Figure 6. Bone to implant contact (BIC) values (%) for commercial and modified implants in osteoporotic (OVX) rabbits after 15 and 30 days of implantation. Vertical lines represent standard deviations
Figure 6. Bone to implant contact (BIC) values (%) for commercial
author: Oscar G Bodeln,Celia Clemente,Miguel Angel Alobera,Soledad Aguado-Henche,Mara Lorenza Escudero, Mara Cristina Garca Alonso | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Serial posts:
- Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants
- Background : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants
- Methods : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (1)
- Methods : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (2)
- Methods : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (3)
- Methods : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (4)
- Methods : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (5)
- Results : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (1)
- Results : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (2)
- Results : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (3)
- Discussion : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (1)
- Discussion : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (2)
- Discussion : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants (3)
- References : Osseointegration of TI6Al4V dental implants
- Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the classification of experimental animals in groups
- Figure 2. Transcortical osteotomy with Ti6Al4V implant inserted in the tibia bone
- Figure 3. SEM image of the surface of control commercial Ti6Al4V dental implants
- Figure 4. SEM image of the nanoroughness of the oxidized surfaces on control Ti6Al4V dental implants after 700 °C for 1 h
- Figure 6. Bone to implant contact (BIC) values (%) for commercial
- Table 1 Chemical analysis by EDAX of the surface of Ti6Al4V commercial implants
- Table 2 Mean (grammes per square centimetre) and standard deviations
- Table 3 Means and standard deviations of the bone mineral density