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Table 4 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the mesiodistal direction [ y -axis]) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model

Table 4 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the mesiodistal direction [y-axis]) : A biomechanical investigation of mandibular molar implants: reproducibility and validity of a finite element analysis model

author: Miyuki Omori, Yuji Sato, Noboru Kitagawa, Yuta Shimura, Manabu Ito | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID
Source Sum of squares df Mean squared F value p value
Contact model
 A: Observed area 116.630 1 116.630 197.889 0.005**
 B: Dental formula 109.456 2 54.728 171.628 0.000**
 C: Loading points 2.544 2 1.272 10.139 0.027*
Fixation model
 A: Observed area 26.825 1 26.825 695.121 0.001**
 B: Dental formula 48.534 2 24.267 323.554 0.000**
 C: Loading points 0.406 2 0.203 1.945 0.257

Table 4 Three-way ANOVA (displacement in the mesiodistal direction [ y -axis])

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