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During the initial surgical consultation, the overall oral condition and severe bone atrophy was discussed with the patient. The remaining tooth No. 2 was not salvageable and had to be removed.

Treatment Plan : Combination Syndrome

author: Len Tolstunov, DDS | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Treatment plan

During the initial surgical consultation, the overall oral condition and severe bone atrophy was discussed with the patient. The remaining tooth No. 2 was not salvageable and had to be removed. Teeth No. 12-13-14 connected in the bridge were stable. A surgical treatment with a large bone graft (hip graft) to the premaxillary region to correct severe atrophy which would require hospitalization was proposed but not accepted by the patient. She asked for an alternative treatment plan that could involve implants to improve retention of her new upper partial denture. After re-examining study models, tomographic x-rays, and a multi-disciplinary discussion (the surgeon, restorative practitioner, and technician), the treatment plan was formulated. It consisted of extraction of tooth No. 2 (chronic severe localized periodontitis) with an immediate placement of two implants and direct (lateral) sinus lift procedure in the right maxillary sinus region. A consideration for an immediate insertion of 2 implants in the right posterior maxilla was based on the CT scan evaluation that illustrated a radiographically available bone volume present for initial implant stability. When osseointegrated, these two implants on the right side would be interconnected by a mesobar with an attachment mechanism that would work in concert with an existing upper left bridge No. 12-13-14 for the retention of patient's existing upper partial denture. Patient agreed with the proposed procedure, signed the consent form, and had the surgery done under local anesthesia. The mounted diagnosed models and surgical stent were provided for the surgeon preoperatively. A relined upper partial denture was used postoperatively for the patient's comfort and function.

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