes as shown by other groups [2, 28]. The surface structures of the investigated implants are close to titanium implants. If the surface characteristics really have a high influence on osseointegration, ceramic implants cannot yet compare to the long experience with titanium. However, there are several indications for using ceramic implants. In the future, ceramic implants have to prove themselves in clinical practice and clinical controlled trials.

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