Three-dimensional finite element analysis, FEA, Displacement, Stress distribution, Reproducibility, Validity
Figure 8. Displacement in the buccolingual direction (x-axis). (a) The contact model and (b) the fixation model. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
author: Miyuki Omori, Yuji Sato, Noboru Kitagawa, Yuta Shimura, Manabu Ito | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

Figure 8. Displacement in the buccolingual direction (x-axis). (a) The contact model and (b) the fixation model.
Serial posts:
- Abstract : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Background : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [1]
- Background : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [2]
- Methods : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [1]
- Methods : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [2]
- Methods : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [3]
- Methods : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [4]
- Results : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [1]
- Results : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [2]
- Results : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [3]
- Discussion : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [1]
- Discussion : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [2]
- Discussion : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [3]
- Discussion : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [4]
- Discussion : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [5]
- Conclusions : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Abbreviations : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- References : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [1]
- References : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [2]
- References : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [3]
- References : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model [4]
- Acknowledgements : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Author information : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Additional information : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Rights and permissions : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- About this article : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 1 Mechanical properties of the materials used in the FEA : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 2 Coefficients of variation in implant displacement under loading conditions : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 3 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the buccolingual direction [x-axis]) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 4 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the mesiodistal direction [y-axis]) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 5 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the inferior-superior direction [z-axis]) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 6 Three-way ANOVA (equivalent stress) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Table 7 Coefficients of variation for equivalent stresses : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model
- Figure 1. An artificial mandible. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 2. Three implants were embedded in an artificial mandible. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 3. An experimental model. (a) Buccal loading, (b) central loading, and (c) lingual loading are shown. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 4. An experimental model loading test. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 5. An FEA model. (a) Buccal loading, (b) central loading, and (c) lingual loading are shown. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 6. Implant displacement under loading conditions. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 7. The displacement of the three implants. (M) Mesial side, (D) Distal side, (B) Buccal side, and (L) Lingual side are shown. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 8. Displacement in the buccolingual direction (x-axis). (a) The contact model and (b) the fixation model. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 9. Displacement in the mesiodistal direction (y-axis). (a) The contact model and (b) the fixation model. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 10. Displacement in the inferior-superior direction (z-axis). (a) The contact model and (b) the fixation model. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 11. The distribution of equivalent stress (MPa) around the first molar. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant
- Figure 12. Equivalent stresses at (a) the neck and (b) the tip of the implant. : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implant