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Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant ...

Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant bodies (MPa) Fig. 8. Maximum von Mises stress value in implant bodies (MPa)

Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant b...

Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant bodies. (right: buccal side, left: lingual side) Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribution in implant bodies. (right: buccal side, left: lingual side)

Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in ...

Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in cortical bone (MPa) Fig. 6. Largest maximum principle stress value in cortical bone (MPa)

Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stre...

Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (occlusal view) Fig. 5. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (occlusal view)

Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stre...

Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (right: buccal side, left: lingual side) Fig. 4. Distribution of the maximum principle stress in the surrounding bone (right: buccal side, left: lingual side)

Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A sta...

Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A static load of 100 N was applied obliquely from the buccal side to the occlusal plane of the superstructure at 30 to the long axis of the implant Fig. 3. Assembly of implant and bone models. A static load of 100 N was applied obliquely from the buccal side to the occlusal plane of the superstructure at 30 to the long axis of the implant

Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths :...

Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths Fig. 2. Models of different implant body lengths

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abu...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abutment screw, b superstructure, c implant body; Lower: bone model) Fig. 1. Three-dimensional CAD model. (upper: a abutment screw, b superstructure, c implant body; Lower: bone model)

Table 1 Mechanical properties of each model compon...

 Young’s modulus (GPa)Poisson’s ratioReferenceAbutment screw (Ti-6Al-4V)1100.33[19]Superstructure (gold alloy)96.60.35[20]Cortical bone130.3[21]Cancellous bone1.370.3[21]Implant body (cpTi)1100.34 Implant body (TiZr)97.30.36 Table 1 Mechanical properties of each model component

About this article : Three-dimensional finite elem...

Araki, H., Nakano, T., Ono, S. et al. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of extra short implants focusing on implant designs and materials. Int J Implant Dent 6, 5 (2020). Download citation Received: 20 August 2019 Accepted: 11 December 2019 Published: 29 January 2020 DOI:

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Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

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Ethics declarations : Three-dimensional finite ele...

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Author information : Three-dimensional finite elem...

Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan Haruka Araki, Tamaki Nakano, Shinji Ono & Hirofumi Yatani You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in Pu...

Funding : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

This research was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research T15K204780 and T15K111560 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Acknowledgements : Three-dimensional finite elemen...

Not applicable

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

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References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Gottlow J, Dard M, Kjellson F, Obrecht M, Sennerby L. Evaluation of a new titanium-zirconium dental implant: a biomechanical and histological comparative study in the mini pig. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2012;14:538–45. Jimbo R, Naito Y, Galli S, Berner S, Dard M, Wennerberg A. Biomechanical and histomorphometrical evaluation of TiZr alloy implants: an in vivo study in the rabbit. Clin Implan...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Yamanishi Y, Yamaguchi S, Imazato S, Nakano T, Yatani H. Influences of implant neck design and implant–abutment joint type on peri-implant bone stress and abutment micromovement: three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dent Mater. 2012;28:1126–33. Harel N, Eshkol-Yogev I, Piek D, Livne S, Lavi D, Ormianer Z. Bone microstrain values of 1-piece and 2-piece implants subjected to mechanical lo...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Lee TJ, Ueno T, Nomura N, Wakabayashi N, Hanawa T. Titanium-zirconium binary alloy as dental implant material: analysis of the influence of compositional change on mechanical properties and in vitro biologic response. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015;31:547–54. Al-Nawas B, Brägger U, Meijer HJA, Naert I, Persson R, Perucchi A. A double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) of titanium-13...

References : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Renouard F, Nisand D. Impact of implant length and diameter on survival rates. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2006;17(Suppl 2):35–51. Lee SA, Lee CT, Fu MM, Elmisalati W, Chuang SK. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials for the management of limited vertical height in the posterior region: short implants (5 to 8 mm) vs longer implants (> 8 mm) in vertically augmented site...

Availability of data and materials : Three-dimensi...

Not applicable

Conclusion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. The stress distribution in the cortical bone and implant body was smaller in the TL implant than in the BL implant. The TiZr alloy had a lower elastic modulus than cpTi, and the stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and implant body was also lower. The stress distribution generated in the cortical bone an...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Clinically, it is generally considered that the crown length increases proportionally when the length of the implant body decreases because of alveolar bone resorption. However, most previous studies performing FEA of short implants have analyzed them with a standard crown length [38]. In this study, the distance from the tip of the implant body to the occlusal plane was standardized to make the a...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

The difference in the implant body structure between the submerged and non-submerged implants greatly affected the stress distribution. Since the TL implant body lies above the bone level rather than level with the crestal bone, it was found that the stress concentrates above the apex of the alveolar bone, regardless of the material type. As a result, the maximum stress value in the cortical bone ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Overloading, which is one of the factors contributing to bone resorption around an implant body, can lead to complications because force is applied beyond the prosthodontic or biological tolerance [23]. It is believed that when stress of a certain magnitude is applied to the bone, microscopic bone destruction occurs resulting in bone resorption [24, 25]. Because implants do not have buffering mech...

