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CS class | CS modification | Type of Maxillary edentulism | Type of Mandibular edentulism | Anterior Maxilla | Anterior Mandible

Table Classification of combination syndrome (CS)

author: Len Tolstunov, DDS | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
CS class CS modification Type of Maxillary edentulism Type of Mandibular edentulism Anterior Maxilla Anterior Mandible
I 1 Completely edentulous arch Partial edentulism with anterior teeth present only (or recently removed) Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy; teeth extrusion
  2 Completely edentulous arch Fixed dentition Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  3 Completely edentulous arch Partial edentulism with anterior and posterior teeth on one side Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
II 1 Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Partial edentulism with anterior teeth present only (or recently removed) Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  2 Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Fixed dentition Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  3 Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Partial edentulism with anterior and posterior teeth on one side Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
III 1 Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Partial edentulism with anterior teeth present only (or recently removed) Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  2 Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Fixed dentition Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  3A Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Partial edentulism with anterior and posterior teeth on one occluding side Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy
  3B Partially edentulous arch with posterior teeth present on both sides Partial edentulism with anterior and posterior teeth on one non-occluding side Severe atrophy Severe hypertrophy


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