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Material and methods : Novel expandable short dental implants in situations with reduced vertical bone height—technical note and first results [3]

Material and methods : Novel expandable short dental implants in situations with reduced vertical bone height—technical note and first results [3]

author: Waldemar Reich, Ramona Schweyen, Christian Heinzelmann, Jeremias Hey, Bilal Al-Nawas, Alexander Walter Eckert | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

All patients were pseudonymised, parameters were attached to a databank and analysed statistically (Additional file 2). Statistical analyses were performed using statistics software (IBM SPSS statistics, version 20, Chicago, IL, USA). The descriptive statistics presented the frequency and distribution of several occurrences as well as combinations of certain features. Analytical statistics were performed depending on the scale: paired and independent t tests for differences of mean values. The implant survival was calculated according to the Kaplan-Meyer method. The level of significance was set at 5%.

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