Results : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

The distribution of the maximum principal stress in the cortical bone concentrated on the neck of the implant body. In the TL implants, tensile stress was concentrated on the buccal side and compressive stress on the lingual side. In the BL implants, tensile stress concentration was observed on the lingual side. The distributions were similar between the cpTi and TiZr implants (Figs. 4 and 5). Th...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

To validate the accuracy of the FEA model, microstrain of the surrounding bone were compared with the results of in vitro experiment measured with strain gauge [22]. In the literature, it was reported that microstrain of 59.3876 ± 24.7185 μe at the neck of implant and 17.3456 ± 12.9147 μe at the apical occurred in a bovine bone under an oblique load of 120 N. Under the same conditi...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

TL and BL three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) implant models were created using the CAD function in computer-aided engineering software (SolidWorks 2014, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, MA, USA), and they were created with reference to conical connection implant used clinically. The connection part of superstructure has a tapered 15° conical shape without any special locking ...

Summary : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

Dental implants are widely used as a treatment option to replace a defective prosthesis. In recent years, treatment using short implants, which are ≤ 8 mm in length, has been increasing in cases with vertical bone resorption [1]. It is thought that this will become more popular as the number of patients who require minimally invasive treatment, such as older patients and those with chronic d...

Abstract : Three-dimensional finite element analys...

When using short implants, fracture of the implant body and bone resorption are a concern because stress concentrates on and around a short implant. The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences in stress distribution between tissue level (TL) and bone level (BL) implant body designs, and between commercially pure titanium (cpTi) and the newer titanium–zirconium (TiZr) alloy in ...

Conclusion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions were drawn. The stress distribution in the cortical bone and implant body was smaller in the TL implant than in the BL implant. The TiZr alloy had a lower elastic modulus than cpTi, and the stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and implant body was also lower. The stress distribution generated in the cortical bone and ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Clinically, it is generally considered that the crown length increases proportionally when the length of the implant body decreases because of alveolar bone resorption. However, most previous studies performing FEA of short implants have analyzed them with a standard crown length [38]. In this study, the distance from the tip of the implant body to the occlusal plane was standardized to make the a...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

The difference in the implant body structure between the submerged and non-submerged implants greatly affected the stress distribution. Since the TL implant body lies above the bone level rather than level with the crestal bone, it was found that the stress concentrates above the apex of the alveolar bone, regardless of the material type. As a result, the maximum stress value in the cortical bone ...

Discussion : Three-dimensional finite element anal...

Overloading, which is one of the factors contributing to bone resorption around an implant body, can lead to complications because force is applied beyond the prosthodontic or biological tolerance [23]. It is believed that when stress of a certain magnitude is applied to the bone, microscopic bone destruction occurs resulting in bone resorption [24, 25]. Because implants do not have buffering mech...

Results : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

The distribution of the maximum principal stress in the cortical bone concentrated on the neck of the implant body. In the TL implants, tensile stress was concentrated on the buccal side and compressive stress on the lingual side. In the BL implants, tensile stress concentration was observed on the lingual side. The distributions were similar between the cpTi and TiZr implants (Figs. 4 and 5). Th...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

To validate the accuracy of the FEA model, microstrain of the surrounding bone were compared with the results of in vitro experiment measured with strain gauge [22]. In the literature, it was reported that microstrain of 59.3876 ± 24.7185 μe at the neck of implant and 17.3456 ± 12.9147 μe at the apical occurred in a bovine bone under an oblique load of 120 N. Under the same conditi...

Materials and methods : Three-dimensional finite e...

TL and BL three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) implant models were created using the CAD function in computer-aided engineering software (SolidWorks 2014, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, MA, USA), and they were created with reference to conical connection implant used clinically. The connection part of superstructure has a tapered 15° conical shape without any special locking ...

Summary : Three-dimensional finite element analysi...

Dental implants are widely used as a treatment option to replace a defective prosthesis. In recent years, treatment using short implants, which are ≤ 8 mm in length, has been increasing in cases with vertical bone resorption [1]. It is thought that this will become more popular as the number of patients who require minimally invasive treatment, such as older patients and those with chronic d...

Abstract : Three-dimensional finite element analys...

When using short implants, fracture of the implant body and bone resorption are a concern because stress concentrates on and around a short implant. The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences in stress distribution between tissue level (TL) and bone level (BL) implant body designs, and between commercially pure titanium (cpTi) and the newer titanium–zirconium (TiZr) alloy in ...

Sejarah zirconium

Zirconium adalah nama untuk mineral zircon. Mineral ini telah dipakai sebagai perhiasan selama ribuan tahun. Mineral zircon yang telah dikenal di era ribuan tahun yang lalu itu meliputi jargon, jacinth dan hyacinth. Ketiganya merupakan bentuk-bentuk zircon dengan nama kimia zirconium silicate (ZrSiO4). Zircon telah dipakai tidak kurang dari tahun 1250 sebelum Masehi karena disebutkan dalam Taurat...


Struktur atom zircon Nomor atom (jumlah proton dalam nukleus): 40. Simbol atom (pada tabel periodik elemen): Zr. Berat atom (rerata massa atom): 91.22 Kepadatan: 3.77 ons per inchi kubik (6.52 gram per cm kubik) Fase pada suhu kamar: Solid Titik leleh: 3,362 grad Fahrenheit (1,850 grad Celsius) Titik didih: 7,952 F (4,400 C) Jumlah isotop natural (atom dari elemen yang sama dengan juml...